Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3534: Whale Swallowing World

Gu Yuan Tianjun’s majestic shouts seemed to contain the power of heaven and earth.

The misty Shui Ninghan instantly regained clarity.

"Yeah, without going through a hundred tribulations and nine deaths, how can I inherit the background of that long time?"

"I can't die yet, I still have things to do, even if I'm tired, even if... Give everything I have."

"I want to live."

Shui Ninghan's eyes suddenly became cold.

"Tianshui shuttles."

Shui Ninghan's body was still in a flying state, and suddenly grasped his palm.

A sky water vortex appeared out of nowhere, and it was instantly sucked in.

The sword that Xiao Yi ran away and fell, also instantly cut through.

In the distance, Gu Yuan Tianjun breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, Shui'er recovered his fighting spirit and got rid of his fear."

"In the sea to the east is her territory. With the sky water shuttle, she will have no alternative."

There is a vast expanse of the sea to the east, vast and endless, wherever it can travel through heaven and water.

As long as she can find an opportunity, there is a gap between them, and she can escape.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi cursed secretly after a sword cut through the air.

He had known for a long time that Yu Shui Ninghan was easy to defeat and hard to kill.

"Fortunately, I was prepared." Xiao Yi squinted and yelled, "Fall."


In the distant waters, a melodious sound suddenly erupted, and the sound was endless, and the sound spread to the entire east sea.

A giant beast spanned the entire world.

How big is that behemoth? Miles? One hundred thousand miles? No, there are millions of miles.

The giant beast appeared, followed by Ang Yinsheng, and the sea below the battlefield instantly became a huge vortex of endless raging.

The square space is suddenly distorted.

Gu Yuan Tianjun's expression suddenly changed, "Devil whale talent, whale swallowing heaven and earth?"


There was an explosion on the sea below, and Shui Ninghan, who had disappeared out of thin air, burst out of the water; no, that posture looked more like a strange and powerful suction sucking it out.

"Devil whale talent, whale swallowing heaven and earth?" Shui Ninghan just appeared, steadying his figure, and looking at the behemoth in the distance, his expression also changed drastically.

It was a huge demon whale, seemingly illusory but solid, and its mouth widened.

That was transformed by the demon whale clan and countless sea beasts.

"You..." Shui Ninghan looked at Xiao Yi with an ugly expression.

At this moment, she understood.

Those magic whale clan and endless sea beasts that have blocked the sea area behind have set up a large array to block the sea area.

It's not those big formations that block the sea, but those big formations and endless sea beast powers to inspire the talents of the demon guardian beast demon whale clan.

Swallowing the world, this space method is completely sealed off.

Xiao Yi, knowing her well, had already calculated everything.

There is nothing to do with her sky water whirlpool.

"There is no escape, then you can fight hard." Shui Ninghan's eyes were cold, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was amazing.



High in the sky, the battle broke out, just as before.

Another short few minutes passed.

For Gu Yuan Tianjun and Shui Ninghan, it was like a nightmare.

That kind of frantic battle that never stopped during the rampage, the kind of crisis that was infinitely close to death again and again, made people crazy.

Gu Yuan Tianjun became more frightened as he fought.

"How long has it passed? This kid has grown to this point?"

Yes, in fact, it hasn't been long since the battle of Jiuhuang.

Xiao Yi, it seems that his cultivation base has not been improved a few times; but his combat power has been increasing at an alarming rate.

"This son must never be left." Gu Yuan Tianjun said inwardly with cold eyes.

"Even if you are struggling to receive the woman's anger, you must get rid of this child."


After a minute or two.

For Gu Yuan Tianjun and Shui Ninghan, it was almost the end of the nightmare.

The end is imminent, but it is also the most terrifying time of the nightmare.

Gu Yuan Tianjun gritted his teeth, but sneered, "Xiao Yi, you have no chance."

"Ten minutes is coming."

"Jiuxiao Sword Lord can't hold it, the Guardian of the East China Sea can't hold it, and you...also can't hold it."


"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Sword Lord Jiuxiao gritted his teeth, still trapped Wuheitianjun, but his face was already pale and his breath was extremely weak.

He just has the ability to step into the invincible monarch realm for a short time, and he can barely fight the heavenly monarch level.

Now he is only relying on the Heaven Sword secret method and the Nine Killing Sword Formation to forcefully trap Wu Hei Tianjun.

But ten minutes is his limit.

The same is true for the crystal on the other side.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi." Crystal gritted his teeth and looked at Xiao Yi.

There is no whirlpool under his feet, and the speed of circulation has slowed down, and he can't hold Bei Yin Tianjun for long.


"There is one last minute." Gu Yuan Tianjun broke out in flames with both hands, blocked Xiao Yi's attack, sneered, and glanced at the star and Luo dense cloth.

At this time, the five-hundred stars of Ben Xing Luo densely covered, already burst 90%.

There are only a few dozen stars left.

Yes, ten minutes is not only the time for the Nine Heavens Sword Lord and Crystal to stop the two heavenly monarchs, but also the time for Xiao Yi to explode and now fight.

The ‘quality’ of the Supreme Spirit Vessel gave him a combat power that surpassed the last nine wilderness battles.

But the ‘quantity’ of the five hundred spiritual veins was enough for him to consume ten minutes.

"The Sky Swallowing Demon Whale clan is almost unable to hold it." Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered more and more.

The talent of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Whale clan can at most last about the same time.

"In one minute, not only will you not be able to kill Shuier, you will no longer be able to stop her from traveling."

"Now put down the sword, the old man can give you a good time." Gu Yuan Tianjun's eyes were cold, and he didn't mention the previous promises and conditions, but directly said, ‘give me good’.

Xiao Yi remained silent, his figure still walking away.

Stars are still exploding, and the attacks of the invincible monarch realm continue one after another.


One minute is not too long.



On the side of Sword Master Nine Heavens, the eight heavenly swords were already shattered every inch.

With a palm of Wu Hei Tianjun's body, the formation of nine kills collapsed instantly.

"Puff." Sword Master Jiuxiao spouted out blood.


On the crystal side, the six huge crystals suddenly "melted" continuously.

Yes, it melts.

There is no whirlpool under the feet, and it has completely disappeared.

"Not good." Crystal's face changed suddenly.

Bei Yin Tianjun smiled coldly, and the surrounding area had already become cloudy and wind blowing, and even the six celestial crystals that were too weak were melting.

Bang... bang... bang...

On Xiao Yi's side, the continuous burst of stars was also coming to an end.

"Xiao Yi, you are defeated." Shui Ninghan sneered triumphantly.

She, after all, survived and survived.

"Really?" Xiao Yi's eyes stunned, and he ran away in an instant.

Among the stars, there are still three stars at the moment.

One is blood-red, one is surrounded by wind, and the other is like two sharp fangs.

"Take it with your hands." Gu Yuan Tianjun looked at Xiao Yi who struck, and shouted violently. Just like before, he slapped out a palm, and the dragon was surging in his palm.

"Shuangfangxing, burst." Xiao Yi yelled coldly, with a ferocious color in his voice.


The sound of sword ming, the sound of sword penetration, the sound of sword boom.

The majesty on Gu Yuan Tianjun's face stopped abruptly, he lowered his head in disbelief and looked at his chest.

On the chest, a sharp sword is already wearing.

Tick...a drop of blood, overflowing from Gu Yuantian's mouth, dripping down the sword.

"How... maybe..." Gu Yuan Tianjun looked incredulous.

Xiao Yi sneered, the purple light shook, and Gu Yuan Tianjun was bombarded with blood, and the sky was stained with blood.

Double tooth star, known as the strongest star, the most attacking star among thousands of stars.

"Blood brake star, burst."

"Jiefengxing, burst."

Xiao Yi yelled violently, and his ferocious eyes instantly fell on Shui Ninghan.


Third more.

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