Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3541: The hiding place of the water girl

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, "I haven't seen her for a few years, but Miss Lin Lang has seen a lot of things."

Xiao Yi looked at it a few times and nodded.

"Yes, according to the cultivation level of Miss Lin Lang, she is probably the strongest person in the young generation of Tianzang Academy except for Dean Gu."

When Huo Linlang heard this, the complexity on her face turned into a low.

Yes, the man in front of her looked at her eyes, always looking at her like a friend or like a strong senior, and commenting on her martial arts cultivation.

Like a senior martial artist, with a look of admiration, he nodded and said "Yes".

"Let's go." Xiao Yi didn't wait for Huo Linlang to answer, and walked away completely.


Xiao Yi went to the nearby main hall to issue a general order, and then went on to clean up evil all the way.

Dean Huo’s request for sending a letter was just an episode.

As the dean of the academy of this generation, Gu Feifei is not only the dean, but also because of his youth and strength, he is the king of the academy.

The disciples of the Academy are missing frequently in foreign affairs, and his dean goes out to investigate, which is his duty.

Now, even he is missing?

No, this matter is also related to Shui Ninghan.

Of course, Xiao Yi has issued a general order to find people, and the main halls and branch halls of the Central Region will help to find them.

He was pursuing cultivating evils all the way, and he must pass through various regions along the way, and he must also use heaven and earth to sense and explore.

It just so happens that you can also look for Gu Feifan by the way.


A few days later.

Xiao Yi's speed of clearance and suppression was about the same as before.

A few days, enough time for him to wipe out nearly 100 areas.

Of course, this refers to areas with evil cultivation; the areas he has crossed and perceived are more than a thousand.

"Here..." At this moment, Xiao Yi went to another place.

"This is the Beiyin area."

The Beiyin area is so named because it has a well-known hegemonic power in the middle area, the Beiyin Sect.

The Northern Yin Sect, one of the dominant forces in the Central Region, but its power is still above the Eighteen Houses.

When Xiao Yichu first walked in the middle field, he had already heard of this behemoth.

He didn't know the Eight Sects back then, but now he knows it, he also knows that the Beiyin Sect standing behind it is the Beiyin Palace.

The eight sects are not all sects. Because of the different intentions of the founders in the ancient years, some of them are families of the same line, and some are sects that teach martial arts.

Beiyin Palace is obviously not a sect, but a family of the same origin.

Eight sects belong to the ancient forces, but they will also have their own representative forces in the Central Region.

For example, the Supreme Sword Palace, one of the three major sword palaces in the Central Region, has the Supreme Sword Sect behind it.

The Beiyin Sect, one of the dominant forces of the Central Region, is behind the Beiyin Palace.

On the contrary, it is the power of the Eight Sects in the Central Region, all of which are sectarian powers. They have collected Tianjiao and Martial Artists, taught martial arts, and developed power.

Many thoughts flashed in Xiao Yi's mind.

As always, the eyes of the lunar sun condenses, and the perception of heaven and earth sweeps by.

Xiao Yi had just perceived it as usual for other regions.

But now that he perceives what he has passed, what he sees, instantly makes his eyes cold, and his killing intent is awe-inspiring.

In the area, there are not only evil repairs, but also... the breath of cold water.

"The water is cold." Xiao Yi's eyes were awe-inspiring to kill.

Obviously, this is Shui Ninghan's hiding place in Zhongyu.


Beiyinzong, deep in the sect, in a primitive room.

Shui Ninghan sipped his mouthful of tea, then slowly put down the tea cup, sneered.

Although she didn't know what Xiao Yi was doing, she was able to constantly find traces of her evil cultivation, and to kill them quickly.

But at this speed, she has enough time to wait for the result she wants.

"Waiting for the day when you clean up the evil repairs, when you are triumphant, you realize that you are really helpless, what kind of expression should you have?"

Shu Ning smiled coldly.

She doesn't even need to do anything else, just wait here slowly for less than half a month.

Who would have thought that she was hiding in the Northern Yinzong, the secular hegemony of the Middle Region.

Of course she knew that Beiyin Wudi had promised Xiao Yi, and Beiyin Palace would never contact her again.

But it was also because of this that she was more sure that she was safe enough here.

The most dangerous place is also the safest place.


"Huh?" Shui Ninghan put down the teacup's hand trembling suddenly.

At that moment, the sense of prying that flashed past, I felt as if I was completely under prying eyes all over my body...

Shui Ninghan squinted his eyes, and in the next instant, his face changed drastically.

Only one person can make her feel such a crisis suddenly.

"Not good, Xiao Yi." Shui Ninghan's expression changed drastically.

After she reacted for a moment, booming... the sky over the Northern Yinzong was already under pressure.

In the North Yinzong.

"It's so strong."

"Who is the old man, dare to offend our Bei Yin Sect?"

One by one, the warriors of the Northern Yinzong leapt out.

However, these Northern Yinzong warriors did not wait to answer.

What was waiting was just...clang...a sword sound.

A storm of sword energy fell in an instant, and swallowed the entire Northern Yin Sect.

Boom... Then there was a roar.

The monstrous sea of ​​flames completely sealed off the entire Bei Yinzong Quartet.

Just a few breaths.

When the sword qi dissipated, the huge Northern Yinzong was already in ruins, and the inner martial artist was almost extinct before he could react.

This is the power of the strong.

Bei Yinzong, a behemoth that can be called invincible in the eyes of secular warriors, in the face of absolute strength, even without the opportunity to resist, it has completely become a relic of history and no longer exists.

"I know you are not dead, get out." Xiao Yi said coldly.

The Quartet has been blocked by his large flame array, and no one can escape.


Silhouettes leaped out of the ruins.

The leader is Shui Ninghan.

Beside him were Yuan Ruoli and dozens of evil self-cultivation figures wearing masks.

And... a gray-haired old man.

The old man stood beside Shui Ninghan respectfully, but he cast his angry eyes on Xiao Yi.

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi, you know that our Beiyin Sect is a force under the Beiyin Palace, so you dare to destroy the big gate and slaughter my Beiyin Sect warriors."

"By doing this, you want to provoke Beiyin Palace?"

The old man is the Sect Master of Beiyin.

When placed in Beiyin Palace, his strength and status were nothing.

However, he is a descendant of the line of Beiyin Taishang, the representative of Beiyin Palace on the bright side of Zhongyu.

"My grandfather is the elder of Beiyin Palace..." the old man said proudly.

"Xie Xiu." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly.

Yes, this old man, that is, the Sect Master of Beiyin, is evil cultivator.

Who could have imagined that the Sect Master of Beiyin Sect, one of the secular hegemons of the Central Region, was already an evil cultivator.

Who could have imagined that the Beiyin Sect originally controlled by the Beiyin Palace had actually been reduced to the evil repair lair controlled by Shui Ninghan.


The purple electricity in Xiao Yi's hand appeared out of thin air.

Shui Ninghan squinted, "It's no wonder that Palace Master Xiao Yi can constantly clean up my evil cultivation at such an astonishing speed."

"You actually have the ability to directly perceive the entire area, and your perception ability is much stronger than that of a normal warrior."

"If I didn't guess wrong, that is your Soul Emperor ability."

With that said, the coldness on Shui Ninghan's face did not hide.

"The Soul Emperor ability shouldn't belong to you..." Shui Ninghan gritted his teeth.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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