Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3547: Regret and termination

The aggravation of the old dean Huo's body has stopped.

However, he was still weak and breathless.

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Now I can only earn you less than a year of life for Dean Huo."

"The years you have lived may be just a fraction of Senior Luo, so Shouyuan backlash is far less terrifying than Senior Luo."

"But the kind of senior Luo, it's a normal time limit, and his life is not gone, but it is exhausted."

"I only need to suffer from the life of the world and earn a few years on the basis of his own life."

Xiao Yi paused, "But yours, your lifespan has disappeared, and heaven and earth recognize your lifespan for only one or two thousand years."

"So what I want to do is to offset the hundreds of thousands of years you have lived far away on the basis of your two thousand years of life."

"Now I have a cultivation base in the monarch realm, and my life is long, enough for this consumption."

"But hundreds of middle-grade spirit veins can't resist the consumption of the big array."

"I don't know that Dean Huo will have a cure for you later."

"If you don't have one, I can only wait for the next time. I will go to the Tianzang Academy again within this year to renew your life."

Senior Dean Huo shook his head weakly and chuckled softly, without the panic of the imminent end of his smile, but calmly.

"Venerable Luo, has lived for a long time, but he has lived in the dark almost all the time, entangled in the vortex of conspiracy disputes."

"He has a lot of talented disciples. In the past, there were such things as Wuxin and Longtian Wine Demon. In the past few years, there has been Wangyou Jian Mo You."

"But he was never satisfied, and he never regarded these disciples as useless."

"So even if he lives for a long time, he is just as empty."

"And the old man." Dean Huo's smile was a little smug.

"The old man has not many disciples in his life, but he has instructed countless warriors and watched them grow from being a kid to a strong one."

"The old man likes to preach the preaching and teach his profession, and never contaminates conspiracy whirlpool."

"The old man watched the little guys go from stepping into the Tianzang Academy to leaving in high spirits."

"So although the old man has lived for a short time, he is extremely satisfied."

"There are only two regrets in this life." Dean Huo also added a wry smile.

"One is the disciple of the soul emperor, who fell before he fully grew up."

"One, it's you...Even if the old man always keeps your student status, he will never see the day when you call yourself a disciple of the Tianzang Academy."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Fate and fate are wonderful, who can tell."

Back in those days, everything was like the wind.

Tianzang Academy, it was a period of his growth that was not unforgettable but had a wave of experience after all.

Dean Huo nodded slightly, "I will save my old man's life, and he can repair his cultivation base by himself, even though it will take many years."

"But you don't need to spend your life anymore."

"No one would think they have a lot of life dollars, and no one dares to say that they have enough life dollars."

"Only enough lifespan is the greatest guarantee for your future growth."

"The old man's soul emperor disciple has already passed away, and the old man can do nothing, let alone make up for it."

"You are different, the old man wants to watch you grow up without regret."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, not paying attention to the words behind Dean Huo, and only said, "Can Dean Huo's cultivation base be repaired by himself?"

Dean Huo nodded weakly, "Do you still remember the guidance of the spatial resonance that the old man said to you when you first entered the Holy Venerable Realm and first ventured into the mystery of space?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

At the beginning of the year, when he entered the Holy Venerable Realm, he really came into contact with the mysterious space that seemed to reveal another layer of mystery of this heaven and earth. It was the guidance given by Dean Huo.

Dean Huo explained, "The blockade constructed by the sky burial is equivalent to the real world."

"It will resonate with the whole world."

"Weak is not strong, so it is ruined."

"But at the same time, the heavens and the earth are endless, and there is self-recovery; therefore, the sky burial actually leaves a part of life, so that the martial artist can rebuild it back."

"It's just that everything will start from scratch."

"That's good." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and his eyes were surprised again and again, "So this is the true mystery of the sky burial."

"The way of space is its most core mystery."

Dean Huo may not have a high level of cultivation; however, if any martial art goes to the extreme, it can be said to be rotten and magical.

The eight musts of the Eight Halls are the eight ultimates.

A trace of regret flashed across the face of the old Dean Huo, "If the old man had used this method back then, he... wouldn't just die in front of the old man."

Dean Huo looked at Xiao Yi, "The old man has always favored you and always wanted you to enter the Tibetan Academy."

"But you know why the old man never mentioned to you about the dean of the academy, but directly let Feihua take over?"

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "This is Dean Huo's own business, and I am not interested in Tianzang Academy."

Dean Huo shook his head, "It's because the old man looked at you from your underfed to full-fledged growth path. You all live very hard, and the burden on your body is extremely heavy."

"The old man does not want to impose the burden of Tianzang Academy on you."

"The fetters will become an obstacle to the growth of a strong man."

"The disciple back then, because his body and mind were tied to the Academy, he fell."

"Today, Feihua also suffered from this situation and was jailed."

"The old man is quite glad that I didn't beg you to enter the Tibetan Academy."

Worry, fetters, perhaps, it really makes a strong person lack courage and countless constraints.

Nothing is without a price. When you choose this concern, you will naturally lose something.

Of course, everything will also be fair.

At least, this concern will make those so-called lost things sweet and sweet.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "No one will be without care or fetters."

"Even if it is a walking corpse..." Xiao Yi's tone was also somewhat bleak.

"Let's go, I will send you back to the Academy first." Xiao Yi's eyes returned to lightness, and he picked up Dean Huo before leaving.


The palm of the old and weak, but trying to appear strong, suddenly grasped Xiao Yi's wrist.

Xiao Yi understood and said seriously, "I will do my best for extraordinary things."

This old man, the worry of his life, is his disciples.

Xiao Yi naturally knew what he meant.

After all, Dean Huo was full of sadness, his palms and tone of voice were all trembling in weakness, "Bring the old man this useless disciple...come back alive..."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I must do my best."

If Gu Feifan died, perhaps, that would be the old man's third regret.

However, comparing the birth of the third regret or the end of the second regret, the old man obviously chose the latter.

Therefore, even if Xiao Yi said the word ‘try your best’, the old man stopped saying much and just nodded.


After sending Dean Huo back to Tianzang Academy, Xiao Yi left in the air.

The ghost came in a flash.

"Master." The ghost wanted to say something.

However, Xiao Yi was not wearing a mask, and his face was full of complex colors.

"It's the third time." Xiao Yi seemed to gritted his teeth in anger, and then seemed to press his lips, slightly weak.


Sixth more (supplement)

Update today, over.

Keke, Xiaoba is back, you all missed me.

Continue to make up tomorrow!

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