Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3549: The sky is awe-inspiring!

Bingluan sword can never be used lightly.

If used, it will represent his weakness for a long time.

As in this battle, if there is no power outburst from Senior Dean Huo, he can only use the Bingluan sword.

In the face of the nine layers of the Sovereign Realm and the battle power of the eight sect masters, without a large number of Lingshi spirit veins and the power of the Silver Dragon Emperor, he only had the hole card of Ice Luan Sword.

If you can kill and solve everything, it is naturally best.

If he can't kill it, he probably loses everything.

The cold water is definitely not the end of everything.

"There is also the power of the Lord, your silver-leaf emperor." The ghost's face suddenly became solemn.

"I advise you not to mess around. Once demonized, there is no one to reversible the supreme power of the Silver Dragon Emperor."

"Don't say that there is no emperor in these years, even when the emperor realm was rampant in the ancient years, no one can do anything."

"Once you are demonized, your human talent will be greatly damaged, and many other consequences are unknown."

Xiao Yi frowned.

"My Sovereign Realm triple cultivation base, after all, is far below the level of the ancient forces."

"Even if you borrow the power of the swordsmanship in Zidian, it is only between the sixth and seventh peaks of the Sovereign Realm."

"Do you have a way to quickly improve my cultivation?"

The level of cultivation has always been his flaw along the way.

"Normally, impossible." The ghost shook his head.

"Lord, you grew up from those small families. You are not as good as the ancient warriors, and the road to growth is far worse."

"You may only enlighten in martial arts in your teens and awaken your martial soul; among the ancient forces, there are not a few martial arts masters in your teens.

"You haven't reached the celestial pole when you are in your twenties; in the ancient forces, there are many holy nobles in your twenties."

"It is a miracle that you can equalize this cultivation level in just a few years."

"In the whole world, you are the only one who can do such miracles. There is no second person."

The ghost spread his hands and said, "Every warrior's growth has countless factors, and the foundation is the most indispensable."

"With enough background, a fool can cultivate to the sky."

"Lack of background, no matter how talented is against the sky, it is powerless."

"Look at these heaven-defying evildoers, which one has not grown up to this day by stepping on the monstrous heritage?"

"Look at this girl again, eight million year-end gifts will help her have today."


"Stop it." Xiao Yi stared at Gui Yi, "What about the abnormal situation?"

Gui Yi shrugged, "Lord, if you like, you can start to slaughter the creatures in the Middle Territory."

"Whether it is your killing swordsmanship or your magical way, it can help your cultivation soar in a short period of time."

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes, "What you said is the same as if you didn't."

"At this level, my slaughter of hundreds of millions of lives may not be able to have a significant improvement in cultivation."

"You want me to slaughter hundreds of millions of lives in the entire Central Territory?"

The ghost spread his hands and said, "Then there is no way, nothing can be done overnight, and nothing can be done without a price."

"Huh." Xiao Yi took another deep breath, no longer staring at the sky, but looking down at the earth.

"Even if I want to, I'm afraid I don't have enough time."

"What?" The ghost gave a puzzled voice.

Xiao Yi did not answer, but said, "I ask you, is the Heavenly Origin Realm the end of this continent, the strongest?"

The ghost thought for a while and nodded, "In these years, it is indeed."

"That's fine." Xiao Yi nodded.

"If Tianyuan is the end of everything, I can give it a try."

"Those **** are dead, I am also clean, and there is no more worries."

The ghost was surprised and asked, "Master, do you really have a way to kill Heavenly Monarch?"

Xiao Yi chuckled, "I didn't have it before, but during the East China Sea World War, I had some thoughts."

"Heaven is not absolutely invincible, absolutely immortal."


Xiao Yi took the lead in Yukong flying to the distance, "There is not much time left for us."

The ghost quickly followed, "Lord, are you going to die?"

Xiao Yi glared, "It's almost time not to die, wait for death."

"Look at the distant sky."

"It looks calm with the naked eye, but in my perception of heaven and earth, it's black and black."

"Did it change?" Guiyi asked.

"No." Xiao Yi shook his head, "There is no sign of changing the sky, and there is no chaos in the martial arts of heaven and earth."

"But... the entire sky..."

"The evil spirit is awe-inspiring!" Xiao Yi let out a cold voice.

Xiao Yi squinted, "Either give it a try, and get it in one pot."

"Either, I don't even have a chance to recover."


The middle area, the western edge, and the east outside.

There is no imaginary Eight Palaces, the elite and mighty, forcibly surrounded.

But there are constantly flashing figures in the air, densely packed, all-powerful.

Perceptions one after another will always cover the Dongfang Family in all directions.

Oriental home.

"Bastard." A middle-aged man furiously shouted.

"Second brother, I really don't understand. Even if you are so arrogant, I would rather watch the Badians surround our Dongfang family and let our Dongfang family's majesty be lost?"

A middle-aged person, he is the head of the Eastern family, and the Eastern Jinglong.

It is also the fifth-ranked holder of the Dragon Swords in the God Weapon Spectrum.

"With the combined strength of you and me, there is no enemy outside of the closed-door palace."

"The five major legions of our Oriental family..."

On the side, another middle-aged man sat cross-legged, his face cold but plain.

This is a thunder from the East.

"Brother, the eight chief hall masters have made this move, and it has their own meaning."

"The Dongfang Family not only has a good relationship with the Eight Palaces, but also believes in the Eight Palaces."

"The Hallmaster Xiao Yi also has a degree of action, and has his own reasons..."

"Bastard." Dongfang Jinglong roared, "Is he acting well?"

"It was his order to dispatch all the retreat hall masters of the Eight Halls to encircle our Dongfang Family."

"If you don't kill evil cultivators, it's a mighty prestige to find trouble with our Dongfang family."

"What's even more exaggerated is that a killing order was issued. If there is a difference, you don't have to pass it through and kill on the spot. He is crazy..."

Dongfang Thunder interrupted in a deep voice, "This proves that Xiao Yidian's initiative this time is true."

"Furthermore, the crisis above the Middle Territory, together with the Eight Palaces and the Xiao Yi, who is believed to have no confidence to deal with, he can't tolerate accidental rebirth, so he has to issue this order to kill."

"Smart." At this time, an old figure came.

"Father." Both of them saluted.

Coming, it's the east madness.

Dongfang Kuanglan nodded, "Thunderstorm and Taishan collapse without changing color, Jinglong, as the head of the family, you are in disarray."

"Stop it, just wait for the storm to pass."

Whoosh... At this moment, a figure flickered.

"Patriarch, old Patriarch." Dongfang Yingyun bowed, but frowned, "Second Miss, she..."

Dongfang frowned, "I'm making a lot of noise again, don't you want to live in peace?"

Dongfang Yingyun smiled bitterly, "After all, it is equivalent to house arrest. How could it be possible that the second lady's temperament would give up."

"Second Miss wants to see you, the old master."


Backyard, inside a boudoir.

The expected quarrel did not occur.

Instead, a woman under a snow-white robe waited quietly, just waiting quietly.

By the time the door was pushed open, the eastern storm entered.

"Zhier..." Dongfang Kuanglan was about to speak.

The woman, no matter how calm her face is, she said with excitement, "Grandpa, you tell me, are the rumors in the Central Region and in the hidden families now true?"

"Yu, he really... will he really become an evil repair?"


Second more.

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