Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3564: The emperor?

The most important thing today is to break the evil formation of one hundred and eight thousand days and prevent the evil emperor from coming.

Otherwise, even if Shui Ninghan was killed, he would be his powerful enemy Xiao Yi could not stop later... Evil Emperor!


The two were fighting, and the roar continued.

Shui Ninghan retreated step by step, gritting her teeth, "Sister Zhi, isn't she still trying her best?"

In the distance, Dongfang Zhi also gritted his teeth and stared straightly, "You promised me, can you count?"

"Of course." Shui Ninghan retreated and said loudly as he tried to block the blasting purple electricity.

"I can do what Xiao Yi can't do."

"You can see that no matter the evil cultivator or secret agent under my command, the evil spirit power is being absorbed by the big array."

"As long as the big formation is finally completed, Mo You will change from Xie Xiu back to a normal warrior."

"Now, it is Xiao Yi who insists on blocking the big formation and preventing Mo Yousan from being a wicked power. It is he who wants to forget Mo You, the sword of worry."

Shui Ninghan's voice was extremely cold.

Dongfang Zhi's expression was also gloomy for an instant.

But in this gloomy cold, with a smile of expectation, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"As long as you can save you, everything is worth it." Dongfang Zhi muttered to himself, gradually losing his eyes.


In the distance, the huge Baizhi flower that stretches across the world suddenly shines brightly, far farther than before.

The spiritual consciousness surging from the passage of the underworld was absorbed by the white light, and the momentum soared rapidly.

Those who originally respected the realm of breath, instantly became the monarch realm.

The breath of those who had only the breath of the late King Realm actually soared one after another.

The spiritual knowledge of the underworld is densely packed, endless...that is the monarch realm!

There is even no shortage of Nine-Layer Sovereign Realm, eight-sect masters of combat power level!

"How is it possible." Xiao Yi's perception was always covered in all directions, and his expression instantly changed.

What is the concept of a group of eight suzerain power?

It's no wonder that even the Emperor Yinli Huang said that the awakened Baizhihua is one of the hopes of heaven and earth.

With this kind of celestial ability, how can the world's crisis be unresolved and unsolvable?

"Yingyue." Xiao Yi quickly took the sword and went to help Princess Yingyue.

At this moment, Princess Yingyue was surrounded by countless spiritual senses.

The spiritual consciousness of the underworld has greatly increased and is completely surrounded, and Princess Yingyue's strength is afraid that it will be swallowed up by these spiritual knowledge and become dead.

However, it was also at this time.

Princess Yingyue's momentum increased greatly.

The breath, from the eighth layer to the nine layers of the monarch realm, stepped into the peak of the monarch realm in an instant, and the soaring of the breath has not stopped.

"Li, don't worry." Princess Yingyue fell with a sword, within a hundred miles, her spiritual sense instantly became nothingness.

"This time, I won't hold you back."

"This time, you won't be the only one to protect me."

"This time, I will protect you."

Princess Yingyue's words were firm.

But at the same time, it can be seen that her face is already starting to look ugly.

Obviously, by increasing the use of the power of the underworld, she has already begun to feel pressure.

On the other side, Dongfang Zhi also looked ugly.

Similarly, forcibly increasing Baizhihua's spiritual restraint ability, it was eventually backlashed.

Nothing can be without a price, even if it is the power of heaven.

"Continue to strengthen." Shui Ninghan shouted violently.

Dongfang Zhi had no words, but his face was completely crazy.

The light of the huge Baizhi flower in the distance is dazzling to the extreme in an instant, like the flower of the heaven and the earth, the blooming light shines on the sky.


With heads of spiritual consciousness and strength increased, they were out of the control of Princess Yingyue for a while, and crowded towards Xiao Yi.

The countless spiritual consciousness of the underworld is crazy.

They break away from the sea of ​​souls.

Originally, crossing the sea of ​​souls and reaching the other shore was their hope of rebirth.

Now, the Baizhi flower, this flower of hope, has brought them back from the netherworld to the normal world, and the Baizhi flower is their hope.

As long as this human is killed, they can be free.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi cursed secretly, and a sword blasted out, blasting out the spiritual consciousness that had struck crazily.

These spiritual consciousness, half human and half corpse, no, half spirit and half corpse, there is no other way except forcibly destroying them.

"Xiao Yi, you are determined to lose." Shui Ninghan's pressure was reduced immediately.

Shui Ninghan's face was distorted and cold, "Baizhihua is the flower of hope in the normal world."

"With your own strength, want to contend with the hopeful awakening of the whole world? Dream."


The huge Baizhi lace, in the huge Netherworld channel...

No one saw that, crossing that piece of seemingly endless, the other side of the huge sea of ​​souls that may not have been able to cross over tens of thousands of years...A series of cold and cold figures are all staring away.

A series of dark and cold figures, as if being darkened by the darkness of this underworld.

One after another, the body trembled.

A pair of eyes seemed to have crossed the distant space distance, across the sea of ​​souls, across the passage of the underworld, and fell on Xiao Yi.


The old face was shaking with fingers.

The figures next to him were also shivering, "Guo... it really is the breath of the king... it's not wrong."

Compared with the doubts in the past, this time, all the figures are full of affirmation.

"Why is the king so young..." A voice of doubt was heard.

"Stupid." The old man said excitedly, "How long has it been since the Wang broke the seal and returned?"

"The Shouyuan breath on Wang's body is extremely young."

"Since Wang Zhong has returned to the normal world, this is only a short year old, and he has recovered to such a monstrous combat power."

"Heaven and earth, who has this ability, but the king, who else?"

"That's right." The voice that was filled with doubts nodded again and again, his face full of respect.

"Huh? Those ants in the sea of ​​souls are attacking the king?" Gui Cang's eyes were cold.

"Presumptuous, dare to commit a crime?"

"When the ghosts return from detention, they will fall into the sea of ​​souls forever, suffering from the invasion of thousands of years of dark water."

The old-faced man calmed his face with excitement and let out a cold voice, "Idiot."

"The passage opened by Baizhihua is only through spiritual sense. We are not spiritual sense, how can we pass?"

"Look." said a figure beside him.

"The other one who is helping the king seems to be the awakened person of the ancient cherry tree."

"She is borrowing the power of the underworld."

The old-faced man nodded, "I don't know if she is the king's subordinate or the king's woman..."

"Wang's woman?" Gui Cang's face was startled, "Emperor?"

"It's no wonder that the king has not returned."

"I remembered that when the king appeared in the Sea of ​​Soul, in addition to the king's breath, it was the breath of the awakened soul of the ancient cherry tree."

"It must be, it must be." Gui Cang nodded repeatedly.

The surrounding figures also nodded again and again, "There are only those who are awakened by the Sakura Soul Ancient Tree. Fang Qualified for the king to see and become the emperor of our entire underworld."

The old man said solemnly, "Baizhihua is born in a normal world."

"The ability of the gods is bestowed by heaven."

"The purpose is to give the mainland creatures the power to resist the king, so the ability is to return the spiritual knowledge of the sea of ​​souls."

"Let the deceased who should have fallen back to the normal world to weaken the king's power."

The old-faced man continued, "The old tree of the soul cherry blossoms is born in our underworld, and its power is given by the king."

"So its ability can be borrowed from the power of the underworld."

"It's just that the heavens feared the reincarnation power of the king in the endless years, so life and death were exchanged, the Baizhi flower came here, and the ancient cherry soul tree came to the normal world."

"Let these two powers become the hope of heaven and earth."

"That's it, that's how it is, I understand it all." The face of the old-faced man suddenly appeared.


Second more.

The next update, half an hour later.

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