Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3589: Next time, can you?

"Beiyin Palace Guardian Great Formation." Xiao Yi squinted.

He has no doubt about the level of this big formation.

Under the support of Beiyin Wuwei's large number of spiritual veins, this formation does have an invincible monarch level.

The evil power used to attack the realm of martial arts is limited due to the vitality of the martial artist and the limited vitality of the region absorbed by the evil formation.

Of course, only limited, the magnitude of the power of this evil Dao definitely far exceeds the emperor level, and even a large number of emperor levels combined may not be worth it.

This is definitely a huge force enough to attack the Emperor Realm.

But at the same time, if it escapes, it will also escape in large quantities.

On the contrary, it was Bei Yin Wuwei's own spirit stone. After so many years of preparation, and with the help of colossal behemoths from all sides, including Tianyuan, that is an unimaginable astronomical number.

And simply used as a breakthrough for cultivation, not only will definitely be enough, but also far beyond.

Nowadays, even if a large number of spiritual veins are used to lay out the protective array, it is obvious that there will still be far enough spiritual veins to consume for their own cultivation.

In addition.

Although Beiyin Wuwei didn't have the kind of means that could fully pour the spirit veins into explosive combat power, it was only half of the world's soul sea.

But this kind of guarding the palace is another matter.

Of course, this big formation is far inferior to the guarding palace that is really in Beiyin Palace.

But purely as a defensive formation, with the support of a large number of spiritual veins, it is indeed amazing.

Before he walked out of this big formation himself, I am afraid that only the invincible monarch realm combat power could forcefully break this big formation.

Xiao Yi squinted and scanned.

On the main line, Bei Yin Wuwei was in front of him, Shui Ninghan did not move, only locked Xiao Yi tightly.

If Xiao Yi doesn't move, she is happy to delay time like this.

Of course, Xiao Yi obviously wouldn't be inactive.


Purple electricity in his hand came out instantly.

"Stop him." Shui Ninghan shouted violently.

That mysterious sword repair shot instantly.

Step... step...

Two footsteps sounded at the same time.

The mysterious sword repair was instantly stopped in front of Xiao Yi.

But it was also an instant, Xiao Yi stepped out, and at the moment of unabated speed, he passed the mysterious sword repair in an instant.

After a moment, Xiao Yi glanced at the mysterious sword repair, and a playful smile crossed the corner of his mouth.

He was able to cross this mysterious sword repair long ago, and from the moment when the main formation rescued Ye Liu, this mysterious sword repair could no longer stop him.


The same method will not work for Xiao Yi a second time.

This mysterious sword repairer can fight him, but if you stop it, it is impossible.

Xiao Yi jumped over in an instant, and then ignored the cold water, and went straight to Beiyin to do nothing.

"You are looking for death." Shui Ninghan burst out with a palm.

Xiao Yi turned a deaf ear to his ears, and the purple electricity in his hand instantly disappeared, replaced by an extremely cold heaven and earth magic weapon...Bingluan sword!

Yes, he would use the invincible power of the Bingluan Sword to directly split this large formation, even if it would only be a crack, it would be enough for him to enter the formation and then kill Shui Ninghan.

However, Bingluan Sword has no increase in strength.

Unless it is fighting back and taking advantage of the strength of the Bingluan sword, otherwise, this will only be a single sharp magic weapon.

And once Zidian's increase is gone, his strength will drop instantly.

Therefore, he had to change the Purple Lightning Divine Sword for the Bingluan Sword before going straight to the big formation after he had crossed the mysterious sword repair first.

Qiang... Xiao Yi struck down with a sword.

Boom... At the same time, Shui Ninghan's palm was already blasted.

With Xiao Yi not evading or resisting, this palm hit Xiao Yi's back heavily.

Xiao Yi overflowed with blood.

But Xiao Yi didn't bother, as long as he split the big formation and killed Beiyin Wuwei, everything would naturally end.

However, it was also at this instant that Xiao Yi's sword struck, but before he could even touch the guard, he was blasted back with an astonishing momentum.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi's expression changed.

In the distance, Beiyin Invincible shouted, "I said, there is no flaw in the guardian formation of Beiyin Palace."

"Except for absolute strength, you can't even get close to the edge of the big formation, let alone split the formation with a sword."

"Huh." Shui Ninghan grinned with a cold smile.

Shui Ninghan secretly said, "For this day, my son and I have made perfect preparations, enough to deal with all accidents."

Cultivating evil cultivation for many years.

A holy puppet that cost a lot of money.

As well as cultivating secret agents who have spent a lot of training resources for many years.

All this is preparation.

One hundred and eight thousand days of evil formations were specially deployed in the area of ​​the Eighteen Houses, also because there are 18 evil domain entrances here.

Not only is it because of the calculation of the evil emperor, but it is also impossible to breed accidents such as the increase in the East China Sea, the increase in the center of the earth, etc., which are not related to the martial artist's own cultivation base.

Now, coupled with the Beiyin Palace guarding formation surrounding Beiyin Wuwei, everything can be assured.

No Tianjiao can display the power of the Invincible Sovereign Realm, even those who add secret methods, methods, increase in treasures, and so on.

Even if these were the most enchanting years, it was impossible for such a thing to happen, even if the Tianjiao was Yan Yi, Beiyin Invincible, Dongfang Danran, or even Xiao Yi.

At this normal age, the young Tianjiao evildoer wants to have invincible power in the monarch realm. There is only one situation, the origin of the emperor, or the absolute increase in external power involving the emperor realm.

However, none of these increases are based on self-cultivation, so they all have special restrictions.

If you must be in the East China Sea, in the center of the earth, etc.

Even if it was the power of the Silver Dragon Emperor, Xiao Yi also played to the heavens from the ninth to the peak of the Sovereign Realm. If he wanted to enter the invincible Sovereign Realm, the price would be demonization.

Xiao Yi wiped the **** corner of his mouth, and Shui Ninghan's palm only hurt him a little bit.

Xiao Yi stared at the big array tightly, thinking.

Just at this moment, a sharp sword struck, and that mysterious sword repair would not look at it.


The purple lightning reappeared in Xiao Yi's hand and stopped with a sword.

"Fighting?" Xiao Yi looked at this mysterious sword repair with cold eyes.

"Scared?" The mysterious sword repairer sneered.

Xiao Yi's face was cold, "The moment that ego can get past the block of your body skills, you should know that I already know who your **** is."

"Now that time is limited, do you have to have trouble with me?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." The mysterious sword repair made a sharp bang.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth, did not hit the Zidian side in his hand, and easily avoided the sword on the side of the figure.

Suddenly, the mysterious swordsman had a heavy sword shadow, "I see how many swords you can hide."

Xiao Yi sneered, still no sword, only figure moved around, avoiding everything.

"If I don't want to fight with you, you won't even have a chance to let me make a sword."

The eyes of the mysterious sword repairer were instantly angry, "If you don't fight, you will fight timidly, or you will lose."

"You deserve to be a sword repairer too?"

With that said, the mysterious sword repairer still blasted his sword, and the sword became stronger and stronger.

Xiao Yi sneered, still moving around, "Swords are never just going forward."

"Whether the sword is out depends on your own heart."

"The direction of the heart, the direction of the sword."

"Now that your sword is at odds with your heart, you don't deserve to be a sword repairer."

Hearing the words of the mysterious sword repairer, anger broke out in his eyes instantly, "Lao Tzu is where the heart goes and where the sword goes."

"The heart wants to defeat you, the sword points to you."

Qiang...The mysterious sword repairer suddenly had a sharp sword intent. This would kill a sword and take Xiao Yi's head straight away.

Xiao Yi did not move. After a breath, the mysterious sword repaired the sharp sword two steps away from his side, and then he stepped out abruptly.

A fierce sword that can kill Xiao Yi's face.

Xiao Yi's figure instantly looked at each other before the mysterious sword repair, less than an inch apart.

"Can you fight again next time?" Xiao Yi asked with a chuckle.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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