Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3594: Heartbreak


Shui Ninghan's face stagnated.

She absolutely didn't believe that there was a man in the world who could see her like this, this unconcealed body was unmoved.

Not to mention the indifferent expression, ‘what are you doing? ’.

Shui Ninghan was shocked for a few seconds, then reacted and chuckled, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, really surprised the little girl."


Shui Ninghan's pair of fibrous hands stretched out between Xiao Yi's neck and slowly buckled.

Xiao Yi could already feel the coldness and smoothness of his neck.

"You dare not move me." Xiao Yi frowned.

"You know the strength of my sword heart, and you know that I also practice illusion."

"With a little change, I can find the flaws in this dream world."

"And even a slight flaw, enough for me to condense my eyes in an instant, enough for your dream world to collapse and collapse."

"Chuck." Shui Ninghan smiled, with his head resting on Xiao Yi's sturdy chest, "When did they say that they would kill you, hurt you, and deal with you."

With that said, Shui Ninghan's bare hand clasped between Xiao Yi's neck was moved lightly.

Xiao Yi's robes eased.

With a soft rustling sound, Xiao Yi's son's suit was taken off.

"You..." Xiao Yi was surprised.

Shui Ninghan has already threw him heavily to the ground.

Xiao Yi's upper body was already showing a strong body.

"Tsk tusk." Shui Ninghan's body without an inch, just leaned against Xiao Yi.

A pair of bare hands slowly flicked on Xiao Yi's warm chest.

"Go away." Xiao Yi wanted to shake the cold water on his body, but he was weak and weak.

No, it's not that he was vain.

But in front of Shui Ninghan's invincible Sovereign Realm's combat power, he looked incomparable.

Xiao Yi clenched his fist.

But those bare hands were faster than his speed, clasped his wrists tightly, and fell to the ground.

And obviously, when Shui Ninghan's hands were pressed on Xiao Yi's hands...

Without the support of her hands, her body was closer to Xiao Yi's chest.

Xiao Yi could even feel the indescribable softness.

"Is it crazy?" Xiao Yi's face turned dark.

"Chuck." Shui Ninghan smiled triumphantly, staring at Xiao Yi closely.

The two pairs of eyes are no more than half an inch apart; the two faces are almost close.

Even, they can feel each other's warm nose.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi should save some effort." Shui Ninghan smiled triumphantly.

"Do you know why people say I can make a statement about life and death?"

"Because in the dream world I built, I am the sky, and I can do whatever I want."

Yes, in this dream world, Shui Ninghan has absolute control.

Not to mention that Xiao Yi is just normal combat power, even if the same invincible monarch realm combat power can erupt, as long as this illusion is not broken, it will be helpless.

"Hey." Shui Ninghan's face was stunned and...provocative at this moment.

"The Saint Moon Sect saint is not here today. In this dream world, I also give you... the ability to do whatever you want!"

Words fall.

Shui Ninghan had already actively entangled Xiao Yi.

A pair of plain hands wandered on Xiao Yi's strong body.

"Hey." After a while, Shui Ninghan could already feel Xiao Yi's undulating chest and the increasingly hot breath.

"It seems that Palace Master Xiao Yi doesn't really have no desire for female sex."

"This world will only belong to us in the future, and I will let you ask for it..."

Shui Ninghan's voice was extremely soft.

The body no longer fell on Xiao Yi's chest, but slowly sat up.

Obviously, there was a trace of pain on Shui Ninghan's face.

Xiao Yi was already extremely angry.

Below the world.

Only these two.

One, lying on the ground, unable to move.

One, the body ups and downs...


Time... I don't know how long has passed.

That ups and downs, and I don’t know how long it lasted.

I saw, Xiao Yi's face was cold.

But Shui Ninghan was already sweating profusely, and the fragrant sweat drenched his hair, and the beads of sweat covered Bai Zhe's body.

"It's not alright, is it so powerful..." Shui Ninghan said to himself unconsciously, his expression a little incredulous.

Xiao Yi's face became increasingly angry and cold.

Shui Ninghan has feelings for him? Cheap him for nothing?

No, if there is, it will be fatally cheap.

This is simply destroying the heart.

Shui Ninghan couldn't kill him, couldn't hurt him, what he could do was to completely leave him in this dream world, and let him fall into this world.

Thousands of swords, corpses, arms and other torture, I am afraid that Xiao Yi's heart will not be damaged.

But... the heart wound is deadly enough.

In his heart, it seems that there will always be only the saint, no other woman.

Now, it was not the saint who was sitting on him, but the woman he wanted to kill the most and hated him.

Of course, she may also be extremely confident in herself, confident that her ‘charm’ is enough to keep him in this world forever?

"For the son, I can give everything." Shui Ninghan thought to himself.

This Palace Master Xiao Yi always only eats soft but not hard.

Whether it was the fall of "Wen Rou Xiang", or Jian Xin's injury caused by the conflict in her heart, it was enough for her to accomplish today's purpose.


Time, again I don’t know how long has passed.

Shui Ninghan was already out of breath, limp on Xiao Yi's chest.

"How many days, finally..." Shui Ninghan gasped.

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and pushed Shui Ninghan away.

The Qiankun Ring in his hand flashed, and he put on a suit of the son.


The surrounding space suddenly collapsed.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, then glanced at Shui Ninghan, and sneered.


Xiao Yi didn't hesitate, the purple light in his hand appeared out of thin air.

Ka Ka Ka... violent thunder, instantly piercing the space.

The surrounding world suddenly returned to normal.

Above the main formation, Bei Yin Wuwei was still sitting cross-legged.

In all directions, the weak and fallen Tianjiao were still there, and the distant Beiyin Wudi and Mo You were still fighting fiercely.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yi secretly said.

In the dream world, it seems that many days have passed, but in the normal world, I am afraid it will only take a few breaths.


Xiao Yi didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately went straight out with his sword.

Whoosh...A blue streamer came first, blocking Beiyin Wuwei.

The blue streamer is cold.

Shit... Zidian, the sword didn't stop, and instantly penetrated Shui Ninghan's body.

"You..." Shui Ninghan's eyes were unbelievable.

There is still weakness on his face and sweat in his hair.

"Puff." Shui Ninghan spewed out a mouthful of blood, glanced at the purple electricity that penetrated his body, and looked at Xiao Yi coldly.

There was sadness and despair in the beautiful eyes.

"You're so cruel..." Shui Ninghan gritted the blood between his teeth and let out a weak voice.

If you change someone else, you will show such an expression of grief and anger when facing the stunning woman who has just been tossing with yourself for a long time. Hearing this ‘so ruthless’, you will surely be moved.

However, Xiao Yi's face was still indifferent, and the sword was pulled out.


One sword fell again.

This sword, full of blood and thunder, is a full-strength sword.


Bei Yin Wuwei's corpse separated, and the vitality quickly dissipated.

But for a moment, it was already a cold corpse with no vitality.


Second more.

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