Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3596: Loss of cultivation


Qing Lin quickly cursed.

"Zifeng, sit down for me."

"That Xia Yiming, sit down too."

Two pairs of cold eyes cast towards Qinglin at the same time.

It's just that one pair is extremely cold, and the other is cold with hesitation.

Qing Lin said coldly, "What can you two look like now, just walking to the main line on crutches?"

"The demon girl can slap you all with one slap."

"If I can't help Junior Brother Xiao Yi, I'm afraid it will hurt Junior Brother Xiao Yi."

"Sit down." Qing Lin yelled coldly again, "I believe Junior Brother Xiao Yi, he has his own cares."


Within an ocean of cherry blossoms.

"Yiyi." Xiao Yi's indifferent eyes instantly softened.

In the world, only this woman can make him show such soft eyes.

Xiao Yi subconsciously stretched out his hand, wanting to hug the beautiful woman.

Perhaps, only this woman can relieve his fatigue and feel at ease.


Suddenly, his hand was frozen in the air, less than a palm away from the person.

A black air lingered on the person.

"Yiyi." Xiao Yi's face was shocked.

However, he felt that his own monstrous cultivation base strength was helpless.

In his eyes, the distance of the one-handed book suddenly stretched continuously.

Is this space stretching?

People, being overwhelmed by the black air, are getting more and more distant in their own eyes.

Is this person backing away?

Or Xiao Yi himself, backing away?

Xiao Yi's head was blank for a time, chaos.

Everything suddenly seemed strange.

As before, everything that is perfect when it comes to the important existence of the heart, it seems so vulnerable.

Even Xiao Yi's mind is still unclear for a while.

People are getting away from themselves.

"Yiyi." Xiao Yi roared angrily.

This is what he wants to roar subconsciously.

In a moment, Xiao Yi only felt that his body could move, and the figure of people retreating in the distance had stopped.


Without thinking, Xiao Yi quickly leaped in the direction of the person.

But far away, it was darkness.

However, the place where the human child is, is the place where he does not frown even if the sword is in the mountains and the sea. The so-called darkness, there is no fear.

Whoosh... step...

Xiao Yi finally fell in front of Ren'er, but his body trembled again.

What kind of world is this film?

Behind Xiao Yi, there was a ray of light, like a normal heaven and earth, and a clear sky.

Behind Yiyi, there was darkness, like a huge black screen, no, it was a dark world at all.

The position where the two are standing is exactly at the junction of darkness and light.

"Cut." Xiao Yi gave a light spit, stretched out one hand, and did not hesitate to enter the darkness, and pulled him past.

But at the same time, Xiao Yi frowned again.

When he stretched his hand into the darkness, his cultivation and vitality were quickly absorbed.

The realm of martial arts, at a speed visible to the naked eye, continues to decrease and decrease.

Xiao Yi frowned, then chuckled slightly, "If the price of dispelling the darkness for you is the strength of my body, it is worth it."

Xiao Yi pulled the man out without hesitation.

One body's cultivation base keeps falling from the monarch, holy sovereign, and holy emperor realms.

In the end, he even fell under the holy realm, only in the celestial realm.

The celestial realm, on behalf of it, will be drawn away from the path of the infinite, or...expelled!

Furthermore, there is no boundless way to martial arts.


The person was pulled out, and the darkness behind him disappeared quickly.

A vast expanse of world, returned to normal.

Xiao Yi, can't tell the truth.

Perhaps it is unwilling to distinguish the true from the false?

In the eyes, Yu Yiyi has no other world.


After a while, the darkness disappeared.

However, what you see in front of you is...

That is a small city, that is the largest mansion in the city, that... is a wonderful place where you can see a purple cloud light from afar.

"Ziyun City, Xiao Family." Xiao Yi recognized it at a glance.

"This is... Eastern Region?"

Looking back, the cherry blossoms behind him have disappeared, and what I can see... is a piece of familiar but strange place.

"This is Beishan County." Xiao Yi frowned.

He always felt something was wrong, but just about to think about it, a call came from his ear.

"My son, are you hungry?" Yiyi asked obediently.

"Should you take a shower or eat first?"

"Um." Xiao Yi blurted out, "Better go back to Xiao's house first."

"Yi'er." Inside the Xiao family, a familiar voice came from the third elder Xiao Zhong.

The voice of the three elders is always only concern.

"Yi'er." It was another old man, but his tone was stern.

Obviously, that was Great Elder Xiao Lihuo.

"Where have you gone all these years? I haven't returned to Xiao's house for a long time."

"Hmph, you are also the Patriarch of the Xiao family, why are you so incompetent?"

Xiao Yi frowned, his mind was in confusion, "I seem to have something to do first... I think about it..."

"What else do you want?" Xiao Lihuo said with a solemn expression, "There are many things in the family that are waiting for you to deal with."

"Last month, the output of family veins was amazing..."

"Um." Xiao Yi nodded subconsciously.

"The son?" Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Let's cook first, I will go back to the courtyard to eat after dealing with family matters."

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded obediently.


Evil array range.

Above the main array.

Shui Ninghan sneered looking at Xiao Yi, who was still frozen in front of her with her eyes closed.

She could also feel Xiao Yi's rapidly diminishing fighting spirit and momentum.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, how about this beautiful dream that I personally weave for you?"

"Thanks to your reminder, I can knit so perfect for you."

Yes, no matter how flawed it is, as long as it involves a person with a heart, it will only be flawed.

Shui Ninghan glanced in all directions and nodded secretly, "No one can stop the son."

"Next, just wait, wait for the emperor to come to the mainland."

For this day, they have made many years of planning and preparation, and they have absolute confidence.

The holy puppet is always just one of preparations.

The real greatest confidence has always lie in the two of them themselves.

Yes, the greatest confidence has always been on me.

The Beiyin Palace Guardian Formation, supported by Beiyin Wuwei's large amount of spiritual power, can withstand all accidents below the Invincible Sovereign Realm.

Even the ordinary invincible monarch realm could not break this shield, only the battle power of the heavenly monarch level could break.

And Shui Ninghan's body is naturally supported by a large amount of spiritual power, which is enough to construct an endless dream world, and even enough to make the invincible monarch realm powerful instantly fall into it.

This time, there will not be any old monsters involved, only the younger generation.

The younger generation, no matter how evil they are, it is impossible for the invincible monarch realm to appear.

Two of them, each holding the hole cards, is also the biggest hole card, one defense and one attack, perfect, enough to deal with everything.

Of course, Xiao Yi is the exception, the miracle creator.

He broke the unexpected limit that the younger generation could not have the power of the invincible monarch, and he broke through Bei Yin Wuwei's guard.

But, can he also break another hole card?

Perhaps it will work.

But... in the limited time now?


First more.

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