Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3611: Should be the fate?

Wind brake main hall.

In the main study room of the main hall.

Xiao Yi took a mouthful of tea and waited quietly.

Not long after, the six main hall masters, including the main hall master of Shura and the main hall of hunting monsters, returned.

After a long while, Senior Luo and the head of the Soul Palace main hall returned one after another.

Xiao Yi glanced at the direction where the two were returning and chuckled.

"Boy, didn't you mean that you are extremely tired?" The Master Hall Master Fengcha asked doubtfully, "How come it's not easy to rest, but come to the study?"

Senior Luo and the head of the Soul Palace looked at Xiao Yi, and the two looked at the chuckles on Xiao Yi's face, knowing that Xiao Yi had already guessed where they had gone.

Senior Luo was sucking in the delirious Dongfang Zhi, and heading towards the black cloud region, now he returned empty-handed to the main hall of the wind brake.

The head of the Soul Palace was holding Shui Ninghan's corpse and headed towards Shuiguang Mansion, and now both returned empty-handed.

The main study room of the main hall originally had only one table, one chair in front of the table, and at most two or three chairs around it.

This is the main hall of an ancient hall and the study room of the main hall master. There is no luxury, no mystery and special features.

Some are just simple, comfortable and clean.

But I don’t know when, except for the main hall of Fengsha, in addition to the table and chairs, there are neatly arranged chairs on both sides of the study, exactly eight seats.

At this moment, on the side of the eight seats, on the light blue sandalwood table, eight times fragrant tea is slightly covered, and the tea fragrance is light.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "My wife made the tea."

"It's just right now, not too hot, not only warm, but the entrance is just right."

The eight main hall masters each sat down, took the tea cup beside them lightly, and took a sip.

The main hall of the wind brake asked, "It's not good to return to your courtyard. What are we doing here?"

Xiao Yi smiled lightly, "After all, the battle has just ended, and I don't need to deal with the tedious matters such as cleaning the battlefield and fighting reports."

"I'm here to see if you old guys have anything to ask me, and if there is anything to discuss."

"If not, I'm really gone."

"I'm really tired. These days, I won't step out of the courtyard anymore."

"No." Xiao Yi raised his teacup, sipped his mouth, and smiled, "My wife is cooking, taking advantage of these free time, first deal with all kinds of things that might interrupt my rest in advance."

When the eight people heard this, they didn't smile angrily.

In the main hall of the wind brake, nothing could disturb him, the master of the eight halls, than their eight old guys.

"You kid." The Master Hall Master Fengcha laughed, "I want to take some time and quickly dismiss us, and then I can act as a shopkeeper and go happy and happy."

"Good, good." The Lord of Heaven's Secret Hall smiled instead and said repeatedly.

"It's a good time to rest, Chengfeng and the boys will never disturb you during this time."

"Do whatever you want, don't worry."

"We will handle many matters in the main hall for you."

The Master of the Heavenly Secret Hall has a playful smile on the face of ‘we’ll know the fun’.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was stunned, not knowing why, but still said, "I am afraid it will take some time for me to restore my cultivation."

"After that, I am afraid that everyone will have to rest in retreat."

"I don't want to be disturbed until the cultivation base is completely restored."

"It's just a retreat to restore the cultivation base?" A look of disappointment flashed on the face of the main hall of the heavenly secret.


The main hall of Shura condensed his face and looked directly at Xiao Yi, "The old man asks you, are you unwilling now?"

The tone of the main hall master of Asura was obviously serious.

"Me?" Xiao Yi chuckled, "Why do you see it?"

From the beginning to the end, Xiao Yi was a little tired and smiled.

The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head, "In his eyes, in his tone, on his face, he raised his hands and feet."

"Yes?" Xiao Yi spread his hands.

The main hall master of Shura said in a deep voice, "No, but it is precisely this kind of gesture that perfectly conceals every minute and every bit between the gestures, and it just appears that you have it."

"Back then, you were just a hairy boy in your early twenties and a few years ago. The first to enter was our Asura and Fengcha Temple."

"How strong you are, how arrogant, don't you know?"

The smile on Xiao Yi's face stagnated, and a faint smile turned into a faint smile.

"It's a little bit, then a little bit." Xiao Yi said lightly, stretching out his fingers and making a gesture.

The main hall of the hunting demon's face was solemn, "Shui Ninghan, you have gone through many twists and turns, and repeatedly let her escape, you will kill her today."

"Bei Yin Wuwei, you have killed him for many years since the First World War of Saint Yuezong."

"The four great heavenly monarchs in the Tianyuan realm, today you abolished your cultivation base, but you failed to kill it. You just let them escape with serious injuries."

"You will be unwilling, with your arrogance, it is reasonable."

"But." The head of the demon hunter looked at Xiao Yi directly, "You have done well enough."

"These two people have been hiding in the dark, they are detailed, even we don't know everything."

"All the forces in the Tianyuan realm, including the Eight Heavenly Lord, have been trying their best to help both of them."

"In just a few decades, these two people can turn their hands into clouds and cover their hands into rain; only a few decades, they have set up this shocking situation, better than others' preparations for thousands of years."

"Along the way, without knowing the details, you have seen tricks and tricks, and have repeatedly broken the game. Today, you have completely driven them into desperation and put an end to everything."

"You are already so good and amazing that you can't believe it."

"Not to mention that during this period, Tianyuandi Realm and Batianjun have repeatedly intervened in it, forcibly crushing you with strength, and you have to stop halfway."

The tone of the head of the hunting demon palace became more solemn and high-pitched.

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Is the main hall master comforting me?"

The Master Hunter shook his head, "Not comforting, just telling the truth."

"Do you know that you couldn't succeed in all of this originally, it's impossible to do it."

"I don't want to talk about water and cold, but Beiyin's Wuwei's becoming an emperor today was originally a matter of iron and steel. It is a matter of destiny, and the heaven and the earth are all in one.

"Including us, including the evil emperor, including all living beings."

"But you did it. It's an impossible miracle."

"Why?" Xiao Yi frowned. "What is destiny? What is supposed to be fulfilled?"

"It should be what it should be." The Master Palace Master Shura chuckled lightly.

Xiao Yi frowned.

The head of the hunting monster continued, "As for the Tianyuan realm, 80 million, in the longer years, there has never been a fiasco like these years."

"The top heaven guards have suffered countless deaths and injuries; the eight heavenly monarchs, four unconscious, and four severely injured."

"Do you know that in the endless years, the number of times the Heavenly Origin and Earth Realm suffers losses is only within five fingers."

"Twice of them, once was the first generation master of our Eight Halls, and once was Senior Ice Sage."

"And these two times, it only made them bow their heads slightly, willing to retreat and willing to compromise."

"And like you, it is the first time that the Heavenly Origin Realm has suffered such a big loss, and even forced the Heavenly Origin Realm to dare not make a head anymore."

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "It's just my style of cutting the grass and not removing the roots."

Xiao Yi sniffed suddenly, "I smell the smell of rice, and I should... go home."


First more.

Update today, not finished.

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