Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3613: One year retreat

"Now, does that one have a choice?"

There was a chill in the wise eyes of the main hall of Shura.

"Little Xiao Yi is the last hope and the only hope."

The master of the wind brake asked, "How about the winner?"

"No." The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head.

"Just to say that no matter who wins, you will see him at the right time, truly inheriting and carrying the hope of this world."

"Can you trust it?" Senior Luo spit out coldly.

The main hall of Asura and the main hall of hunting monsters looked at each other and frowned.

The head of the Soul Palace looked serious, "You should know that no one cares more about this world than that."

"This world is the life of that person."

"The one who has stayed until now is unable to let go of this world that hasn't really had absolute hope."

"The old man would rather believe that the first generation will betray this world, and that person will never."

Everyone was silent again.

"Huh." After a while, everyone let out a breath and nodded.

Senior Wei Luo, with a cold expression on his face, shook his head mournfully, "The history of repeating, if it weren't for an invisible hand that equals fate behind it, could it be repeated exactly in the course of time."


The silence in the main hall master's study did not know how long it lasted.

In the long years, after all, it is reciprocating in the circulation of this world, half-bright and half-dark, the sun rises and the moon rises, and the white night alternates.

The sky is like this, the heaven and the earth flow like this.

Martial artist, perhaps can make the heaven and the earth dim, or make the heaven and the earth white.

But one day can be, two days can be... longer?

What about the long years?

Or there are.

In a certain period of time, those who are astonished and brilliant will shine brightly, making the long years too white and bright.

Of course, there is also a certain period of time when the world is dark and there is no dawn.

There are not many people who change the day by oneself.

There are those who shake the years and provoke the black and white fate of the world by one's own power. There are, but they are too few to the extreme. Throughout the whole world, I am afraid that there are very few.


As night falls, the moon and stars are scarce.

In the courtyard, the breeze blows, but high above the sky, the wind blows constantly, sometimes blowing dark clouds in the sky, blocking the bright moon and stars, and sometimes blowing away the dark clouds, making the night shining.

Is it because the wind is so unpredictable, or the cloud appears out of place.

Could it be that this is the so-called good time and place, indispensable for both background and opportunity?

"Huh." A light sigh.

Leaning on the railing under the moon, a pair of Bi people cuddled.

Yiyi leaned his back on that warm chest and raised his head slightly.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked with a chuckle.

Yiyi shook his head slightly, "I always feel that something has gone wrong since the son woke up from the fantasy world."

"Sometimes I sigh and feel a lot."

Yiyi lowered his head and hesitated, "The son...can you tell Yiyi about the fantasy world?"

"Completely." Yiyi added another sentence.

"Uh, this..." Xiao Yi was stunned and laughed, "Want to know?"

Yiyi nodded.

"Okay." Xiao Yi smiled lightly and nodded.

Bingxue is as smart as Yiyi, sensitive as Yiyi, and naturally feels Xiao Yi's mixed feelings.

"Um..." Although Xiao Yi thought, he hesitated.

If it were to change from the past, he would definitely not say something that was almost ‘looking for death’.

But now...

"Okay." Xiao Yi exhaled again, "just entering the illusion, the guy Shui Ninghan..."

Xiao Yi talked about the things in the illusion.

Yiyi's face was already flushed, but in the flushing, I don't know if it was a simple ‘shame’ color, or an ‘angry’ color also added.

Xiao Yi quickly said, "That's all illusion."

"Furthermore." Xiao Yi lowered his head, leaning to Yiyi's ear, "Compared with my wife, her body is far worse."

"Waiting for beauty, it can be said that the husband is still sitting and not moving."

Yiyi heard the words with a slight smile on his face, rubbing his small head against his chest, burying it deeper.

"What about after that?" Yiyi's soft voice came from her arms.

"After?" Xiao Yi smiled, "After that, it will be a hundred years in the illusion."

"Then those days, it should be one of the happiest times in my life."

"In the dream world, I went back to Xiao's house. Uncle Xiao Zhong, great elder Xiao Lihuo and other old guys were all there."

"Old guys, agreed to our marriage."

"We had a big wedding and lived a plain but comfortable life."

"And..." Xiao Yi smiled knowingly, "In a hundred years, our children and grandchildren are full."

"That's the factor that made me almost unwilling to leave and return to the normal world."

"It's also the reason why I finally became so comfortable."

In his arms, Yiyi's face suddenly appeared.

No wonder Xiao Yi would say such inexplicable words before.

‘All parents’ hearts are like this? ’

No wonder he looked at Dongfang Zhi's belly with soft eyes.

"Does the son want a baby?" Yiyi asked gently.

Xiao Yi chuckled and shook his head, "I've passed the addiction of being a father."

"But it was a dream bubble after all."

"Moreover, this world is unpredictable after all."

"I don't want our children to be like you and me, born without father or mother."

"Some bitterness, I know it well."

Yiyi nodded and stopped talking.

"Alright." Xiao Yi smiled, "Don't talk about it."

"I finally loosen it, but... I don't really have much time to rest."

"Perhaps, only tonight, and only tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi, "The son is going to retreat?"

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "If I don't fully restore my cultivation level in one day, I will never rest assured."

"This retreat will take about a year."

"I don't even have a complete martial art in my cultivation under this holy realm."

"To restore the monarch realm cultivation base, rebuild one hundred thousand complete martial arts, plus three symbolic martial arts."

"With sufficient training resources, it is not difficult to make breakthroughs in cultivation."

"The difficulty is that in the huge martial arts, I need to reintegrate them one by one, re-absorb the power of heaven and earth, and then merge various martial arts and so on."

"I still have a sense of martial arts, so the reconstruction after retreat will only be a matter of course, and it will be extremely easy."

"It's just that, it's like a meticulous job, and you have to take it slowly. One year is almost the end."

One year is not long.

For the old monster, it was just a matter of snaps.

But for Xiao Yi, a year is not long, but not short.


Within the realm of Tianyuan.





Four consecutive violent vomiting of blood.

The Four Heavenly Monarchs couldn't even keep the figure sitting cross-legged, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Damn it, Da Zizai Kendo is really terrifying." Gu Yuan Tianjun looked ugly.

"You can't even use the Law of Shouyuan."

The wounds of Beiyin Tianjun's whole body and the dense blood oozing sword marks made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I can only ask Yaojun to come again."


First more.

Two, three and make-up changes are at a later time, so it is not recommended to wait.

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