Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3615: Holy Moon Ceremony

"Or is Tianjun Gu Yuan still nostalgic for the position of Tianjun, reluctant?"

The Supreme Heavenly Lord looked directly at Gu Yuan Tianjun.

"Joke." Gu Yuan Tianjun said coldly, "Why does the old man covet the position of Tianjun?"

"It's just that I am waiting for the heavenly monarch to be the guardian of the heavens and the earth, how can I always be in such a weak state of severe injuries."

"Once the world is different, what should be done?"

"We have no choice." The Supreme Heavenly Lord said solemnly.

"Under this body, our combat power can be achieved by several successes."

"If the injury continues to be added to the injury, when the injury becomes so severe that the body of Tianjun can't bear it..."

"Heavenly Lord, he will die too." The Supreme Heavenly Lord vomited heavily.

Gu Yuan Tianjun gritted his teeth, "I want to see the ancestor."

"Bastard." The Supreme Heavenly Lord showed his murderous intent for the first time, "You know that the ancestors are in the dead, so you can't help us at all, nor can you be disturbed."

Wu Hei Tian Jun also had a cold face, "If Gu Yuan Tian Jun wants to disturb the ancestors, I am afraid this Tian Jun will not care about these countless years of friendship."

"Unless the ancestors summoned us, no one can disturb us."

Gu Yuan Tianjun gritted his teeth, but his face faded, "Okay, then I will listen to you, and watch what the world will be like after ten thousand years."

"Yeah." The Supreme Heavenly Lord nodded.


Tianyuan, somewhere.

The four heavenly monarchs do not see the infinite heavenly monarch, but the three heavenly monarchs, Guyuan, Beiyin, and Wuhei.

"Huh." Gu Yuan Tianjun coldly snorted, "The Supreme Heavenly King is a sword repairer, and I like Xiaoyi's little thief and other kendo evildoers."

"Of course, I still remember that we banned his disciple, the Supreme Sword Sovereign."

"He is the only one who is selfish, regardless of the rules, it will deteriorate."

Wu Hetian Jun frowned.

Gu Yuan Tianjun said coldly, "The position of the heavenly monarch, the old man can not care, retreat and retreat."

"However, if you say that thieves like Xiao Yi are allowed to wreak havoc on the world, ignore the rules of the world, and offend Tianwei, it is absolutely inevitable."

Bei Yin Tianjun said coldly, "He is a variable, and has always been a variable."

"Where he went, what he went through, disrupted a set of shares."

"But..." Wu Hei Tianjun wanted to say something.

Beiyin Tianjun interrupted in a cold voice, "No Hei Tianjun remember the look in my eyes of Beiyin Wudi, a member of the Beiyin Palace clan?"

"Beiyin is invincible, but the hope of Beiyin Palace, the best blood descendant of Lord Bentian."

"But, he was actually disturbed by Xiao Yi's son, and he actually stood on Xiao Yi's side, and he did not hesitate to contradict this Tianjun."

"Mr Wu Hei Tian also wants to see the hope of your Dongfang family, can it be poisoned by Xiao Yi's son?"

"Indifferently..." Wu Hei Tianjun's expression changed.

Gu Yuan Tianjun squinted his eyes, "Ten thousand years? Huh, it is still unknown whether he is the hoper or the world destroyer."

Gu Yuan Tianjun's eyes were cold, and there was a touch of undetectable resentment.


Zhongyu, in the main hall of the wind brake.

The night recedes and dawn arrives.

Sometimes, the darkness is terrible, but perhaps the dawn will always be the right time to shine that warmth of the first sun on all the creatures in the world.

"Huh." Xiao Yi stretched his waist and stood up without disturbing the people around him.

Walking out of the temple courtyard, into the courtyard, you can see the strange flowers and trees that Yiyi often prunes everywhere. In this early morning, it is a different kind of beautiful scenery.

Xiao Yi walked a few steps in the courtyard, and just outside the courtyard gate, the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall was shouting at the Lord Chengfeng, the Lord Tang Yin and others.

Outside the courtyard gate.

"Um...The Master of the Heavenly Mystery..." the Master of Chengfeng said respectfully.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall displeased and interrupted, "Did you not receive our order yesterday? How did the old man Feng tell you?"

"Yes, yes." The Master of Chengfeng Palace shivered.

"It's just that there are some files, which must be reviewed by the Chief Palace Master."

"After the war, he needs to personally check these reports of battles."

"Just this time, I will not disturb the Chief Palace Master Xiao Yi again."

"Bastard thing." The Master of Heaven's Secret Hall sighed coldly, "but want the old man to blast you away personally?"

"No, no...I don't dare..." The Palace Master Chengfeng shrank his head, quickly holding a lot of files, and turning away.

"Huh." The Master Palace Master snorted, "I have lived to such an age, I am not at all interesting."

Having said that, the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall turned his head, looked into the courtyard, and happened to meet Xiao Yi's gaze.

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace smirked, "Hehe, the old man came for a walk, just passing by, don't pay attention to the old man, you go happily."

After that, the Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall smiled, holding his hands, and strode away.

Xiao Yi was stunned.


The sun rises and the moon rises, a few days later, in the blink of an eye.

The sweet time left for this pair of Bi people is always so little.

The courtyard is closed outside.

Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi, and said guiltily, "This retreat is one year."

"If you don't want to, you can go into the retreat room and retreat."

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Anyway, I'm just sitting cross-legged and practicing martial arts."

Yiyi shook his head, "Yiyi doesn't want to disturb the son."

Yiyi took a few steps back and smiled Yingying, "The son goes to the retreat room to retreat and restores his cultivation."

"Yiyi will wait outside here."

This closed room belongs exclusively to this courtyard.

The two seem to be separated, but in fact they are only a few dozen meters apart.

With a gentle smile on Yiyi's face, as always, he was cute and touching.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "Then I won't waste time, I will close the door as soon as possible, restore the cultivation base as soon as possible, and leave as soon as possible."

"Good." Yiyi nodded obediently.

Xiao Yi turned around and stepped into the closed room.

Yiyi only retreated a few steps again, sitting cross-legged under the shade of a small tree, waiting with his eyes closed.


Time passed quietly inadvertently.

The cold and the heat have been going back and forth for several months, but in a few moments.

A group of'acquaintances' were ushered in in the main hall of the wind brake that day.

The main study room of the main hall.

The master of the wind brake hall looked directly at the old man in front of him, "Why is Yuezun Wusheng coming to my wind brake hall?"

Yes, this person is Yuezun Wusheng.

Early this morning, the Saint Yuezong team came to the Fengcha Main Hall.

Sage Yuezun Wu arched his hands, and said, "It's something to do."

"Next month, the Holy Moon Ceremony will be held, and the old man must come here to pick up the Holy Woman."

"Holy Moon Ceremony?" The master of the Wind Chak Palace was shocked when he heard this.

He naturally knew what the Holy Moon Ceremony was.

That was the handover ceremony of the Sect Master of the Holy Moon Sect in the past, and it was also the most important event of the Sacred Moon Sect in countless years.

This also means that the saint will completely take over as the sovereign.

"Why is it like this suddenly?" The Master Fengcha asked doubtfully, "Holy Monarch is still young, far from retreating to the position of Sect Master, retreating to the age of practicing behind the scenes, or becoming the patron saint of the sect."

Compared with those old guys, Shengjun is indeed still young.

Yuezun Wusheng said with a light smile, "The master of the wind brake could have forgotten, but now, it is the years of the younger generation."


Third more.

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