Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3627: Crush the three strong

The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm and the Master of Iron Desolation also responded extremely quickly.

"The elder retired and waited behind me, and set up a battle formation."

"This old guy is only the pinnacle of the Holy Venerable Realm, and this kind of combat power cannot last long."

"Wind breath, forbidden." The lord of the airspace burst out, and at the same time he shook both hands fiercely.

As one of the patriarchs of the four clans, he was originally the peak cultivation base of the monarch realm. Although this place was not in the territory of the empty race, he could not use this to erupt the battle power of the invincible monarch realm.

But under the heaven and the earth, the windy place is where he can temporarily increase his amplitude.

A combat power, absolutely far beyond the peak of the ordinary monarchy, almost the strongest under the invincible monarchy.

Killing a mere pinnacle of the noble realm is nothing more than a complete cultivation base of a large realm. It should be easy.

The figure of the old man was stopped in an instant, and his body was surrounded by dying wind.

The gang wind is extremely mysterious, each forming a whirlpool, wrapping around his hands, arms, wrists, feet, heels, waist and neck.

Silent Gangfeng is like a colorless and sharp rope, strangling this old man to death, even dismembering his body.

The master of the airspace made the shot, and it was astonishing.

At the same time, a hurricane of nirvana condensed in the palm of the airspace, "the palm of nirvana."

This is an absolute ultimate move.

The speed of the master of the airspace is approaching the extreme, and surrounded by a gang wind far beyond the peak of the ordinary monarchy.

Since the old man was restrained by the wind for a moment, his palm containing the ultimate move has arrived at the same time.

"Die." The master of the airspace gave a cold cry.

The old man turned his head slightly at the same time, staring at the lord of the airspace.

"Huh?" The master of the airspace shook his heart suddenly.

When the strong clash, many things can happen in a flash.

When he really faced the old man's face and was stared at by these old eyes, he felt the violent sense of death that existed within three feet of the old man and suddenly enveloped his whole body.

The old man slowly raised his hand.

For a moment of manual operation, the vortex of wind wind around him disappeared instantly.

Including the vortex of dying condensed in the palm of the airspace master, it also dissipated in an instant.

"How could it be..." The pupil of the airspace master shrank.

The old man got rid of his restraints, and the master of the airspace was completely defensive.

The old man slapped it.

The master of the airspace was shocked, and he instinctively wanted to rise from the sky.

"No space." The old man spit out two words.

Within three feet, there is no breath of heaven and earth, and the lord of the airspace seems to have become a bird with folded wings.

The palm of the old man was already imprinted on his heart.

The master of the airspace was penetrated like thin paper in the body protection of the peak of the sovereign, and the wind energy in the body was instantly chaotic, and instead rushed to his own heart.

Just at this time.

"Ancient King Kong." The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm arrived in an instant, with a punch.

On the fist, golden light surges, fiercely domineering, and contains the ultimate hot breath.

As the fist wind passed, the space was shattered, leaving a trace of flame burning.

The old man lifted his other hand and slowly stopped.


Fist and palm collide instantly.

"Huh, it turns out that it's just this little combat power." The Sect Master of the Ancient Realm sneered.

But the next moment, he frowned.

He seemed to feel that something weird was born within his clenched fist wrapped in golden light.


Before he could react, there was an explosion in his fist.

His domineering and domineering fist was instantly bloody, and a dying wind blew back from his hand, blowing back his condensed golden light.

At the same time, the old man's palm suddenly moved in, and with a backhand squeeze, the fist of the ancient realm sect master was easily twisted and blasted towards him.

"Not good." The ancient realm sect master's face changed drastically, and a light suddenly condensed in his hand.

It was a circle, and the flames were overwhelming.

The master of the ancient realm shook his arm suddenly.

At the same moment, behind the old man, dense and terrifying vines spread, like a handful of spikes, instantly piercing the old man's chest.

"It's finished." The Lord of Iron Wilderness sneered, and the figure wrapped around the old man. The strange young man licked his scarlet lips with a sullen look.

At this moment, the old man Fang frowned slightly, and withdrew the hand printed on the airspace master and the wrist of the ancient realm sect master.

Both hands disappeared.

The lord of the airspace quickly retreated.

The sect master of the ancient realm did not care about the severe pain in his wrist, and hurriedly retreated.

Upon seeing this, the Lord of Iron Desolation, who was still entwined with the old man, his face changed drastically, "You..."

The old man turned around and held the throat of the Lord of Iron Desolation with one hand.

At this moment, the Lord of Iron Desolation is half-body and half-human, with ancient vines entwined with human body.

Its body is not old vines, so even if it has lived for a long time, it still looks like a strange young man.

"Iron tree silver flower, immortal ancient vine, born immune to thunder and fire." The old man muttered to himself indifferently, shaking his palms.

"Broken." The Lord of Iron Wilder spit out in horror.

But the palm of the old man also came straight at the same time.

"Guteng Sensen." The Lord of Iron Desolation was shocked. As his figure retreated, dense iron branches and thorns appeared in front of him.

This is his strongest defense method.

The iron branches and thorns are transformed by their immortal vines.

Looks like thorns, but in fact it is extremely hard, better than a magic weapon.

At the same time, its main vines are immune to thunder fire.

In other words, the dense thorns that formed at this moment continued to cut, and the thunder fire could not destroy it.

Moreover, the immortal ancient vine contains huge vitality, even if these branches and leaves are broken, they will instantly recover.

In other words, this is almost an absolute defense with no solution.

With this method, the Lord of Iron Desolation easily saved his life from countless crises in these long years, even if it was the Invincible Monarch Realm, he could never kill him.


The self-confidence on the face of the Lord of Iron Desolate became rigid in this instant.

The palm of the old man took it straight out, and wherever he went, the iron branches and thorns instantly withered and turned into dust.

The old man's hand is simply driving straight forward, the iron branches and thorns are broken.


In an instant, the palm of his hand once again held the throat of the fleeing Iron Desolate Lord.

The old man raised his hands together, and the demon-looking young appearance of the Lord of Iron Desolation continued to grow old at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I... my vitality..." The Lord of Iron Desolation was panicked.

the other side.

Fang Gang, the lord of the airspace who retreated in an instant, steadied his figure, already spouting a mouthful of blood.

"What a terrible fighting ability..." The master of the airspace still has a thick lingering fear on his face.

Just now, if he retreated slowly for the first half of a minute, he would be full of blood and vitality, crushing his own heart to death.

At the same time, the violent retreat of the ancient realm sect lord had just stabilized his figure, the same blood spurted out, and his face was pale.

The fist, now still trembling, with sharp pain.

"What a terrible fighting ability..." The Ancient Realm Sect Master panted heavily, looking at his palm, "Fortunately, I brought the ancient diamond ring."

The ancient diamond ring is the treasure of the ancient realm.

His fist has now been stretched from the wrist to the bottom of his arm, and it is completely useless.

If it hadn't been for the sudden move of the ancient diamond ring and the Lord of Iron Desolation, he would be half of his body twisted to death.


Second more.

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