Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3637: Eight Jue Limits

The old man was instantly bathed in a golden flame.

The flame, powerless and extremely warm, healed the old man's injuries at an astonishing speed.

Everything is done.

At this moment, just wait for time.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

With his pharmacist skills, he can completely repair the old man's body and heal his injuries. One cup of tea is enough.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi said slightly.

At this time, he was so distracted and looked at the other things.

"The effect of Jinhe Shengyan suddenly increased."

Xiao Yi let out a surprise, but he was also instantly stunned.

This is the law of limits.

It defines all the boundaries between heaven and earth.

At this moment, he can make the world and all things break through their boundaries with just a single thought.

One thing is supposed to be only ten powers, but it can break through the limit and have the bottleneck of Baili.

Like a third-rate flame, it is impossible to compare to a first-rate flame anyway.

Perhaps with sufficient strength perfusion, the same power can be achieved, but the level is the level.

Now, Xiao Yi can let third-rate flames, even ordinary flames that couldn't be simpler, have the limit of becoming a powerful flame in the world.

It is also like the Jinhe Shengyan today.

Obviously its limit effect is placed there; but under the law of limits, the limit of Jinhe Shengyan's healing effect is increased by a hundredfold.

Of course, this requires greater power consumption and perfusion.

For a long while.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned suddenly and looked up at the sky.

"what happened?"

"Heaven and Earth are putting pressure on me."

Not far away, Senior Luo said in a deep voice, "Although you control the law of limits, whether you control it or not, the law of limits in this world will always exist."

"You are now counteracting the law of bounds in the old man of medicine. Naturally, it is equivalent to contending with the sky."

"But with the support of the emperor soul fruit, you have leveled the world, so you don't have anything to do with God."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "The power of the emperor soul fruit is rapidly consuming."

Senior Luo sneered, "Emperor Soul Fruit is used to counter the danger of heaven and earth, in short, it is used for battle."

"Now you, the old man of the medicine, are fighting against the sky, of course the power of the emperor soul fruit is consumed extremely quickly."

Xiao Yi curled his lips and stopped talking.

Not long.

Under Xiao Yi's eyes of the lunar sun, the old man's fragmented physical body has been fully recovered.

"Okay." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Huh." The main hall master Yaozun exhaled softly and shook his head, "Go to the ghost gate, next time, the old man may not be willing to choose to die."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "That's the best."


The undead relic fell back into the old man's body.

Xiao Yi was completely relieved.

At this moment, he is still bathed in white light.

"The power of the emperor soul fruit is still left." Xiao Yi frowned, "I seem to have nothing to do now."

"This strength will probably last a while."

"Law of Limits..." Xiao Yi's eyes lit up as if thinking of something.

"Well, I will break through the life-saving limit for you."

"The cultivation base at the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm, but it can have the lifespan of the peak of the King Realm."

All the main hall masters chuckled and shook their heads.

"Don't think too much, if possible, of course we are willing to do such good things."

"It's just that it's not practical."

The head of the demon hunter chuckled, "Now you can break through the life-saving limit for us by the law of limits."

"But once your power dissipates, and there is no more limit rule, our lifespan limit will be restored."

"Definite things, with monstrous power, may be possible for a while, but never want to make variables become definite."

Xiao Yi curled his lips, "Then I will hit the source of heaven and tell me where the position is."

The head of the demon hunter smiled, "At the end of the sky, the corner of the sea."

The Master of Asura also said, "On the top of the sky, the abyss of the earth."

Senior Luo said indifferently, "In short, the source of heaven is anywhere in the world."

"Want to fight? Wait until your strength truly reaches the emperor category."

"The power of the emperor soul fruit is about to dissipate."


Not long after, the white light on Xiao Yi's body disappeared.

With a breath, restore the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm.

"It's a pity." Xiao Yi was a little bit reluctant. Anyone would want to keep that invincible feeling.

"Regret it?" The head of the Soul Palace had already returned and gave Xiao Yi a stare.

"If you swallow the emperor soul fruit so that it can be digested, this power is enough to exist in your body for a long time to help you cultivate along the way."

"But when used to control the power of the laws of heaven and earth, the power of the emperor soul fruit leaked out, and it was consumed all at once."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "One day, I will personally step into this level, with this power that belongs to me, equal and surpass it."

Eight old guys, smiling, this confident young man, is back.

And the eight old guys also believed the young man's words.

Because this young man never disappoints.

"Let's go, back to the main hall." The master of the wind brake hall said.

"Boy." Not far away, Shengjun looked anxious, "Yiyi..."

Before Xiao Yi and his party rushed to the Holy Moon Sect, Liu Hanjiang was already gone.

The sect master of the ancient realm, the master of the airspace, and the three major desert masters have long since disappeared.

"Don't worry, I have points." Xiao Yi glanced at Shengjun and said with a serious face.

"Yeah." Shengjun nodded.

At this moment, she, for some reason, unconsciously trusted this young man who had never looked pleasing to the eye before.


A group of people left in the air.


Wind brake main hall.

In the study.

Xiao Yi once again cautiously took the wrist of the Master Hall Master Yaozun and felt it carefully.

After a long while, he withdrew his hand and nodded.

"It's really okay."

"The rest, that is, ordinary cultivation and so on."

Xiao Yi said.

The Master Yao Zun laughed lightly, "Don't worry, the old man himself is also a pharmacist, so he knows his own situation."

"Go ahead and do what you want to do."

Xiao Yi nodded and scanned the crowd, "I still want to ask you something clearly."

"Except for the Chief Hall Master Chu Yaozun, so are you?"

Xiao Yi's gaze started from the main hall master of Asura, and he scanned all the way until he glanced at all the main hall masters.

The Master Palace Master Shura nodded, "It's all the same, there are martial arts relics of the peak of the sovereign realm in the body."

"The limit is also within a few minutes."

"Exceeding it is a physical breakdown."

Xiao Yi suddenly remembered that, in his impression, whether it was Senior Luo or the Master of Asura, he repeatedly shot, although with his own power and the peak cultivation of the holy state, he could easily retreat countless monarchs. .

However, they were all shocked by the sudden burst of momentum.

From time to time, that almost invincible combat power under the Emperor Realm broke out, and it was only a flash in the pan.

The head of the Demon Hunter General Hall answered, "If it is in some special places, it will make the restrictions much less."

"Luo is in the east of the sea, and Shura is in the extremely wasteland and so on."

Senior Luo said indifferently, "Bajue are eight separate martial arts roads leading directly to the emperor realm."

"It is also the eight fastest roads to the emperor realm."

"If you can step into the emperor realm, there will be no boundaries."

"Prior to this, the price will always exist."

"This is the special and powerful Bajue, but it is also the price of Bajue.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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