Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3647: Thunder, Bu Jiuhuang

It is not difficult to imagine that all that came was the lord of the ancient monster clan standing on top of this nine wild land.

Yes, the six figures are the Lord of Thunder Desolation, Lord of Fire Desolation, and Lord of Iron Desolation who came from Lei Yuan, and Lord of Moon Desolation and Lord of Cloud Desolation who came from Lei Yuan.

Five great deserters are here!

Since the beginning of the ancient war, the three deserters of Kuanghuang, Python, and Shadow Desolation have fallen, leaving only six of the nine deserts.

Now the five great deserters are here, almost representing the strongest combat power of the entire Jiuhuang.

As for the sixth person, he is also the most powerful person among them... that face is not anger and prestige, so fierce and domineering like thunder...

"One of the four clans of heaven and earth, the lord of the thunder clan." Xiao Yi stared coldly, already guessing the identity of the sixth person.

But that's it.

Except for the moment when these six people arrived, Xiao Yi glanced slightly, and after that, Xiao Yi ignored it!

"It's really you, Xiao Yi little thief!" The Lord of Moon Desolate's face was extremely cold.

"Death to Wuyue, touch my hand with the blood of countless creatures on the land of Yuexuan, dare to step into our Nine Desolations?"

"Today, I want you to come back..."

The voice of the Lord of the Moon Desolate was extremely angry and hated to the extreme.

However, at the moment when her killing intent was staring coldly at this moment, her tone suddenly stagnated.

She could obviously notice that the young man's face was now frosty, and the eyebrows were full of coldness and viciousness.

"Huh." The Lord of the Fire snorted coldly, "What is arrogant."

"If this desert master reads it right, your current cultivation base aura is no more than the first level of the Holy Venerable Realm."

"I heard that four days after you were seriously injured, you lost all your cultivation base, tusk."

The Lord of Huohuang said the word ‘heard’, but in fact, his tone was definitely incomparable.

Since they had colluded with Tianjun, they naturally got this already confirmed fact from Tianjun.

The Lord of Iron Desolation sneered, "Although I don't know how your first-level cultivation base of the sacred realm in this district broke into the depths of the nine wilderness."

"I don't know why you can kill so many powerful creatures in our nine wilderness in just two days."

"But you came to die today..."

The Lord of Iron Desolation instantly looked grim, "The Lord of the Desolate will laugh at your life."

When the voice fell, the Lord of Iron Desolation shot instantly.

The figure, strangely disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, it had turned into countless vines, swallowing towards Xiao Yi with the momentum of the sky and the earth.

Xiao Yi's face was gloomy.


Countless vines have completely wrapped and swallowed Xiao Yi.

The countless vines sealed Xiao Yi's surroundings airtight, and there was no chance of escape.

Immortal Guteng, the magic weapon of victory and healing, once engulfed and swallowed by it, never want to escape.

But... Qiang...

In the air, there was a clanging sound.


Among the countless vines wrapped in airtight, a huge crack suddenly appeared, and a **** color flashed past.

The blood just fell.


In the vine blockade, the dazzling bright light burst out.

"Not good." There was a horrified voice, that was the figure of the Lord of Iron Desolation.

Whoosh...the flickering sound in the air keeps on.

The countless vines have disappeared.

The figure of the Lord of Iron Desolation retreated violently.

"How is it possible..." The Iron Desolate Lord retreated to the major Desolate Masters, looking at his chest in disbelief.

On his chest, there was a fierce sword mark with blood flowing.

At the same time... bang bang bang bang bang bang...

On the Lord of Iron Desolate, countless stars burst out from the body suddenly, dense and intense.

"Puff." The Lord of Iron Desolation spit out blood.

"The Lord of Iron Desolation." The complexions of the two great Desolates of Lei Huang and Huo Huang changed drastically.

In a face-to-face, the Lord of Iron Desolation was seriously injured in an instant? Depending on the situation, if it wasn't for the speciality of the old Gutō, it would be an instant death if he met him in person.

A series of horrified eyes cast towards Xiao Yi.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was bathed in a dazzling starlight, with a magic weapon glowing with purple thunder and lightning in his hand.

The magic soldier at this moment was blood-red, that blood color was extremely rich and terrifying.

How much of the blood of the strong has been collected by this magic weapon?

And the aura of essence and blood on the sword is obviously the aura of their Nine Desolate Monster Race.

In other words, what this sword is holding now is the blood of their Nine Desolate Monster Race, and the quantity is huge.

At the same time, Xiao Yi's gloomy gaze swept past, "When I come today, do you want to settle the old accounts?"

"Huh." The Lord of Lei Huang yelled coldly, "Quickly kill this human thief."

Xiao Yi's face was fierce, and a ray of light appeared in his hand, which was the Holy Disk of Heaven.

At the same time, with the light movement of the fingers, the handprints instantly knotted.


In an instant, there was a constant roar on the nine wasteland.

The first roar erupted from all sides of Jiuhuang on the edge.

In a moment of eruption, the thunder on all sides of the nine wilderness skyrocketed.

Then, like a flood, the sound of explosions spread all the way in from the edges in all directions.

The roar continued, and thunder suddenly haunted the height of the explosion point.

Looking at it with naked eyes, the sky of the Nine Desolates, from the edge, thunder rushed all the way, spreading across the entire Nine Desolations in an instant.

Above the vast sky, among the endless thunder, eight dragons swim among them.

The giant of the dragon is actually and the body is entrenched in a wasteland, what a huge dragon is that?

The eight dragons soaring in the thunder, happened to be entrenched and roared endlessly.

Only in the center area, in the wild land area, there is only thunder in the sky, but no dragons.

But, at this moment, the thunder of the dense nine desolate sky is obviously all tied to the human body above the fiery land.

At this moment, this human figure was like a **** in thunder, angrily, and the sky collapsed!

"Okay... terrible aura..." The lord of Lei Huang was shaking all over, and he didn't even notice his voice trembling.

Seeing the endless thunder that is densely covered with the vast sky in the blink of an eye, anyone will tremble and be terrified!

No matter what creature it is, facing this endless sky of nine desolations, I am afraid that it will consciously be extremely small.

What's more, what you are facing today is a person who controls the endless thunder of this huge world? No, that's more like a... God!

"That... that..." The old demon emperor was surprised when he noticed the moment the thunder rose to the sky.

"That's not the territory of the major overlord races that were slaughtered before?"

"So that's the case." Lord Lei squinted his eyes, and suddenly, "You are not only slaughtering our Nine Desolate Monster Race in these two days, but also clearing the place so that you can arrange your formation."

"It's a huge nine wilderness, you have deployed nearly ten thousand great formations."

"Now it's all erupted in an instant, and now you are in control of the endless thunder of heaven and earth."

The eyes of the Lord Lei fell on the blood-colored **** soldier, and for a moment it was extremely cold.

"Supported by the power of a huge spiritual vein, and led by the blood of my Nine Desolate Monster Race."

"Human race, you are looking for death!"

Boom... Thunder lord's body was suddenly surging, and went straight to Xiao Yi.

"Invincible Monarch Realm?" Xiao Yi's expression was cold.


Third more.

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