Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3656: North end

A group of figures walked towards the northern end of Zhongyu.

Across all the way, across the northern part of the Central Region, is the northern snow mountain.

The northern snow-capped mountains are a dangerous place that is difficult to walk for secular warriors, even those who claim to be the worldly tops who can run in the middle, and peerless peak powers.

Inside, there is heavy snow all year round and the high altitude cold wind is amazing.

It is difficult for ordinary powerful people to fly high in the sky against the cold wind and the wind, and can only walk on the snow.

But even on the ground, the snow in the northern snow-capped mountains may be as deep as quicksand, or it may be frozen for thousands of meters but hidden dangers.

There are giant beasts in the ice in the snow.

In short, the entire northern snowy mountains are like a secular forbidden land.

Of course, there is also a secular power here, the Ice Palace.

In the northern snow mountain range, only the warriors of the line of Bingzun can easily walk here.

Today, the seven figures transform into seven streams of light in the sky, traveling all the way through the wind and snow.

Flying all the way, to crossing the Ice Palace, Xiao Yi did not make a stop, and traversed hundreds of millions of miles after flying to the Ice Palace.

Then Xiao Yi paused and scanned the front with cold eyes, "Flying forward, you will completely leave the northern snow-capped mountains and step into the north, endless snow-capped mountains."

There, if calculated by the position, it is the Northern Territory.

Jiuhuang, known as the absolute forbidden land of the human race!

Endless snow-capped mountains are known as a forbidden place for life!

Yes, no matter the human race or the demon race, this vast northern region is a forbidden area for any creature.

"Monstery." Xiao Yi sniffed and frowned.

Gui Yi pointed to the distance, and said, "Master, when I hadn't practiced the Nine Turns Technique in the past, I had been to this endless snow mountain once."

"Uh, that..." The ghost scratched his head and hesitated.

"I didn't plan to stay in your human territory for a long time. I wanted to return to my meditation realm through this place."

"The entire Northern Territory, its vastness is probably a little smaller than yours."

"It can be roughly divided into two parts, one part is endless snow-capped mountains, with amazing snow all year round."

"Part of it is called the airspace, and even a place where the aura is dead, roughly a quarter of the entire northern region."

"As far as I know, the endless snow mountain that occupies three-quarters of it contains a space that connects with our meditation domain."

"And this connection point is not long."

"I guess, it is estimated that in the northern region, there is actually a more direct junction with the demon territory Saint Cherry Clan in the west."

"On the edge of the Netherworld, there is probably a huge and long arc edge, connecting the west and north sides of your Middle Territory..."

The ghost is not finished.

Xiao Yi cast a cold look.

In that instant, the ghost trembled suddenly.

He rarely saw Xiao Yi show such cold, bitter, and terrifying eyes.

"I am not interested in knowing the reasons for your past, nor are I interested in knowing about Mingyu."

"Empty clan land, lead the way."

Xiao Yi's voice was extremely cold.

"No, please listen to me first, Lord." The ghost gave a wry smile.

"Look there." Guiichi still pointed to the distance, "As you perceive, there is a monster inside, not a real forbidden place for living things."

"The so-called forbidden land is just for outsiders."

"The creatures that were truly born and inhabited in the endless snow-capped mountains would not be affected."

"There is no need to say more about the Kong Clan, one of the four clans of Heaven and Earth; but at the same time, there are monsters in it."

"When I was in the past, most of the things I saw were birds and sea beasts. Animals were extremely rare."

"One of the legendary demon emperors, the extremely cold emperor crab, is the former overlord inside. He emerged from the extremely cold ice lake, and for a moment, he was surrounded by hundreds of thousands of miles of snow and ice."

"Of course, this monster is gone long ago."

"But now there is no shortage of monarch monsters."

"Although there are no demon races at the Desolate Master level in the Nine Desolations, the monarch monsters at the middle level have a pure icy atmosphere, which is far more terrifying than the ordinary ancient demon clan in the Nine Desolations."

"Look at it again." Gui Yi continued, "Ahead, the area where the wind and snow are blowing."

"That is a natural barrier that isolates the endless snow mountains from the northern snow mountains. It is roughly equivalent to the absolute sky moat between the central and northern regions."

"The depth of that struck zone is about hundreds of millions of miles, and there is no one who can cross under the nine layers of the Sovereign Realm."

"That piece of gang wind tied the entire Northern Territory."

The eyes of Xiao Yi's Taiyin Sun suddenly condensed, and what he saw in his eyes, the windy area at the junction in front of him, was basically like a wind eye.

"The entire endless snow-capped mountain seems to be within a huge wind whirlpool."

"Yes." The ghost nodded a little, "This gang wind whirlpool came into being when it was born by the ancestor of the endless years ago."

"There are also rumors that the empty ancestor was born in this huge vortex that spans the world."

"The gang wind strengthens layer by layer in the vortex."

"If you enter from us, the wind will become more and more terrifying, and it will become more and more difficult to move forward."

"If we come out from the inside, we will be blocked by the strongest wind from the beginning."

"Under the Ninth Layer of the Sovereign Realm, there is no resistance."

"And even if you hold it, the gang wind inside is extremely chaotic, disturbing the six senses, and the perception disappears in a flash, so the creatures entering it are almost instantly lost."


Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Of course he knew that the Kong Clan was deeper at the end of the northern snow mountain, stepping into the endless snow mountain range.

However, the endless snow-capped mountains are too vast.

The entire Northern Territory is not a few, dozens, or even hundreds of regions, but a huge range of over 10,000 regions that is almost similar to the Central Region.

If you add the whiteness inside, it will be indistinguishable.

If he has never been to the empty clan, he rushes around by himself and is easily lost in it.

Of course, under absolute strength, this will not trap him, but it will definitely take some time and even twists and turns.

Therefore, the other party called Guiyi, which is why he really let Guiyi lead the way.

And now it seems that, in addition to the loss of snow in the endless snow-capped mountains, there was the loss of this terrible wind from the beginning?

The ghost said in a deep voice, "The Northern Territory and our Nether Territory have their own borders, and the distance between them is extremely short."

"As far as I know, our army of the Underworld did not attack at this exit, but chose the Demon Territory because of the huge wind lingering around the edge of the Northern Territory."

"Of course, it is also because of the existence of this sky moat. Fang Rang has the ice palace in the northern snow-capped mountains, and the lord you, the ice palace, has not been attacked by monsters in the endless snow-capped mountains."

Xiao Yi thought for a while, "If I remember correctly, the clan shrine of your ghost and monster clan, that is, the demon domain snow lion clan of the ancient overlord clan, is in the far north of the demon domain."

"According to the position, that area happens to extend from the west to the north, and then bypass the snow-capped mountains in the south, but borders the endless snow-capped mountains."

The extreme north of the Central Region and the extreme north of the west of the Central Region are the same to the north, but the left and right ranges are different.

The ghost nodded, "Our army of the underworld would rather face the ancient snow lion clan than pass through this wind barrier."

"The huge wind that has existed since the birth of the ancestor was strange and unpredictable."


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