Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3676: Underworld, now!

Murong Lingyun scratched his head, "Sword Sovereign Seven Kills, but the founder of our Murong family is the ancestor that our Murong family respects."

"I finally broke into the family heritage site, and of course I have to delve into it before I get to the heritage monument left by my ancestors."

"But after I got the inheritance, I realized that there was something wrong with the aura of the Taoist tablet."

"The kendo inheritance and the remaining power in the stele, although they exist, are extremely loose."

"The seven-kill sword in my hand, but the saber once used by the ancestors, was also made by the ancestors. There was no movement."

"No, doubts..."

Murong Lingyun explained it, his face was bitter.

Su Cheng frowned, "Our ancestors of a hundred schools, but the pioneers of the glory of the ancient martial arts, are the 100 most amazing and brilliant people in that martial arts withered years."

"Although not everyone is a prestigious generation like the Seven Kills Sword Lord, they are also highly cultivated."

"In the family inheritance area, there are generally family bans, and there are blessings by the strong family of the past generations. The ancestors' flesh is placed in it, and it will not be corrupt for thousands of years."

Murong Lingyun nodded repeatedly, "I think so too."

"As far as I know, the ancestors of my family are not the crown burial mounds, but the real resting place. When they fell, they were in the family, and they left their own kendo inheritance before they fell."

"But what I saw before was an empty grave, and there were no signs of corruption in it. No, there were no traces of burial of the corpse at all."

Su Cheng frowned and asked, "Did you tell your old man about this matter?"

Murong Lingyun shook his head repeatedly, "No."

With that, Murong Lingyun gave Su Cheng a white look, "You are stupid."

"I dug up the grave, and there is no ancestor's body in it. There must be a case in this matter. I can't explain it clearly. I can't clean it when I jump into the sea to the east."

"My old man can't give birth to me?"

Su Cheng frowned, "That..."

The words were just about to be spoken.

A figure walked straight by.

It is the Great Elder of Liyuanzong.

Su Cheng quickly stopped speaking and said in a low voice, "Let's talk about it later, I will accompany you to take a trip to the heritage site to see what happens."

"It just so happens that my old man will go to your Murong's house afterwards."

Murong Lingyun nodded.

far away.

Xiao Yi glanced at the Great Elder of Li Yuanzong, ignored him, and blasted his arrogance to the Tianjiao.

Not long.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

He found that the speed at which Mingyuan Lake absorbed the power of the envoy seemed to have dropped a little.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi wondered.

Mingyuan Lake can absorb the power of the Hades, because this place is one of the spatial connections between the normal world and the Hades.

The reason is similar to air pressure.

The space is divided into two sides, the strength on one side is weak, the strength on the other side is strong, and the natural power of the strong side floods into the weak side.


Elder Li Yuanzong grinned with an imperceptible sneer, and glanced at Xiao Yi's back without a trace.

"Fool, go ahead, you are about to die."

"If Li, you can rest assured that although you can't protect you as a teacher, you can do the last thing for you."

"This Xiao Yi evil thief, as well as the Tianjiao here, will soon be buried in darkness, and his soul will be scattered."

The Great Elder Li Yuanzong thought with bitterness and expectation.


After half an hour.

"Something's wrong." Xiao Yi's face condensed.

At this time, he could already clearly feel that the speed at which Mingyuan Lake absorbs the power of the Hades has greatly reduced.

At the beginning of the hour before, the power of the arrogant Ming Envoy could almost be absorbed for nearly half a day.

Now, for a full half an hour, only a dozen Tianjiao returned to normal.

"The reason why Lake Mingyuan absorbs the power of the Hades is that the space close to the side of the Hades has insufficient power, so it automatically absorbs and strengthens."

"Now that the speed is greatly reduced, it proves..." Xiao Yi's expression suddenly changed.

It proves that the power of the consecutive points on the side of the underworld has increased greatly, and even close to saturation.

If the power on the normal world side can't overpower the power on the underworld, the result is...

"It's bad." Xiao Yi was startled.

He is here specifically, on the one hand, to dispel the power of the gods, and on the other hand, the most important thing is to prevent accidents from happening.

There is no room for loss when it comes to the entrance to the Netherworld.

"The dissolution of Mingshi's power must stop." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

The palm of his hand suddenly sucked, and he sucked back a Tianjiao who was still absorbing the power of the Netherworld beside Mingyuan Lake.

But... just at this moment, a cold wind broke out behind him.

Li Yuanzong Great Elder Meng obviously had already prepared, and blasted out with all his strength.

The amazing palm power blasted all the arrogances present.

With his strength, he naturally couldn't hurt the Tianjiao present, but it was enough to blow away the momentum of all Tianjiao present to the lake of Mingyuan.

Obviously, it has been accumulated for a long time, and the palm of a huge amount of energy is like a strong wind at this moment.

"Not good." Xiao Yi's face changed drastically.

All Tianjiao's aura was instantly connected with the breath of Mingyuan Lake, and a slew of Ming Envoy power was quickly absorbed by Mingyuan Lake.

"Feng." Xiao Yi shouted violently, very fast.

The connection point of the two sides' momentum was cut off instantly.

The absorption of Mingyuan Lake stopped instantly.

All this happened in an instant, broke out in an instant, but stopped in an instant.

Although it was only a moment, Mingyuan Lake absorbed the power of all Tianjiao's envoys in the presence for only a moment, and the absorbed power of the envoys within each Tianjiao was only a little.

But with the number of more than one hundred, nearly two hundred Tianjiao, everyone's little sum up is already a not weak power of the envoy.

"You're looking for death..." Xiao Yi looked at the Great Elder of Liyuanzong coldly.

The elder Liyuanzong's face was completely gloomy, and he had no fear of anything, "Hahahaha."

"Mingyuan Lake has been completely opened, it is about to call, and Mingkong is born."

"Xiao Yi evil thief, the old man is not afraid of death, but he wants you to bury all the arrogances here with him."

The face of the Great Elder Li Yuanzong was extremely resentful and crazy.

The killing intent in Xiao Yi's eyes instantly condensed.

But at this time.


Mingyuan Lake, which had been calm as if it were still, rolled over in an instant.

On the calm lake, the black water surged and even rose into the sky.

This abyss, which seemed to be filled forever, erupted at this moment.

The bottom of Mingyuan Lake.

"Hahahaha." The ancient voice has become more and more joyful and excited within this hour.

"Sure enough, it is the breath of the king."

"The king is back."

"The space of Mingyuan Lake opened, and the king personally opened the entrance of the Mingyuan."

"Old slave, wait a long time!"


The entire Mingyuan Lake ran away in an instant.

Outside Mingyuan Lake.

Xiao Yi's face changed drastically, "What a terrible breath."

The world was dimmed instantly.

An astonishing breath of silence came to his face, and then it swept like a storm, covering the sky and the sun.

This tens of thousands of years of silence in Mingyuan Lake seemed to have poured out all the waves that should have erupted for thousands of years.

That amazing breath of silence, in a short span of time, drowned everything, drowned Li Yuanzong, drowned... the entire area!

After Xiao Yi reacted for a moment, the world was completely dark and cold, like an abyss.

"What...what's going on..." All the arrogances were shocked and confused.

"Illusory Realm?" Meng Piao Piao was already here and exclaimed.

Xiao Yi's face changed drastically, but he knew very well that this was not an illusion.

In the darkness, he could faintly see that above the lake, a pair of huge eyes were emitting a faint light, looking down at everything.

"Monstery? No, it's a monster in the underworld." Xiao Yi was startled.

Before he could see and perceive the truth, a strange flame emitting a gleam of light suddenly struck in the darkness at the location of Mingyuan Lake.

The weird flames swept across the sky, layer after layer, raging.


Third more.

Update today, over.

Tomorrow is the story of the complete opening of the Underworld. What can you look forward to?

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