Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3682: Human Special

As far as his current strength is concerned, the power of Li Yuanzong and the power of martial artists are completely useless.

But he could clearly feel the absolute loyalty of the Great Elder Li Yuanzong at the moment from the master and servant connection.

Although born of fear, this absolute loyalty seems to be burned in the bones.

This intense sense of master-servant connection even surpassed the connection between Liu Gui Yao and his master and servant.

"Netherworld's methods are really powerful." Xiao Yi exclaimed secretly.

Although the power of the warriors above and below Li Yuanzong is useless.

However, this ‘absolute loyalty’ may be useful in the future.

Anyway, with the master and servant connected, Xiao Yi was not afraid that there would be rebellion in Li Yuanzong.

"Go back." Xiao Yi majestic orders.

"Remember it clearly, not a single word of what happened here today."

The great elder of Liyuanzong, as if he was amnesty, got up quickly, "Don't worry, Wang, Liyuanzong will be your most loyal servant."


In the same place, only Yu Xiao Yi was alone.

Xiao Yi glanced at the fainting arrogances around him.

"Spiritual sense is wounded, and then I need some treatment."

Feeling covered, Xiao Yi nodded, "Fortunately, the problem is not big."

After that, Xiao Yi raised his head and stared at the sky.

High in the sky, eight figures stood in the air, looking down.

Whoosh whoosh...

The eight figures fell instantly.

"Boy, are you okay?" The Lord of Heaven's Secret Hall asked worriedly.

Xiao Yi shrugged and chuckled, "You see what can I do, kid?"

The main hall of the wind brake frowned and said, "Just now this area suddenly disappeared out of thin air."

The main hall of the Yandian looked at Xiao Yi, then turned around, and looked at the direction of Liyuanzong Hall in the distance, "As soon as we arrived, we saw the great elder of Liyuanzong calling you."

"Wang what? Isn't your last name Xiao?"

"I..." Xiao Yi gave a wry smile.

With such a wry smile, Xiao Yi probably explained it again.

Of course, there is no mention of the law of reincarnation.

It was a matter of question, and the eight old guys couldn't give an answer. It's better not to say, so as not to make the eight old guys worry about him.

Xiao Yi explained.

The head of Yandian almost couldn't hold back the laughter.

The master of the wind brake, the master of the heavenly machine, etc. showed their eyes as if they were looking foolish.

There was a smile on the faces of the main hall master of Asura and the main hall of hunting monsters. Senior Luo's face was cold, but the three of them also frowned slightly.

"How?" Xiao Yi asked.

The main hall master of Shura said, "This ridiculous thing, even we can see it is impossible at a glance."

"The monsters in the underworld can't be all fools, let alone be so stupid."

The head of the Demon Hunting Hall answered, "In other words, there must be something wrong."

"There must be a reason."

Senior Luo said in a deep voice, "But it is also impossible that we can find the cause of the answer."

"The years are too old."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I think so too."

"One misunderstanding and two misunderstandings are justified. After all, it is not personal contact."

"Including the failure of the law of the underworld once, the law is the law after all, but it is a rigid thing."

"This time, with so many monsters in the underworld, and all the strong in the underworld, did they admit their mistakes?"

"There must be a reason for it, but I can't figure it out."

Xiao Yi paused and asked, "The master of the underworld, the guy called the'king' by the creatures of the underworld, that is, Emperor Underworld, what exactly is it?"

"Is he a human being?"

All the main hall masters shook their heads, including Senior Luo.

The head of the soul hall said, "The old man has read the records of the archives left under the second generation of the soul emperor, and there are records of the deeds of the predecessors of the silver liao emperor."

"According to the knowledge of Senior Silver Dragon Emperor, the time when this Underworld Emperor appeared is quite old."

"Almost born in heaven and earth, he already exists."

"But no one knows exactly how he was born, and what his body is."

"All I know is that when Tiandi discovered the existence of this creature, he was already so powerful that Tiandi couldn't help it."

"Immortality is immortal, the world is difficult to conquer, I call myself Emperor Ming."

The master of the wind brake asked, "In those years, there is no human beings of our race yet."

"Naturally." The head of the Soul Palace nodded.

"Since the birth of the four ancestors of heaven and earth, the four tones have converged, and the mainland is a suitable place for living creatures to multiply."

"After that, the four clans of heaven and earth, and some ancient clans."

"Later, Fang is the birth of our human beings."

"Between the heavens and the earth, only a very small part of the heaven and earth creatures were born earlier than the four ancestors of the heaven and earth, just like the ten wild beasts."

"And Emperor Ming was even born on these heaven and earth creatures."

The head of the Soul Palace continued, "You know what happened later, and there are more secrets circulating on the mainland."

The main hall master nodded.

Xiao Yi also nodded.

The Silver Lonely Emperor is one of the heaven and earth creatures born in those ancient years, and is the most unique and unique creature.

Although it was born early, but its fall time is in the ancient years afterwards.

At that time, the human race had already existed, so it was able to recognize the first generation of soul emperor as the master, and also know the existence of the eight sects, the heavenly origin, and so on.

The head of the Demon Hunting Hall said in a deep voice, "In the ancient rumors, that Emperor Underworld really showed his fangs, it was in the ancient years."

"The years of rampant imperial realm have turned into a disaster for the emperor realm."

The head of the Soul Palace frowned, "The old man has also heard of an old rumor."

"When the master of the underworld was conferring the emperor, the heaven and the earth were already gone.

"Later, Emperor Underworld even seized the law of reincarnation of heaven and earth, and heaven and earth were irreparable."

"Because of this, when Tiandi's own laws were in operation, Fang went down the martial arts rain that spread all over the mainland."

"After that, we only had our human beings and the talent of the'martial spirit' that our human beings possessed, and the strongest spirit is the soul emperor."

"This can be regarded as a helpless move by Heaven and Earth to counter the Emperor Underworld."

"For this reason, the human beings are known as the hope of heaven and earth."

"Human creatures also possess the talent of'wuhun' that none of the creatures, including the four races of heaven and earth, who were born to be attached to by heaven and earth, have never possessed."

The Lord Shura nodded and said, "Although it is an ancient rumor."

"But the'wuhun' talent possessed by our human beings is indeed the most unique, and it is impossible for other creatures to possess."

"On the other hand, we can rely on the'Martial Spirit' to possess the talents of all other creatures."

"Therefore, the talent of'Martial Soul' is also known as a talent with infinite possibilities."

"That's why the talent of the'Martial Spirit' has been the most important criterion for measuring the talent of a martial artist in our mainland for countless years."

With that said, the Master Palace Master Shura glanced at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi gave a wry smile. He didn't mention the hardships he had suffered from the three words "Wu Wuhun" in the past.

"Now, there is still no answer." Xiao Yi spread his hands.

"The Emperor Underworld is not a human being, and he was born almost at the beginning of the world. This has nothing to do with me."


Third more.

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