Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3689: There is only a door left

Pieces of shattered space still appeared in the wind brake area.

A group of figures are still being blasted out of the space continuously.

Within the range of thousands of miles centered on the main hall of the wind brake, all the figures that blasted out died, and the corpses instantly evaporated.

The bombers outside the range of thousands of miles were only blasted out in embarrassment, vomiting blood, and gradually became more and more dense, and automatically moved back to their family team.

In just a few minutes, in all directions outside the 10,000-mile range of the Wind Brake Main Hall, there were only more than 10,000 patriarchs and a hundred elite, but now, there is a vast sky above the sky, with hundreds of families numbering 100,000.

A group of Patriarchs saw their family members being blasted out in embarrassment. Although they were shocked, they were also relieved.

And looking at that 10,000 li range, the high-altitude space nearly collapsed, and the invisible thunder and sword energy pressure were still there. Although I was angry at the large number of people who died in it before, I also watched the explosion from the 10,000 li range. The more numerous clansmen were unharmed and the families had no such serious and unbearable price, and there was lingering fear.

Patriarch Meng squinted at the sword-struggling figure above the main hall of Fengcha, and said inwardly, "Sure enough, the Lord Xiao Yi has fully grasped the power of the lightning unicorn."

"In other words, this is even more terrifying than the warrior who has awakened the real Qilin Martial Spirit."

"In simpler terms, it is equivalent to awakening the Qilin Wuhun, and the Qilin Wuhun is completely golden and detached."


It was just a few minutes later.

There are hundreds of warriors appearing in all directions outside the main hall of the wind brake, which has reached millions.

Xiao Yi glanced around, secretly surprised.

Except for the fact that there are no young children, there are hundreds of families ranging from the elderly, down to the young and middle-aged people, and even the family female relatives.

The act of a hundred families is basically that the family members have come out regardless of strength.

The collapse of space in all directions in the Fengcha area has disappeared.

The large spatial arrays in various parts of the Central Region have all been backtracked.

At the same time, the spirit veins in Xiao Yi's Qiankun Ring had also been exhausted.

The spiritual veins obtained from Kong Clan, Ancient Realm Sect and other places half a year ago were completely exhausted in the retrospect of the Million Space Array.

On Xiao Yi's forehead, sweat was dense, and his breath fluctuated somewhat.

Obviously, the control of such a huge force disappeared in a short time, and the retrospective trajectory of so many large formations also brought considerable pressure to him.

Of course, that's all.

"Boy..." Below, the master of the wind brake, the master of the heavenly machine, etc. frowned.

Xiao Yi glanced below his eyes, "You just rest and leave it to me."

The two masters of the main hall of Shura and the main hall of hunting monsters frowned, and there was always a sense of something wrong in their hearts, but they could not tell what was wrong.

Xiao Yi instantly looked at the Patriarch of the Baijia, his expression still cold, and his eyes still stern, "Baijia, you are looking for death."

The crisis of the Eight Palaces has disappeared, and there is no need to worry about the safety of the sub-temples in various places. All battles and crises have been concentrated on the Fengcha area.

Next, just solve it.


Xiao Yi's sword moved instantly.

Above the sword, thunder surged.

The figure rushed out, the sword walked with him, the thunder cut through the sky, leaving a long thunder'tail'.

The icy sword took the patriarchs straight away, including Patriarch Meng, Patriarch Su, Patriarch Murong, and many others with top strength.

However, a group of old Patriarchs didn't dodge or dodge, looking at the swift thunder and fury sword, as if turning on deaf ears, their old lips only creeping slowly.

The faces of all the old patrons were extremely complicated, their mouths moving but silent.

However, Xiao Yi instantly saw what he wanted to express in his squirming lips, and it was just a word, a simple word, ‘escape’.

Xiao Yi's sword didn't stop for half a minute.

The expressions of the old patrons turned from complicated to urgent.

"Run away." Murong's old Patriarch yelled instantly.

What the voice pointed out was obviously not that they were waiting to escape, but that Xiao Yi...flee!

Xiao Yi's heart burst.

Before he could react.


In the air, there was a strange sound of swords, and a sharp and killing intent flashed past.

Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, with a backhand sword, and instantly blocked the sudden fierce attack.

At the same time, the air surging behind Xiao Yi, a palm suddenly tore the space, glowing with monstrous power, took Xiao Yi's head straight away.

This palm is the force of shaking the heavenly spirit with a palm.

This sudden outbreak of attack, one side behind, one sword and one palm, came extremely suddenly, and the cooperation between the two was almost perfect, leaving Xiao Yi no room to resist.

But Xiao Yi's fighting ability was so general, a sword blocked a sword from the side, and felt the palm wind behind him, his eyes suddenly cold.

The footsteps sideways, then volleyed, the thunder broke out under his feet, and the figure instantly escaped the fatal palm hitting his head under the burst of reverse thrust.

Zi Zi Zi...Thunder flashed by.

Xiao Yi stood still and stared at the two people in front of him coldly, "Sect Master Qiongyuzong, Qiongyuzong's first sword repairs Yuhanjian."

This jade cold sword is named Feng Yuhan. It is not among the elders, but it is a swordsman who was famous in the ancient times. It is a kendo, like wind and snow, fast and cold. It is rumored that a kendo has long since returned to its original nature and is impeccable. Point.

One King Realm Nine Layers.

One, the eightfold peak of the monarch realm.

"Awesome." Feng Yu looked directly at Xiao Yi with cold eyes, "It hasn't been many years since the last Nine Desolation Wars, and the strength of Palace Master Xiao Yi has grown so much?"

"Without relying on the increase of the spiritual veins, just relying on a sacred weapon of swordsmanship in your hand, and your own true cultivation base, you have the power of the eight peaks of the Sovereign Realm, and it is invincible under the Nine Sovereign Realm.

"Can you tell me what kind of kendo is such an overbearing and fierce swordsmanship of Palace Master Xiao Yi?"

In Feng Yuhan's eyes, the killing intent was awe-inspiring, but also the fighting intent.

Sect Master Qiongyu sneered, "Little Thief Xiao Yi, your body is exhausted."

"Without these external force gains, this suzerain sees you in a district of the triple monarch realm... Oh no, the original cultivation base has broken through, and it is already the fourth monarch realm."

Sect Master Qiongyu sneered disdainfully, "This Sect Master looks at how rampant an ordinary monarch martial artist with four levels of monarch realm is."

Xiao Yi sneered, "It's not difficult to kill you two."

"Hahahaha." Sect Master Qiongyu looked up to the sky and laughed, "It's not difficult to kill me, then..."

Sect Master Qiongyu paused, his eyes suddenly stern, "How about the entire Eight Sects?"

The voice just fell.


Space channels, as if descending from the sky, suddenly appeared above the wind brake main hall.

The dazzling and dense spatial streamer illuminates the huge sky.

Wait until the streamer dissipates, and the light is flat.

The main hall of the wind brake has been completely besieged by the seven parties.

On one side, headed by the Patriarch of the Eastern family, from the Eastern Taishang, a group of Eastern elders, down to the elite of the Eastern family and nearly 90% of the martial artists in the clan.

On one side, headed by the old palace lord of Beiyin Palace, up to Beiyin Palace, a group of elders of Beiyin Palace, down to the elite of Beiyin Palace and a group of warriors in the palace.

One party, Liuhezong...One party, Jinhuozong...One party, Qiongyuzong...One party, Shengyuezong.

In the entire eight sects, except for the Supreme Sword Sect and the ancient realm sect, which has already been destroyed, the remaining six sects are all martial artists!

Those who besieged the seventh party suddenly gathered from all directions and cooperated in a hidden world.

Yes, Qifang.

The four directions of heaven and earth, and the left and right sides of the sky, total seven directions.

The only side left is the Wind Brake Main Hall itself, the ground filled with the warriors of the Wind Brake Main Hall.

In other words, this is the so-called no way to heaven, the four sides are blocked, and there is only a door left.


Second more.

Update today, over.

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