Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3691: Will be the last command

The sound wave is like a tide, resounding all over the world, for a long time.

Bazong and Baijia either bowed their hands or bowed directly.

The neat voice, like a tidal wave, instantly overwhelmed the monstrous fighting spirit before.

Although there are still those with cold complexions, those with killing intent and fighting intent, they are like light winds and small waves in the vast ocean, instantly covered and swallowed by huge waves.

Below, the eight main hall masters frowned.

High in the sky, Xiao Yi also frowned.

In contrast to today, he would rather Bazong and the Hundred Schools of warriors be as aggressive and murderous as before.

"Please also Palace Master Xiao Yi to catch it."

The loud and neat voice is always endless.

"Heh." Xiao Yimatsu lowered his brows and let out a chuckle.


A unicorn roar suddenly exploded above the sky, instantly dispelling the tidy voice of more than a million warriors.

Xiao Yi scanned the crowd, his gaze finally fell on Dongfang Taishang, and chuckled, "Everyone, this is because Xiao Yi wants me to kill people unhappy."

Everyone, silence.

Although there are no people present who have too many friendships with Xiao Yi, there are not a few who have at least a lot of intersections and friendships, and those who do not have much intersection with each other, but at least are not enemies, occupy the majority.

Among these people, they knew the temperament of this Palace Master Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi chuckled slightly, and joked a little, "Why don't it be better, or be hypocritical, be a little bit more direct, so that I can have a good fight and a good kill?"

The sect masters, the heads of the hundred families, frowned, no one answered.

Only Dongfang Taishang yelled abruptly, "Okay, the old man will fulfill you."

"Xiao Yi is an evil thief who does many evil things. He is the master of the Eight Palaces, but he ignores the safety of the middle area and regards the life of the mainland like grass and mustards. He is bloodthirsty and cruel."

"For one's own selfish desires, you can do whatever you can to challenge the chaos, and even bring out the nine famines and change the sky, almost causing a disaster, and the mainland is in danger."

"How can such a wicked thief be the master of the Eight Palaces without virtue?"

"Where there is your Xiao Yi evil thief, there will be a **** storm, and the corpses will be everywhere, and the secular, ancient, and ancient forces will die in your hands and countless people under the sword."

"It goes against the will of heaven and disturbs the balance of the continent. These thieves will not die, and they will become the disaster star of heaven and earth, with endless troubles."

"Eight ancient sects and hundreds of hidden families, today, by the order of Heavenly Sovereign, I will kill you as a thief and take his life!"

Dongfang Tai said in one breath, his chest fluctuating.

With his profound cultivation skills, don't say so much in one breath, that is, if you don't take a rest for ten or eight years, you will not breathe for fear.

"Heh." Xiao Yi chuckled again, "Such rhetoric, such a style, it really looks like the source of heaven."

"Okay, I get it."

Xiao Yi looked at Dongfang Taishang, his face turned serious, "Can you tell me why?"

Dongfang Tai shook his head, "I can, but I can't."

"I can only say that God's will is hard to violate."

Xiao Yi nodded, the purple lightning in his hand was shocked, his face was wary, "Come on, fight."

In Basong, all the warriors heard the words, their faces condensed, and they put their hands away, their eyes sharp.

The warriors of the Hundred Schools no longer bow, and at the same time show their fighting spirit.

"Little thief Xiao Yi, the old man will take your life." Sect Master Qiong Yu took the lead.

The war broke out in an instant.

"Shoot." The eyes of the eight chief hall masters were cold.

"No need." From high in the sky, Xiao Yi looked down and looked serious, "Leave everything to me."


A gust of wind blasted with Sect Master Qiongyu instantly.

"Do you dare to be distracted when fighting against this Sect Master? You are looking for death." Sect Master Qiongyu yelled coldly.


Xiao Yi reacted extremely quickly, a sword blasted out.

The sword and the palm blasted, and there was a loud noise.

Palm, unable to make another inch.

The strong wind was blocked by this sword.

Xiao Yi's expression was cold and stern, "Neither the misty wind of Qiong Yuzong nor the violent storms of eight schools and hundreds of schools today."

"I said, I will carry the wind and rain in the future."

"Anyone who dares to wind to the eight halls and rain falls on them, I will cut them off and destroy them."

The loud and confident words fell in the ears of the eight main hall masters, causing the eight main hall masters to nod and not intervene even though they frowned.

"Have all the big formations of the Wind Brake Main Hall opened?" The Asura General Hall Master looked at the Wind Brake Hall Master and asked.

The main hall of the wind brake nodded, "Yes."

"Don't say how strong it is, but at least the aftermath of the battle can't damage the wind brake main hall."

In the main hall of the wind brake, a breath of formation has already been around.

The range of several miles around the main hall, as well as the range of kilometers in the sky, has long been under the banned packages.

The prohibition and formation of the main hall have existed since the establishment of the eight halls, and have been blessed by countless ancestors of the eight halls for thousands of years, and they have long been extremely stable.

Not to mention that it can block the level of the eight sect masters.

At least, wait for the idle monarch realm to be easily broken, not to mention the aftermath of a mere battle.

"Has the eight palace elites guarding the western defense line been transferred back?" The main hall of the wind brake looked at the main hall of Chengfeng.

Palace Master Chengfeng nodded, "I will give you the Palace Master, the Eight Dao Commands have been issued, but it will take time for the Eight Elites to come back."

The master of the wind brake frowned.

Although the eight halls are divided into countless halls, the corresponding, after all, is the secular level of the Middle Territory, with limited combat power.

Only the eight elites in the main hall, and the first law enforcement team in the main hall, are capable of dealing with combat power above the secular level.

This is also the only combat power in the Eight Halls that can compete with the ancient levels, except for the eight main hall masters.

"No need." The Master Palace Master Shura glanced at him and said in a deep voice, "Tell them, don't have to come back, go directly to the western defense line and continue to guard."

The main hall of the wind brake frowned.

The Head of the Demon Hunter shook his head, "It is us, Xiao Yi, and the top combat power of Eight Sects that really determine the outcome of this battle."

"Either side is defeated, killed in battle, and the rest is lost. It is only a matter of time."

The master of Asura's main hall was cold, "If we are ultimately defeated, then the last command of the old man in this life will be to dissolve the Asura's main hall."

"The Eight Halls of warrior is no longer the identity of the Eight Halls of warrior, but only the identity of the ordinary warrior of the mainland, so you can get out of this killing."

The main hall masters, with heavy expressions, nodded.

They don't take action, they just wait.

What can really attract them to take action will also be the opportunity to defeat them and destroy the level of the Eight Palaces.

Of course, there is only a chance.

The outcome is unknown.

The battle at high altitude has already erupted instantly, and it has exploded to the extreme.

"Conquer the main hall of the wind brake." Beiyin old palace master spit out coldly.

"Following the order of the Emperor of Heaven, those who dare to obstruct, and those who disobey will be killed without mercy." The Liuhe Sect Sect Master spit out, but it was not cold, but looked weak.

However, it was only a moment, the Liuhe Sect Master's expression also straightened, and then showed his killing intent.

Because when fighting together, the sword has no eyes, and there must be fall.

This is also related to the life and death of his Liuhezong martial artist.

Fight together, there is no retreat for each other!



As before, three times in unison.

The sound of the sword ming, a unicorn roar sounded through the world.

An invisible coercion instantly centered on Xiao Yi, covering thousands of miles.

The sect masters of each family changed their expressions, "What a weird and domineering kendo."

"Under the four layers of the monarch realm, you must not get close to this sub-a hundred miles."

"Under the triple level of the monarchy, retreat thousands of miles away from the coercion."

"Below the monarch realm, quickly combine and strike the big formation."

The Patriarch of the Hundreds of Family also shouted violently, "People of all ethnic groups, quickly unite and strike a big battle."

For a time, fierce fighting instructions sounded one after another.

The countless surging weather conditions that were originally suppressed in the sky, at this moment, following the battle between Xiao Yi and Qiongyu Sect Master, it completely detonated!


Second more.

Update today, over.

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