Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3700: This way, nowhere

"Six demons confine the sky." The face of the Eastern Patriarch changed drastically.

If it is a party blocked by a single Palace Master, even if it is the strength of the Invincible Monarch Realm, he and the old Palace Master Beiyin will surely break through.

But now, in addition to the imposing blockade of the main hall masters, the blockade of the six magic shadows has also been added.

And just like the eight dragons locking the sky, the eight dragon flames are self-contained; the six frightening swords and the six demon shadows are also self-contained, sealing the sky and the earth.

At this moment, the six parties are stable and there is absolutely no chance to break through.

Then, there are only two sides left, the bottom and the left side.

But the one on the left is the first person in the world to practice physical training, and is known as the Master Palace Master Shura who is absolutely invincible in single combat.

At this moment, behind the master of the Asura Palace, eight emperor mountains have risen from the ground, becoming the most solid barriers in the world, the most indestructible rock.

This left side was even more unbreakable than the other six sides blocked by the magic shadow, and it was impossible to break through.

Then, there is only the last party left, which is the bottom.

"It is impossible to break through the blockade and leave." Dongfang Patriarch Leng Xu said.

"Then you can only get rid of the Fengcha Main Hall first." Beiyin's old palace master's eyes were cold.

Below, naturally is where the main hall of the wind brake is located.

The Eastern Patriarch screamed violently, "The cultivation base below the late stage of the monarch realm, combined with the attacking formation, stays in place."

"Seventh level or above in the monarchy, follow the master of the family to attack the wind brake main hall."

"Yes." Around the sky, there was a reply. Although it was nothing compared to nearly two million warriors, there were dozens to dozens of replies in each sect, no less than a hundred replies in total.

Whoosh whoosh...

The Dongfang Patriarch and the Old Palace Master of Beiyin took the lead, no longer attacking the high-altitude parties, but leaping down quickly, following the hundreds of streamers of the ancestors of the hundred families, and heading to the main hall of the wind brake.

At the same time, the main hall of the hunting demon master squinted his eyes, even if all the combat power is heading towards the main hall of the wind brake, it is the most important thing to limit the battle here.

Otherwise, the fighting power of this huge tribe of Bazongbaijia can sweep the main halls and sub-halls of the Badians in a short time.

Whoosh... The head of the demon hunting hall headed directly to the ancestors of a hundred families.

That vigorous, invincible monarch aura, like the vast ocean, was actually stronger than the Asura Master Palace Master and Senior Luo.

at the same time.

In the main hall of the wind brake, a figure rose from the sky.

As soon as the figure appeared, the mid-air was instantly flooded with surging weather conditions and endless killing intent, like a sea of ​​blood, completely traversing the main hall of the wind brake and the mid-air range.

It was Dao Qianying, she had a thin body, but her eyes were sharp and majestic.

Even in the face of a hundred strong men above the fighting power of the eight sect masters, he was not afraid, standing in the air, standing with his hands.

Beautiful eyes, a hundred streams of light can be seen.

"The son does not allow me to participate in the battle on the sky, I will not participate."

"The son also doesn't allow the battle to affect the Fengsha Main Hall itself, so I don't allow it either."

"This way, it doesn't work." Yiyi coldly stared at the ancestors of the Hundred Schools, coldly spit out four characters.


Under the feet, in the sea of ​​blood, a huge blood kaluo appeared out of thin air.

In the past six months, she was not too lazy to practice.

It's just that the time is put above the power that controls the blood kala.

The ancestors of a hundred families did not stop and land.

Yiyi's eyes were cold, "Blood punishment."

Above the sky, a huge blood moon appeared through the space.

Above the air, countless blood spears gathered out of thin air.

He waved his hand.

The dense blood spears rushed out from the bottom like a storm.

"One kill, disperse the flowers." Amidst the hundreds of streamers coming from the impact, an icy voice came out.

Seven huge sword shadows emerged in an instant, and then became a huge sword barrier by themselves, protecting all the hundreds of streamers.

Despite the bombardment of the blood spear, it could not damage the giant sword barrier.

"Half reality, dream disappeared." There was another old voice.

Above the storm-like blood spear, a strange force emerged, which eroded and dissipated the blood spear at an astonishing speed.

"Invincible Monarch Realm." Yiyi squinted his eyes, and the blood moon power in his hand became stronger.

"A little girl dare to stop us?" In the stream of light that rushed down, there was a cold shout, extremely sharp.

"Six kills, break through the air."

Among the hundreds of streamers, one streamer suddenly disappeared in place.


The streamer instantly cuts the distance between mid-air and high-altitude.

"So fast." Yiyi's eyes were startled, and when she reacted for a moment, she already saw a seven-kill sharp sword slashing one meter above her head.

With her current strength of the blood kaluo plus the strength under her body, she could barely capture the trajectory of this sword.

How strong should the person holding the sword be?

How fast is this sword?

"Can't avoid it." Yiyi was shocked.

Just at this moment, in an instant, an old figure leaped next to him.

An old palm held the wrist of the person holding the sword.

An old but reassuring lenient back figure stood firmly in front of him.

"Hall Master Yaozun." Yiyi's eyes were startled.

The main hall master Yaozun slowly turned his head, glanced at Yiyi, and smiled kindly, "Let's leave it to us old guys."

"You have to help, just pick some soft persimmons and play around."

After that, the Master Yaozun turned his head and looked directly at the person in front of him, "Seven Killing Sword Lord, Murong Wuming."

The Seven Kills Sword Master's eyes were sharp, but his face was astonishing, "I stopped in front of me, but he dared to turn his head unscrupulously and his eyes drifted away."

"Under the emperor realm, few people dare to do this."

"This generation of Yaozun's chief palace master is stronger than the monarch thought."

"It's true that there is no crude drug for three feet, and it seems that this monarch is not in vain today."

"Haha." The Master Yaozun sneered, "Seven Killing Sword Sovereign, he was named the Sword Emperor Sovereign of the Continent in the middle of ancient times."

"Ming Mingfang soon founded the family, and his strength was so powerful that he disappeared from the mainland suddenly and mysteriously disappeared when he was in the midst of the sky."

"When it was not too much time, the Murong family heard the news that you had fallen into a sitting position."

"I never thought that it was not a fall at all, but went to the Heavenly Origin Realm."

"Today, tens of millions of years later, the Sword Sovereign of that day has become the invincible Sword Sovereign of today."

The Seven Kills Sword Lord was the most aggressive among the hundred ancestors, and one of the strongest.

Yes, this is one of the few invincible monarchs among the hundred ancestors.

"Do you know this Sword Lord?" Seven Killing Sword Lord narrowed his eyes.

"I don't know." The Master Yao Zun laughed lightly, "You are an old monster even to the old man."

"It's just that there are records in my eight halls."


Above the air.

A torrent of weather comes in an instant, and all streamers are to be intercepted.

"The dream is empty."

Whoosh...Amidst a hundred streams of light, another one fell first in an instant.

Bang bang... the two correspondences instantly oppose each other, and the two auras collide instantly and make two shocking noises.

"Don't be empty Meng, dream as you like." The head of the hunting demon hall stared coldly in a black suit.

"In the early days of antiquity, the predominantly idle martial arts emperor on the mainland dismissed the eight martial arts sacred sites, and did not join any forces in the world, but was a rare free and easy person in the world.

"In the middle of the ancient times, he was almost invincible in the mainland and founded the Bukong Mountain Dream House."

"Although you have lived for a long time and are aging, but you are far from the end of your life; but in less than a hundred years, the Mengjia actually reported that you have fallen and sat down."

"I don't understand. Waiting for seniors, are you willing to bow your head into the source of heaven?"

Bukong Mengjun's face was cold, "You don't understand, but the old man is not interested in answering you."

"In the middle of the ancient times, I waited for the martial arts to be brilliant, and the hundred schools were extremely powerful."

"Eight million years ago, your eight palaces killed my hundred family members, causing the glory of the hundred families to fall."

"You guys, are you still right?"


Second more.

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