Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3706: Eight must kill

"No, no, that time was an exception." Xiao Yi cursed secretly while thinking.

That time, it was relying on the ten thousand formations arranged in advance to support the 120,000 spiritual veins and explode all the power.

The pressure of the 120,000 spiritual veins is spread across the ten thousand constituency, and the pressure is reduced ten thousand times; and then through the main alignment, the power of the ten thousand constellation is gathered.

The fighting power that broke out at that time can be suppressed even by the power of emperors such as the Lord of the Wilderness.

But now, on his sacred disk of heaven, there is only one main thunder formation, and there are no ten thousand thunder formations around the wind brake main hall.

Moreover, he now only has sixty thousand spiritual veins.

Insufficient spiritual veins, and there is no large array of thousands of people arranged in advance.

Then, there is only the second way.

Within, directly counter-control this eight-stranded dragon flame!

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

It's not that he has never done this against Long Yan who controlled Tianjun.

In the first battle of Jiuhuangchangtian, he tried it when he fought against Gu Yuan Tianjun.

But at that time, he had the support of the peak **** fire vein and the ice mountain fire sea vitality, and his fire Dao strength reached the invincible monarch realm.

With the strength of the Fire Dao at the invincible monarch realm level, with stronger fire control ability, he counter-controls Tianjun Dragon Flame.

Today, he seems to have a powerful combat power, but the combat power of the sixty thousand spiritual veins lies in the sword and thunder.

Fire Dao strength is just a bit stronger under the normal four-layer cultivation base of the Sovereign Realm.

The fire Dao strength in the late stage of the monarch realm was simply unable to counter the Dragon Flame of the Eight Heavens Lord.

"Damn, I had known today. During the restoration of my previous cultivation base, I would not break through the Sovereign Realm, and once again stuck in the peak of the Holy Venerable Realm, condensing a sea of ​​icebergs and flames." Xiao Yi bitterly hated.

In fact, Xiao Yi now obviously has no way to solve these eight dragons and locks the sky like a ‘Qianlu’s skill is poor’.

Even if he resumed his monarch realm cultivation base half a year ago, and was stuck at the peak of the saint noble realm, half a year, at most, he could save an iceberg and fire.

He has survived the eight icebergs and blazes during the Great Nine Wilderness War.

With the support of an iceberg and the sea of ​​fire, if only supporting the eruption of the divine fire vein, it may be able to solve the eight dragons and lock the sky.

However, how powerful can a single iceberg's divine fire vein burst out? Even if the eight dragons lock the sky are solved, what will they do to deal with the eight days?

Xiao Yi's heart became more worried.

"No, I can counter-control with all my strength."

"The eight-stranded dragon flames are self-contained, breaking one of them, even if it only affects a little, it is enough to make the entire eight dragons lock the sky out of balance, and the blockade is not attacked and broken."

Xiao Yi's heart was overjoyed, but also condensed.

Of course, it will take a while.

At this moment, a cold look came.

Gu Yuan Tianjun obviously noticed Xiao Yi's cold eyes just now, and the slight change in the eyebrows that seemed to be normal.

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi has always been cunning, but now what way of dealing with it?" Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered.

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Wu Hei Tianjun lightly sighed, "It's still the same sentence, Palace Master Xiao Yi doesn't have to waste his thoughts."

"Do you think we don't know the combat power that you broke out in Jiuhuang six months ago that can almost destroy the earth in a single thought?"

"Now, you are not prepared, nor do you have the opportunity and time to arrange the ten thousand large array."

"And other than that, you have no way or means to break the eight dragons and lock the sky."

"He also told Palace Master Xiao Yi truthfully, we have always understood everything about you, and we have everything in our minds."

Wu Hei Tianjun shook his head, "While there is still some time, please let Xiao Yi have any last words."

"What I can do, I will fulfill your last wish for you."

Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered, "If there is no black Tianjun, just show some favors and have mercy on this heaven-defying person who is about to fall."

Xiao Yi sneered, "What are you proud of?"

"I'm trapped, so the eight of you can only watch and can't make any moves?"

"The outcome is unknown, maybe within a hundred breaths, the master of my eight palaces can kill all the ancestors of the hundred families."

Xiao Yi's face then became savage, "Perhaps the ancestors of the hundreds of families have died, and the master of my eight halls will also be exhausted, no longer able to fight."

"But I personally accept the life of your eight heavenly monarchs."

"Rampant." Misty Tianjun scolded majesticly.

Gu Yuan Tianjun sneered and said nothing.

The Eight Heavens Monarch is the oldest invincible monarch in itself, and his cultivation is extremely vigorous.

Coupled with the protection of the law of life.

And control the strongest flame in the world, Long Yan!

Under the emperor realm, no one can help them; from a certain aspect, they are also invincible.

The Heavenly Origin Territory possesses the deepest and most massive cultivation resources in the world; it also possesses a hundred ancestors, heavenly guards, etc., any powerful person who can crush all forces in the world.

This is the confidence of Ba Tianjun.

But Badian also has the confidence to look down upon it, Baju!

The battle between the eight main hall masters and the ancestors of the hundred families has started, but two minutes have passed.

But the battle situation was almost terrifying.

The eight main hall masters are still in their peak state, unscathed.

The ancestors of the Hundred Schools, including Sword Sovereign Seven Kills, Monarch Bukong Meng, and Dao Sovereign of Ji Yi, were all seriously injured and embarrassed.

But what is surprising is that the methods of the ancestors of the Hundred Schools can really cooperate with each other.

Hundreds of families seem to have indeed been one.

Everyone who is seriously injured and is about to be killed, must be another ancestor rushing there.

If this were not the case, the ancestors of the Hundred Schools would have already fallen by more than several percent.

at this time.

The Lord of the Hunting Demon Hall still held the throat of Lord Absolute Wind in one hand, Lord Absolute Wind had long been like a pool of soft mud.

Bukong Mengjun was also extremely embarrassed, already seriously injured.

But at the same time, there are three ancestors beside him helping.

"Ghosts sternly." One of them pointed out suddenly.

The head of the hunting demon palace does not retreat but advances, but in that limit gap, he doesn't shake with this finger, but evades instantly and takes the Bukong Mengjun straight away.

"Hmph, open to all rivers." Beihai Sword Sovereign Xu Shu slashed out, and hundreds of mad knives poured out, forcibly to retreat from the head of the demon hunter.

More above.

Beside Su Yan, the ancestor of Su Yan, the ancestor of the Yun family, the ancestor of the Confucian family, Jiushan Taoist, and the ancestor of the Liu family, the towering Taoist.

The Master Palace Master Shura frowned. Although he was unscathed, he could hardly kill Su Yan for a while.

Time, the more it drags on, the worse it becomes.


The head of the Demon Hunter frowned, and suddenly looked at the sky above the sky, "The one with the surname Luo, isn't it okay?"

On the sky, Senior Luo sneered, "I'm waiting for you."

The Master Hallmaster of the Hunting Demon sneered and looked down, "Old man Yao."

Then he looked up, "Sura, Fengsha, heaven..."

All the main hall masters nodded together.

"Pill realm." The main hall master Yaozun stretched out his hands, from the high sky to the mid-air below, suddenly there were countless pills.

Pills of pills are not healing pills, but burst pills with violent breath.

The face of the Seven Killing Sword Master who fought with him changed drastically, and he raised his head quickly and yelled, "No, disperse and avoid him."

"Hide?" On the sky, Senior Luo grinned, "Seal the devil, press!"

The magic shadow of the six directions seemed to have erupted after a long time of brewing, and the six directions were pressured from the six directions like an overwhelming pressure.


Second more.

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