Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3708: Rout

Bang bang bang bang...

In the air, there were eight bursts of astonishing sounds.

Comparing with the previous ones, you have to block the warriors from leaving.

At this moment, the members of the Hundred Clan and the eight disciples were all under the restraint of the disciples of the Supreme Sword Sect and a group of young talents.

The ancestors of a hundred families have already been forced to the high-altitude center.

Therefore, the eight main hall masters no longer need to be passively blocked as before. Instead, Fang rushes out directly from all directions, taking the lead in taking the ancestors of a hundred families.

If it was passive resistance before, now it is actively...kill!

"Hundreds of families, stick to it." The Seven Kills Sword Monarch clearly saw the intention of the eight main hall masters and hurriedly shouted.

"Shou? Humph." Senior Luo snorted coldly.


Senior Luo came from above the sky and blasted out the Black Spirit Demon Sword in his hand.

The huge black sword aura fell across the sky and the earth.

The persistence of the ancestors of the Hundred Schools was instantly split apart by this huge sword energy from above.

The ancestors of the hundred families who were sticking to each other were instantly separated in two.


The figure of the main hall master of Asura rushed past like an unstoppable rock.

The impact this time directly caused the last holdout of the ancestors of the Hundred Schools to collapse.

"It's only one to kill one." said Leng Li, the master of the hunting demon, "it saves the trouble."

The momentum of stubbornness has been broken, and the eight main hall masters among the hundred powerhouses of heaven and earth have entered the flock like wolves.

"Each of them strikes together." Su Yan's expression changed drastically, and he shouted violently.

"Eight Palace, don't want to succeed."

The battle broke out again, more intense and more thrilling than before.

This is a more thorough melee.

Bukong Mengjun looked directly at the head of the demon hunting hall with cold eyes, and sneered, "There is some time left, you can't hold it."

The voice just fell.

An old palm suddenly printed on his chest.

That is the hand of the Master Hall Master Yaozun.

"Three-foot silent medicine is really true?" Bukong Mengjun's expression changed, and after a moment of contact, he already felt the inexplicable sense of fatal crisis.

"Mengjian." Bukong Mengjun raised his hands together.

As long as it wasn't the Master Hallmaster of the Demon Hunter who was terribly capable of fighting, he was not afraid of anyone.

Since the battle started, he has been holding back for a long time, and now it is time for him to vent as much as possible.

far away.

Seven Kills Sword Lord glanced, his face was shocked, "Don't be empty Mengjun, don't fight close to this guy..."

The words are not finished.

"Puff." Bukong Mengjun had already spouted a mouthful of blood, and dozens of meridians suddenly violent at his arms and chest.

Against the last opponent who had no flaws and was so suffocated to the extreme; or facing the opponent who could see through all his weaknesses; of the two, obviously neither was a good choice.

In addition.

If you say that you were only crushed to the extreme, and finally defeated, then facing this medicine is true, but it seems that you are always in the opportunity of falling down at any time, and fighting with it is simply frightening. .

He had just recovered to the peak state under the Shouyuan Law, and now he was seriously injured again.

"Bukong Mengjun, I'll help you." A hundred ancestors yelled violently and rushed to him instantly.


On the sky.

Xiao Yi frowned as he watched the fight everywhere.

Now that the battle seems to be all right, the Eight Palaces still have the upper hand.

But in fact, so far, even if the ancestors of the hundred families have been completely crushed, no one has fallen.

This is not accidental, but a shocking result.

Xiao Yi was even more frightened as he watched, how good his eyesight was with his own fighting ability.

He suddenly realized that the martial arts and inheritance of the Hundred Schools almost all fit in with each other.

That kind of feeling...It seems that the Hundred Clan is not a simple unity, but a complete family, a terrifying behemoth.

It's like a map, divided into hundreds evenly.

"Hundreds..." Xiao Yi frowned.

the other side.

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign and Beiyin old palace master, Dongfang Patriarch and others are already at a disadvantage in the battle.

No, to be precise, it has never prevailed.

Nine Heavens Sword Sovereign, has always only restrained these eight sect master levels, and has not crushed it more than half a time.


Time passed by every second.

After dozens of breaths.

"I'm going to lose." Xiao Yi said inwardly.

So far, none of the ancestors of the hundred families has fallen.

Although the eight main hall masters are still at their peak combat power, they won't last long.

There is no chance of victory in this battle.


Sure enough, after twenty breaths.

Among the eight main hall masters, the main hall of the wind brake and the main hall of the flames control the divine fire giant and the divine wind giant, although they are still crushing hundreds of ancestors, but the two have already had a respite.

Senior Luo, the main hall master of the hunting monster, and the main hall master of Shura also had a bit of chest rise and fall.


After tens of interest.

"It's over." Gu Yuan Tianjun suddenly let out a cold voice.



There was a roar.

Su Yan, the great Taoist monarch, actually blasted the Master Palace Master Shura.

The main hall of Shura retreated a few hundred steps before standing still, a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

This is the first time since the start of the battle, the invincible and undefeated Master Palace Master Shura was injured.

"Huh, Badian, I can't hold it anymore." Su Yan sneered.

To be more serious, the aura on the main palace master of Asura was not at the peak state before, but weakened by a few points.

The eight-jue limit is already close to the limit.

The fighting power that the eight people broke out with the Baju relics was already at its extreme, and their breath began to decrease rapidly.

Of course, the eight people can hold on, but that is beyond the boundary of the eight jue, and the body collapses.

The battle was reversed in an instant, and it was a complete defeat.


Suddenly, a sword sounded.


There was another penetrating sound.

The Master Yao Zun lowered his head, and a sharp sword came out from his chest.

"The medicine is true, this is the sword that the Lord Sword will return to you." The Seven Kills Sword Lord did not know when he would rise, and appeared behind the Master Yaozun, with a sword through his body.

at the same time.

Boom... Another boom.

Su Yan took advantage of the momentum to catch up, and the four virtual halberd roads burst out one after another.

The huge halberd, containing the power of the soul, wind, fire and four imaginaries, raged and raged, and instantly drowned the main hall of Asura.

"The first person to cultivate, undefeated Shura? That's a joke." Su Yan sneered disdainfully.

"Sura." In the distance, the Master Hall Master Fengcha glanced and exclaimed.

"Let's take care of yourself first." With a cold cry, Bukong Mengjun waved his hand.

A strange Dream Dao power instantly swallowed the Master Hall Master Fengcha.

The master of the wind brake had just reacted, his eyes gradually blurred.

"Fall." A figure flashed past.

That is the Dao of Absolute Wind, turning into the sharpest blade of Absolute Wind, passing through him instantly.

"Puff." The main hall of the wind brake spouted out **** blood, and the wound on his chest was bloody.

"Anyone want to kill the old man together?"

The main hall of the wind brake is surrounded by wind.

"You have no chance to shoot, Mengkong." Bukong Mengjun raised his hands together.

The face of the main hall of the wind brake changed, and his eyes blurred again.

"This blow will take your life." The Dao Monarch of Absolute Wind once again turned into a blade of Absolute Wind, and it flashed past.

Whoosh... In the air, a stream of moonlight came in an instant.


The small fist blasted out with one punch, but like a mighty force, it easily stopped the Blade of Absolute Wind, and instead blasted Daojun Absolute Wind with one punch.

"Little one at the peak of the Sovereign Realm." Yiyi stared coldly.

"Mengkong." In the distance, Bukong Mengjun put out his hands again.

Yiyi turned her head, her beautiful eyes stared coldly.


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