Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3712: Break down

It is no wonder that this young man has only indifference on his face from beginning to end, not even showing the slightest anger, sadness and sadness.

He had long known that the big formation could not be fully activated.

No wonder, even today, the tone of this young man's speech has been cold.


The turbulent weather on the eight main hall masters disappeared.

The power of the large array above the wind brake main hall is also slowly disappearing.

In the large and middle domain, the large formations covering countless sub-temples also disappeared out of thin air, and everything returned to normal.

Each of the Eight Halls of warriors, only sweating profusely, stared at the sky weakly and with lingering fears, at a loss, and not knowing what happened just now in just a few dozen breaths.

But there is no doubt that they all know that they seem to have fallen into a death whirlpool in the short period of time, and it is difficult to get out!

The main hall of the wind brake, high in the sky.

"Hmph." On the sky, Gu Yuan Tianjun saw this and once again recovered his coldness and ferociousness.

"Fen Jue Great Array is gone."


Misty Tianjun's face was indifferent and majestic, "Continue to execute the laws of the heavens, and kill the heaven-defenders and the Eight Palaces."

Beiyin Tianjun looked at the ancestors of the Hundred Schools coldly, and uttered a murderous sentence, "Qing Suppression, Eight Palaces!"

The Hundred Family Ancestors nodded.

high altitude.

"Bad." The expressions of the eight chief hall masters changed drastically, and they were extremely anxious.

Fen Jue's big formation is their final trump card and an absolute place.


What to do with these hundred ancestors?

For the first time, the faces of the eight people showed fear.

The fear is not death.

But today I can't protect Xiao Yi, cannot protect the main hall of the wind brake, and cannot protect the responsibility that was borne on them.

Just at this time.

Boom... On the sky, a thunder blasted.

The violent figure of the ancestors of a hundred families stagnated at the same time.

It was not the explosion of thunder on the sky that really made them stagnate.

But... a pair of cold and vicious eyes.

At that moment, it felt like being in Huangquan's death place, causing the ancestors of the Hundred Family to tremble at the same time.

One after another, he looked at the figure that was still within the ban of the Eight Dragons.

That cold and vicious look came from this figure, this young man.

"Huh?" Batianjun frowned suddenly and looked at Xiao Yi.

The eight people clearly saw that the young man's face was no longer just indifferent, but murderous.

"Something's wrong." Beiyin Tianjun suddenly frowned, and Long Yan, who was still controlling with his hands, seemed a little unstable.

"What?" Xiao Yi glanced at the eight people coldly, "I feel sleepy for a few minutes, so I can stay sleepy?"

"This world, there is nowhere to trap me Xiao Yi."

As soon as the voice fell, a dragon flame broke out in Xiao Yi's hand, "Counter control."

Boom...In the eight-stranded dragon flame, one of them suddenly poured back.

The condensed dragon flame in Xiao Yi's hand poured out.

Long Yan's power is not very strong.

After all, his cultivation base is here, and the condensed dragon flame is at best a bit stronger than his normal fire power.

However, this dragon flame was not used to injure the Eight Heavens Lord, but to completely disrupt the trajectory of the surrounding eight dragon flames.

Bang bang bang...

Eight consecutive explosions erupted from the eight-legged dragon flame.

Once scattered, all scattered, collapsed to death.

"Bad." Eight Tianjun Qiqi's expression changed.

Before they could react, Qiang... a sharp sword sound.

A sharp sword glowing with thunder swept out.

Before the sword arrived, the amazing kendo coercion had already made the eight-man Tianjun body uncomfortable.

"Quickly retreat." Wushang Tianjun reacted the fastest. After a cold drink, he did not retreat but moved forward. A free sword aura condensed in his hand, and he shot the sweeping thunder sword.


The two swords collided, and a sword sound pierced the sky.

It was the Supreme Lord’s block that the other seven heavenly Lords had time to react, and the figure retreated.

After a breath.


A bang, a roar, almost at the same time from the Supreme Heavenly King.

The first sound was the collapse of his free sword energy.

The second sound was the sound of his figure being blasted by a sword.

"So strong." Wushang Tianjun looked surprised.

"So strong." Qi Tianjun who retreated also changed color.

If it hadn't been the first to stop the Supreme Heavenly Monarch, I am afraid that with a sweeping sword, they would be injured at the same time in a single encounter.

"Hmph." Xiao Yi snorted coldly, glancing at the blasted Supreme Heavenly Monarch and the Seven Heavenly Monarchs who had retreated.

Unlike the Fire Dao strength, which has no increase, Long Yan's power is limited. At this moment, his sword Dao strength is under the increase of 60,000 Spirit Vessels.

Lei Lin Kendo's perfect control of power made him invincible in the invincible monarch realm at this moment.

This kind of combat power even surpassed the increased combat power of the eight icebergs and the sea of ​​fire when the Nine Desolation Changed.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, his figure flickered, and fell beside the eight old people.

Eight Heavens Lord, there is no one who dared to stop.

"Why, now I know I'm afraid?" Xiao Yi looked at the eight old people coldly.

"This time, I have turned against the army."

Who could have imagined that the Eight Halls that everyone admired, the Eight Halls that are known as the rock of the mainland and guarding the Central Region, secretly arranged a large array that can destroy the Central Region in an instant.

The Fen Jue formation was not an evil formation, but a killing formation. It was a great formation that could kill life in an instant, and it burned and swallowed vitality indiscriminately for the consumption of the formation.

Back then, Huan Tian was aware of the existence of this great formation, and just reminded him to be careful.

Qingtian can turn the rock of the earth into a huge purgatory that devours vitality at any time.

The eight old people smiled bitterly, and they could naturally see Xiao Yi's eyes, although cold, they were obviously proud.

"Naughty." The main hall master of Shura glared angrily.

"Fen Jue Great Formation is the last absolute hole card of the Eight Palaces, and you dare to tamper with it at will?"

Senior Luo held his hand, and once again looked proud, "Without the Fen Jue Great Formation, we still have eight relics, and at most it is beyond the limit of eight Jue."

"You can't kill Batianjun, but it's not difficult to get rid of these villains."

"The dead duck has a hard mouth." The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall curled his lips. "If we exceed the limit, we will collapse the flesh."

"It takes our lives to drive away these villains, is it worth it?"

"Humph." Senior Luo snorted coldly, without speaking.

The head of the demon hunter looked at Xiao Yi seriously, "Don't be careless."

"Although your combat power is so powerful now, it is even better than the Ice Saint of the year."

"But the source of heaven and earth is profound, the strong are like clouds, the eight heavenly monarchs, the ancestors of a hundred families, the all-powerful of heaven and earth."

"You are still struggling to deal with them; even, they will be able to run out of your spiritual veins and have no fighting power like before."

Eight people were angry, blamed, or reminded.

But the eight people no longer have any fear or worry on their faces.

Because they know better than anyone else that if this young man dared to do it, he was sure of it; having made arrangements in advance, he must have the confidence to control the overall situation.

Today's danger is almost solved.

Of course, the premise is that there are no more accidents.

Xiao Yi looked at the cautious and concerned gaze of the head of the hunting demon palace, and chuckled, "Waste me? Then wait and see."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Hall waved his hand, "Hurry up and blast away these villains."

"The old man still has to quickly correct Fen Jue's big formation back."

"No need." Xiao Yi let out a chuckle.

"Huh?" The Chief Palace Master of Heavenly Mystery looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

"The son?" Yiyi flashed over.

"Is there a serious problem?" Xiao Yi's face was full of concern.

Yiyi shook his head, "It's just a minor injury, son don't need to worry."

"That's good." Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Yi's smile instantly solidified, and his eyes were completely ferocious, "Eight Heavenly Kings, ancestors of a hundred families, don't even want to run today."


Second more.

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