Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3716: Yan... Dragon...

Look far away.

Just like a giant unicorn beast born from heaven and earth, it is firmly blocking this coming heaven and earth law.

If you look more realistically, it can be seen that around the giant unicorn beast, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, like an impenetrable sword net.

The law of longevity, which has always been nothing to stop, was actually stopped this time, frozen in the sky, unable to enter, let alone descend.


"How is it possible." The Master Fengcha looked at the terrifying image on the sky in horror.

"Nothing is impossible." The Master Palace Master Shura shook his head.

Senior Luo said indifferently, "The law of longevity is one of the most powerful forces in the heavens and the earth, representing the will of the sky and limiting the longevity of life in the world."

"But the unicorn beast is also one of the strongest forces in the world. Although it may not be like the will of the sky, it is the law of defending the entire world."

The head of the demon hunter said in a deep voice, "If you say the law of longevity, it is the power of heaven."

"Then the unicorn beast that exists between heaven and earth is the power to guard this heaven."

"The reason why the Law of Shouyuan has nothing to stop is because it is the will of heaven and earth."

"Now it is the will of the unicorn, the prestige of the unicorn that has stopped it."

The Master Yandian shook his head, "Such a situation is really shocking and unpredictable."

The Master Palace Master Shura chuckled, "This kid can realize Lei Lin's Sword Dao and perfect control in just six months. It was originally shocking and unpredictable."

High in the sky.

Eight Tianjun looked at the law of life that was stopped, his face changed drastically.

The complacency and coldness on Gu Yuan Tianjun's face were gone, instead, there was a touch of fear.

He could already feel the continual flow of vitality in himself.

Tianjun is not absolutely immortal.

If the injury is too serious, it will cause serious injury and death.

His chest is still bleeding.

"I said, I want to kill." Xiao Yi grinned, "Gu Yuan Tianjun, fall."

Xiao Yi shot down with a sword.

"Stop him." The Supreme Heavenly Lord shouted violently.

The seven heavenly monarchs chased after him instantly.

Wu Hei Tianjun, at this moment, finally reacted to Xiao Yi's previous words.

It doesn't matter if the lord of the strange land comes or not; he Xiao Yi can kill them eight heavenly kings!

Xiao Yi stared coldly, his sword was faster than ever at this moment.

Among the seven heavenly monarchs, the misty heavenly monarch came the fastest.

But what greeted him was a blue thunder-covered sword.


Misty Tianjun was blasted by a sword.

Boom boom boom boom boom...

Six consecutive roars.

Misty Tianjun, Beiyin Tianjun, Wuhei Tianjun, Liuhe Tianjun, Jinhuo Tianjun, and Shengyue Tianjun are not the enemies of Xiao Yihe.

The dignified heavenly monarch, who used to be like an invincible heavenly monarch, at this moment, was blasted by swords and swords faster than he had arrived.


Only the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign stopped this sword of thunder that shattered like a bamboo.

"Freedom Kendo?" Xiao Yi squinted.

He knew a long time ago that the supreme above is freedom; the above freedom is great freedom.

This ancestor of the Supreme Sword Sect had already broken through the Supreme Sword Realm and stepped into the Free Sword Realm.

Now, only this free kendo can stop Lei Lin kendo!

However, this does not mean that his strength can be stronger than Xiao Yi.

"Get off." Xiao Yi shouted violently, and the thunder on the sword was abnormal.

Wushang Tianjun's face changed and he was shaken back.

It only retreated for a moment, but also instantly caught Gu Yuan Tianjun who had been seriously injured.

On the sky.

The battle at this moment has already meant a big change.

It was not that the previous Tianyuan realm had the upper hand, and the Eight Heavens King looked down at the creatures and was about to look at the creatures.

But... a creature is crushing Batianjun with a sword.

The guardian of this continent is now holding his head.

The shadow of the sword was heavy, and the thunder rushed, and the invincible figure blasted the Eight Heavenly King severely.

If it hadn't been for the eight heavenly monarchs to join forces with each other, I am afraid that some people would have fallen this morning.

"No, it won't last long." Wu Hei Tianjun exclaimed.

Liuhe Tianjun said in horror, "Don't talk about exhausting this son's six hundred thousand spiritual veins, I am afraid that within a moment or three, the spiritual veins have not consumed tens of thousands, and we will all hate this son."

The Eight Heavens Lord is just invincible monarch realm.

With a deep cultivation base alone, they can have the absolute invincible strength in the invincible monarch realm.

Coupled with the dragon flames under their control, they are quite capable of defeating the ordinary Ultimate Sovereign Realm.

If you add the immortal body endowed by the law of longevity, the emperor's combat power will never want to kill them.


Without the Law of Shou Yuan, Xiao Yi, the ultimate monarch with more strength than Ice Saint, would it be difficult to kill them?

"Quickly go." The Supreme Heavenly Lord yelled coldly, "I stop this child, you quickly return to the Tianyuan realm, and immediately seal the realm without waiting for me."

Even if he is arrogant as the supreme king, he dare not say that he has complete certainty to stop Xiao Yi.

And if you want to postpone the time for the remaining Seven Heavenly Monarchs to escape back to the Heavenly Origin Realm, you are as proud as he... and you can only prepare for the fall here today.

"Stop me?" Xiao Yi grinned.

At this moment, his face is full of madness, hideous and cold, without hiding.

Didn't Gu Yuan Tianjun want him crazy?

He is crazy right now.

Today, he wants all eight heavenly monarchs to fall!


Xiao Yi made a strong blow, and the violent thunder destroys all the free sword energy that the Supreme Heavenly Monarch can resist.

"Puff." Wushang Tianjun spewed out blood, and his figure was heavily blown away.

The Supreme Heavenly Monarch could not even stop him for half a second.

Other gods, not to mention more.

Boom boom boom boom...

Amid the violent sound of Kendo's roar, the result has not changed, and every heavenly monarch is not the enemy of One Sword.

However, Xiao Yi didn't chase the other heavenly monarchs, but still took the ancient Yuan Tianjun straight away.

The only thing he wanted to kill was Gu Yuan Tianjun.

Over the years, if it weren’t for the ancient Yuan Tianjun and the Ancient Realm Sect, how could there be all kinds of matters directed at him, Xiao Yi; how could there have been that the water was cold and had been making waves, and how could Beiyin Wuwei secretly plan for many years and almost wiped out the Central Region .

again and again…

In the past, he was helpless.

Even if he could kill Shui Ninghan, but he didn't have the strength to deal with Gu Yuan Tianjun, only Gu Yuan Tianjun would intervene to make him almost succeed but failed repeatedly.

Xiao Yi's hatred and killing intent towards Gu Yuan Tianjun was stronger than anyone else.

Today, his sword will end all this!

No surprise, no one can stop Xiao Yi in the world.

"Gu Yuan Tianjun, hurry up." Misty Tianjun caught Gu Yuan Tianjun with one hand, and his figure fled.

But Xiao Yi's sword came in an instant.

"Fuck." Xiao Yi swept across with a sword, and the misty Tianjun's figure was instantly submerged in the thunder, and he was spitting blood with a sword that was nearly unresisting.

Gu Yuan Tianjun was already seriously injured, and now there is no other Tianjun to stop him.

Zidian, like a broken bamboo, has never been ahead.

This sword is a one-sword kill!

Thunder, surging to the extreme, seemed to destroy the world.

Sword intent, sharp and sharp to the extreme, as if it could consume everything.

This sword is a sword that destroys the heavens and the earth, and there is no possibility of survival.

Gu Yuan Tianjun, watching the monstrous thunder that swallowed fiercely, watching this life-threatening sword that stirred the world with its momentum alone... His pupils shrank...


The sword reached before Gu Yuan Tianjun's throat.

Gu Yuan Tianjun's gaze has returned to normal.

The fear that appeared on Gu Yuan Tianjun's face was no longer at all. Instead, he was a grinning grin.

On the other hand, Xiao Yi's original face was full of madness and hideousness, but suddenly it all freezes and becomes rigid.

Xiao Yi's hand holding the sword, the powerful palm that was already covered by the beast hand, trembled at this moment.

The purple electric divine sword that contains Lei Lin swordsmanship can't get into the inch.

It seemed to be in front of Gu Yuan Tianjun's throat, but the gaps between Xu's gaps, in Xiao Yi's eyes, were as far away as the ends of the world.

"How... maybe..." Xiao Yi gritted his teeth in disbelief.

He suddenly discovered that, together with the originally overwhelming thunderbolt, it was frozen at this moment.

In the distance, the rest of the heavenly monarchs who were flying by him were still flying, and they were frozen together.

He even felt that he could no longer feel the passage of time or the existence of space.

Everything is frozen.

As you can see, the main hall masters below.

There are hundreds of warriors in all directions, eight warriors.

This whole world is completely frozen!

In the whole world, the only thing that can move is his thin body, Xiao Yi!

Behind him, an unfamiliar but familiar peeping sensation emerged spontaneously, extremely intense.

No, it is no longer a peek, but a simple gaze.

But the feeling of peeping, he once felt.

Many years ago, after the First World War of the Holy Moon Sect, he left the Holy Moon Sect and escaped into the second layer of space, he felt this peeping.

After that, to the east of the sea, he passed the Ice Saint forbidden, and when the space turbulence returned to the Eastern Region, he also felt a moment of peeping.

The two peeks made him feel, but when he turned around, he saw nothing, like an illusion.

But he knew that it would not be an illusion.

This is also the only peep that Xiao Yi has ever seen, which can peep at him secretly but make him undetectable.

This time, it was no longer peeping.

Xiao Yi turned around and put down the sword in his hand.

Yes, his Zidian and Lei Lin swordsmanship are also frozen; he can only let go, and then he can turn around.

The sword is still fixed in front of Gu Yuan Tianjun's throat.

Xiao Yi turned around and looked at everything in front of him, but couldn't care about anything else. In his eyes, there was only horror, only a feeling of powerlessness...

what is that…

In the eyes of the eyes, if there are large areas, dense flames.

The whole world seemed to be turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The flames in the sea of ​​flames are so strong, even if it is only a trace, they are already tens of thousands of times stronger than the powerful flames in the world.

Even a single trace is enough to make the world no longer majestic, only flame is the respect!

In the sea of ​​flames, a giant beast stood still, hovering around its body, staring with majestic eyes.

"Yan...long..." Xiao Yi spit out two words weakly.

The sea of ​​fire seemed to be in front of him, and he stood a step away, and one step forward was in the billowing flames.

The majestic and indifferent eyes stared, as if they were close at hand, as if to plunge themselves into the abyss of death instantly.

That sea of ​​fire is a billowing dragon flame!

That giant beast is the strongest flame dragon in this world!

Two notes just fell.

Everything is silent.

The world is like a blank.

The world seemed to regress in an instant.

The frozen world has resumed circulation.

The sea of ​​fire in front of you, pouring down, rolling like a tide, but it seems to be able to burn the world!

The retreat of the sea of ​​fire, just like before the endless years, the random spitting, can make even the ordinary emperor realm like the ants of the wild ten beasts turn into nothingness; the earth turns into scorched earth, and after countless years, no return, No longer able to rejuvenate.


The pulling between the freeze frame and the momentary retreat, in that moment, it seemed that it didn't exist, and it turned like an illusion. It had already caused him to spit out a mouthful of blood, and the blood inside his body rolled.

His current strength that seemed invincible was just like paper.

The world has resumed circulation.

Qi Tianjun, who was blown away, instantly stabilized his figure, bowed and saluted, "See the ancestor."


The eight main hall masters, their faces were as deep as water.

"That..." The Master of Asura spit out.

"The founder of the Heavenly Origin Territory, the ancestor..." The Demon Hunter General Hall Master also spit out slowly.

"Yanlong..." Senior Luo spit out two words indifferently.

The eight main hall masters had extremely complex expressions, dignified, weak, and dead, but they were not surprised.

Obviously, the eight main hall masters have long known how much the ancestor of the Heavenly Origin Realm exists.

It's just that, limited by the law, limited by the world, they have never been able to tell Xiao Yi.


Not far away, on the ground, there was a crisp and equally weak chant.

That is the Purple Lightning Sword.

After the freeze frame disappeared, the purple electric divine sword that was in the throat of Gu Yuan Tianjun was unable to fall from a high altitude, and now it fell to the earth, as if it made a weak scream.

"Given the ancestor." Gu Yuan Tianjun said respectfully, "Xiao Yi, who is against the sky, defies the sky and provokes the power of the sky, causing continuous waves on the mainland and frequent changes in the sky and the earth."

"The former hoper is already destined to destroy the sky, frenzied, and endangering the world."

Xiao Yi stared at the billowing dragon flames.

Those majestic huge eyes were also staring at him.

What's in his eyes is killing intent.

That absolute majesty, even without a half-minute movement, can fill the whole world with killing intent instantly.

Xiao Yi swallowed slightly, but his face was very calm.

At this moment, he understood everything.

In the past, all those scenes and scenes were also suddenly taken off.

The Yanlong is actually the Yanlong, the Yanlong that the mainland is named after.

It's no wonder that Shui Ninghan was able to take out the remains of the "Desolate Shadow Spider", one of the ten wild beasts, and it was a complete remains.

Of course, in the past, he only knew that this was what Shui Ninghan got from the Tianyuan realm.

It's no wonder that the Shui Ninghan back then dared to say ‘walking for the sky’. Her words were God’s will.

It's no wonder that the cold water can be unscrupulous and make waves.

It's no wonder that Shui Ninghan and Bei Yin Wuwei dared to calculate the evil emperor, and even tried to get the evil emperor to come to the mainland; because even after calculating, the evil emperor's arrival is just a joke.

In the past, Xiao Yi only felt that the Tianyuan realm gave Shui Ninghan the confidence.

Now I know that it is not so much the confidence given by the Heavenly Origin Realm, but rather... it is absolute confidence, Yanlong!

Standing behind the Tianyuan realm is the heaven and earth to the strong life spirit, no one, Yanlong!

It's no wonder that Tianyuan Dijie dares to call itself the guardian of the mainland.

This continent is named after the "Yanlong".

No wonder the Eight Heavens Lord, in some distant heritage, is called the Yanlong Eight Heavens Lord, also known as the Dragon Servant, the Dragon Servant.

No wonder Ba Tianjun can control Long Yan.

It's no wonder that the Eight Heavens Lord has the protection of the heaven and the earth.

That ancestor, the source of heaven and earth, can represent this world, and it was never a lie.

Because this ancestor not only represents this continent, but also represents this world.

Xiao Yi looked weakly at the faces of the eight main hall masters below.

It is no wonder that the eight main hall masters in those days would rather die and suffer themselves than to completely tear their faces with the Tianyuan realm; they tried to exchange their lives for a period of quiet time that did not involve the ancient level.

Xiao Yi thought of Huan Tian in his heart.

No wonder, even the Magic Sky Demon Emperor can only shrink under the ban of the Demon Ancestor.

It's no wonder that even the Demon Gate in its heyday, the two great demon ancestors, fell into the hands of this ancestor.

Can the two demon ancestors be killed by using the power of heaven and earth?

Oh, actually, what a need.


The breath of heaven and earth suddenly moistened.


The earth made a series of weak sounds.

It's raining!

The rain wet Xiao Yi's body and face, so cold, but sad.

Even with such profound cultivation as Xiao Yi, he actually felt cold. This is not ordinary rain.

This is the rain of martial arts.

However, even the rain of martial arts falling all over the sky could not extinguish the billowing dragon and flames, even half a minute.

The rain is cold and soft, and the sound of the rain is so depressing, it seems that the sky is'pleading' for a creature.

It's just that the dragon flames, which hadn't extinguished half a minute, seemed to give a'relentless' answer.


The sound of rain left nothing but coldness, weakness and sadness. It seemed to be sad for a creature that it had approved but is now destined to fall.

This rain of martial arts has been rained not long ago.

However, it was never because of the siege of the Heavenly Origin Realm, or because of the actions of the Eight Heavenly Monarchs, Hundred Family Ancestors, etc.

But... Yanlong.

If it wants a weak creature to fall.

That is the result of even this sky being unable to change the slightest, no matter whether it recognizes this creature or not, whether this creature recognizes it, it will eventually be powerless.

The rain has completely turned into the last compassion of this world!

It's also pity!


Third more.

Update today, over.

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