Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3719: Not Emperor Underworld, but Emperor Underworld?

Xiao Yi's icy threatening words did not make the indifferent face produce half waves.

On the contrary, the eyes of that person suddenly became more killing intent besides being indifferent.

Xiao Yi was shocked suddenly.

At this moment, he clearly felt that the killing intent contained in the huge eyes was a thousand times stronger than before, countless times.

"Sky Burial?" The man opened his mouth indifferently, looking at the complete martial arts around Xiao Yi.

On the sky, a huge sword energy was condensing, descending from the sky.

Sword Qi suddenly drew countless martial arts from heaven and earth to come together.

"Da Zi Zai Kendo?"

That one glanced indifferently and majesticly.


Everything was silent, the Great Freedom Sword Qi collapsed in an instant, and the countless martial arts that had been traction disappeared.

This is just a look.

"So strong..." Xiao Yi was shocked, and his hands trembled uncontrollably.

Just a look in that person's eyes, the more intense depressive aura filled with the resulting heaven and earth, has actually allowed the heavenly burial arranged by the sword to dissipate nothingness.

Including the Bingluan sword he was holding at the moment, the sharpness was still there, but the cold aura from the sword body disappeared instantly.

The whole sword seemed to be ‘rusted’.

Xiao Yi's heart was cold.

This is the strength of that person, and this is the horror of the strongest creature in the mainland, the Yanlong.

Even this piece of sky can't help it.

Regardless of the great freedom of kendo or the countless martial arts laws that are drawn down, after all, it is just a part of the power of this sky.

The whole sky can't help it, so how can you talk about borrowing some power?

"Do you need my ancestor to kill you?" The indifferent spit out.


Xiao Yi seems to have misunderstood one thing.

He knew that the one might only have one phone meeting.

But what counts as a shot? What is shot?

It is as famous as the legendary legend of the first generation of soul emperor and underworld emperor, and even the more famous Yanlong, to kill him Xiao Yi, need to shoot?

Even a look in his eyes can make him disappear into the sky and the earth.

"No creature will fall because of being strong, and you are no exception."

"Heaven and Earth, longing for the birth of powerful creatures, the same is true of my ancestors." The indifferent said.

"Then..." Xiao Yi frowned. If it wasn't because he threatened the Tianyuan realm, and it wasn't because he wanted to kill all these heavenly monarchs, then what was the reason?

"The reason for killing you, my ancestor can give you." The voice was cold, but the killing intent in his eyes did not hide.

"The Emperor Underworld."

"What you are covering now is the flesh body of Emperor Ming."

Xiao Yi was startled and looked at his hands, "This pair of beasts and beasts?"

Of course, it was just a moment of surprise.

Because, since he knew that it was the legendary Yanlong Empress, he had actually guessed.

Because these beasts' hands and beasts' feet are sealed in the eight dragon burning furnace.

The power support in the Eight Dragons Incinerator is Long Yan.

And those bans were so ancient, powerful and mysterious that Xiao Yi had no other way to crack them.

That person, looking at Xiao Yi's face, said indifferently, "You guessed it."

"Eight Dragon Burning Furnace is something of the original ancestor."

If Yanlong could be sealed in person, only the flesh body of the Emperor Underworld was left.

"Because of this?" Xiao Yi gritted his teeth. "What's the matter with me? I'm not the Emperor Underworld. If I'm afraid that I will regain the Emperor Underworld body when I grow up, I will give back the eight dragons incinerator and the beasts and feet inside. You are."

"This time I have lost the dispute with your Heavenly Origin and Realm, Xiao Yi..."

Kill Yanlong? He Xiao Yi never had such illusions.

I am afraid that Da Zi is consummated, he really stepped into the emperor realm, it may not be able to damage Yanlong half.

The ten wild beasts can feed on the creatures of the emperor realm, and see the ordinary emperor realm like ants.

Yanlong breathed out, and the ten wild beasts died, the earth was anxious, and countless years passed.

Even the sword emperor, the ancient emperor, and other people with the most reputation in the mainland, I am afraid they are not qualified to lose their physical status.

How to talk about him Xiao Yi?

If you can't kill, you will end up threatening.

But now, it can't be threatened.

Then there is only the last choice left, admitting it, and living by yourself.

Now everything is meaningful only if you live, whether it is to him or to the eight masters.


That person interrupted Xiao Yi for the first time.

"You are not Emperor Underworld, but you can be Emperor Underworld." The tone of that person became colder and more murderous.

"What can I be...?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden tumbling in his body, making it hard to be extreme.

An invisible force seems to be tearing his body.

This force was extremely strong, so strong that he didn't even have a chance to resist.


In front of Xiao Yi, a ray of light emerged, it was the light of Martial Soul.

The light condenses the body.

That... It's the fire control beast.

In Xiao Yi's internal vision, the fire-controlling beast spirit that originally existed quietly in his own small world has now disappeared and was forcibly extracted and condensed in front of him.

"Fire Control Beast?" Xiao Yi frowned.

In front of the Fire Control Beast, there was obviously an invisible force suppressing it at this moment.

The fire-controlling beast grinned, the dragon flames in his teeth surged, the horns of his head screamed with thunder, a pair of wings flapped as hard as he could, and the heavens and earth's wind blew away instantly.

Controlling the fire beast, struggling hard, but after all, it can't help this invisible power.

That person showed the most indifferent gaze since he appeared.

"The existence of Emperor Underworld, and the battles belonging to the original ancestor, the first generation of soul emperor, and Emperor Underworld before endless years, you have basically learned from the mouths of Emperor Yinhu and Emperor Huantian."

That person, Heaven and Earth knows everything, and he also knows that Xiao Yi has crossed the Yinli clan and knows the affairs between Xiao Yi and Huantian.

"But you don't know how the Emperor Underworld fell."

"The Emperor Underworld, the flesh is immortal, and there is no power in the world to do anything, including Long Yan."

"Therefore, the ancestor can only join hands with the first generation of the soul emperor and his subordinate Yinli Emperor."

"Only the silver lion emperor's strongest silver lion power can resist the dark emperor's means; only the first generation of soul emperor's god-killing ability can truly help the dark emperor's body."

"The first generation of the soul emperor cut the Ming emperor's body apart; the original ancestor used eight natal dragon flames to set up eight blockades and sealed the flesh fragments separately."

Inside the Eight Dragons Incineration Furnace were all parts of the Underworld Emperor's flesh.

"Emperor Underworld, the spiritual consciousness is not bound to the world, and the world is reincarnation, so the spiritual consciousness cannot enter the cycle, and there is no power to do anything."

"Even the dragon flame of the ancestor, or the god-killing ability of the first generation of soul emperor, can't completely eliminate it."

"Therefore, the ancestor can only seal his spiritual knowledge into the world."

"The ancestor paid a nearly infinite lifespan as a bearing. The first generation of the soul emperor exhausted a complete martial arts at the price of falling, exhausted everything, and then turned this spiritual knowledge into countless shares."

Xiao Yi's body trembled, thinking of something, and couldn't say anything, "It's... the fire-controlling beast?"

"Not bad." The indifferent said, "My ancestor, let him go from the strongest in the past to the weakest in the world, the weakest forever, and there is no possibility of recovery."


Third more.

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