Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3722: World Destroyer, Xiao Yi!

The billowing molten slurry erupted to high altitude after all, turning the high altitude into a world of molten molten fire.

Xiao Yi bathed in it, as if invincible.

That piece of lava fire sea world, at this moment, can stand against the whole dragon flame fire sea.

Xiao Yi at this moment is the invincible strength of the fire ancestor's reincarnation.

Of course, this is not enough, the momentum is still not as good as that.


Xiao Yi smiled, a smug and hideous grin crossed the corner of his mouth.

He is now the peak strength of the Emperor Realm, the strength of the Fire Ancestor.

How far can it be from the sea to the east, the distance from the Nine Desolate Thunder Abyss, and the airspace to the north?

As far as Xiao Yi is concerned, of course it is extremely far away.

But for Huo Ancestor, what is that?

"The sea to the east, the airspace to the north, Nine Desolation Leiyuan, come to me." Xiao Yi shouted violently and waved his hand.


In the distance, endless waves roll from the sky.

The most violent wind in the world, blowing endlessly.

Billowing thunder, rushing away.

How to describe such a scene?

Everyone stared at the sky in horror.

What exactly happened here?

The whole world is violent?

The earth is completely covered by lava.

To the east, endless turbid waves seem to drown the entire world.

To the north, the wind seems to be raging and destroying everything.

To the west, thunder billowing sky filled almost half of the world, like an extinction!

This kind of power, just a single one, is afraid that endless creatures can be destroyed.

The four strands are... and...

All stepped on the feet of a creature.

Yes, the four powers of heaven and earth seem to be under Xiao Yi's feet.

On the one hand, Dongfang looked indifferently, "This... just like before the endless years, the four sounds of heaven and earth converge, and the center of the continent is the center of this area..."

"The integration of the four fundamental forces of heaven and earth has made the heaven and earth a place where creatures can inhabit and multiply."

"The confluence of the four tones of heaven and earth represents the beginning of the birth of beings."

"This time, can Palace Master Xiao Yi also turn from death to life?"

Dongfang lightly smiled with joy, "It seems that I did not make a mistake this time."


Xiao Yi slammed to the side of the two of them, and slapped them with a palm, "I borrow your two martial arts for use."

"Soul Jue, suck."


Suddenly, there were two violent roars of heaven and earth.

A four-empty beast appeared out of thin air.

That kind of majesty, that kind of momentum, far better than Beiyin invincible.

"Emperor...Emperor Realm...the real Four Void Heavenly Beast?" Beiyin Wudi opened his mouth wide, looking at the giant beast that traversed the world.

In comparison, the Four Void Heavenly Beasts he condensed were just a ‘small point’.

At the same time, between heaven and earth, Qiyin Wengming.

Each path is like the sound of the emperor realm, like the real sound of heaven and earth!

At the first sound, Long Yan was rolling, and the sound was pulsating around that sea of ​​dragon flames, which actually suppressed the momentum of Long Yan.

The last four notes are full of vigor and vigor.

The voice of the four ancestors, on the contrary, made the power of the four ancestors that Xiao Yi had mobilized suddenly come to life.

The sixth tone, like the soul like rain, is the sound of the soul, and the power of the four virtual heaven beasts and the seven voices themselves increase continuously in a short time.

The seventh tone, Promise Clean Tone.

It stands to reason that none of his four ancestor powers can condense the spirit ontology such as the Four Void Heavenly Beast.

However, the power of heaven and earth can.

With the strength conferred by the four ancestors, it is not difficult to mobilize the enormous power of heaven and earth.


In the air, there was a loud roar suddenly.

The roar is like the fury of heaven and earth, yet extremely violent.

In the rolling thunder, a unicorn beast leaped across the thunder.

This is the real thunder and lightning unicorn, not Xiao Yi condensed.

Xiao Yi was able to mobilize Lei Yuan's power here, and naturally he was able to summon a real Thunder Qilin.

Everything happened extremely fast.

A sea of ​​molten flame erupted from the earth, just for a moment.

The huge waves of the sea, the billowing thunder, and the endless wind mobilized it, and it was only a few breaths away.

In the end, the two martial souls were borrowed from one another.

Add up, but for a short time.

However, this has exceeded the expectations of everyone present.

Including that one.


Xiao Yi was secretly horrified.

Now he, the strength of the four ancestors, plus the four virtual heaven beasts, the Promise Qiyin, and a real thunder and lightning unicorn, powerfully shake the Yanlong.

But in his comparison, all these auras added up, it was still not as good as that one, or a little weaker.

How strong is that person?

Endless years ago, under the first generation of crowns, how strong are the Underworld Emperor and the Yanlong now?

Of course, Xiao Yi now has nothing to fear.

On his face, he once again restored his former cold arrogance and self-confidence.

The sharp eyes, this time, really look straight at that person and look straight at that person.

That person, also in a surprised tone, slowly opened his mouth, "So that's it, with the will of the ancestor, carrying the power of the four ancestors of heaven and earth."

That person actually nodded slowly, his tone still indifferent.

Majestic and murderous eyes still stared at Xiao Yi.

"Now, do you understand? Why did the ancestor kill you."

"If you really grow up in the future, you will be invincible with this powerful combat power, and the world will never fall."

"This world is endangered by you."

"No, you might be even scarier."

"You can only be killed now."

That person has never given up killing thoughts at all, and he still has killing intent at all.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "If you have to fight with me, you can only end up with the same end."

"No, you may not be able to kill me, you must die."

"How long you can make a move is unknown, but I will definitely be able to make it to the end."

That person shook his head, "My ancestor fell, and you must die."

This is that person's self-confidence, absolute self-confidence.

It was even Yanlong's, the invincible confidence of the strongest creature who had ever killed the Emperor Underworld.

"You..." Xiao Yi also had cold eyes, "Okay, I will accompany you crazy."

In the sea of ​​dragon flames, Long Yan was already rolling and ran away completely.

Xiao Yi waved his hand abruptly, and the law of reincarnation condensed in his hand.


In the air, a series of points connected to the underworld suddenly appeared.


Space is constantly collapsing.

As you can see, there is the underworld, countless monsters in the underworld, like a turbulent tide, densely packed.

"Wang..." Wu Ming and others were surprised at first.

Then looking at Xiao Yi's surging weather, they all bowed down respectfully.

After that, when he waited to see the billowing dragon flame, Wu Ming and the others, their faces were cold, "That villain?"

Wu Ming's eyes wandered between the two sides.

"I understand, I understand." Wu Ming was overjoyed.

"That's how it is, that's how it is, this is all that Wang planned, and this battle is finally ushered in. This time this villain will definitely be killed."

"It turns out that this is the real goal of Wang."

"King..." The endless underworld, countless monsters in the underworld, said in unison, so cold, but full of endless joy, as if waiting for the long-cherished wish of endless years, finally arrived.

"Heh." Xiao Yi grinned, "You regard me as king. Can you listen to my words?"

Countless monsters in the underworld, Gong Sheng said, "The king's orders, I wait for my fate, and do everything."

The icy voice filled the world and shook the world.

"Haha." Xiao Yi smiled and looked at that person, "I said, no one cares more about this world than you."

"But I, Xiao Yi, don't care."

"I care, only the people I care about."

Xiao Yi stared at the space of the Netherworld abruptly, "After I die, except for the creatures in the Eight Palaces, I will slaughter the world!"

"Except for the Central Region, this world will be completely reduced to the Paradise of the Underworld, falling into the darkness forever."

"The Yanlong Continent will be completely dead today."

Xiao Yi's tone was extremely crazy.

That person finally frowned and spit out, "Enough, stop!"


Sixth more.

Update today, over.

Finally, I am sorry.

Good night everyone.

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