Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3724: Eternal Heart Broken

Xiao Yi squinted.

In the next second, cold eyes fell on the other Seven Heavenly Monarchs and Hundred Family Ancestors.

That person, silent, his majestic gaze fell on the eight main hall masters and Yiyi.

Xiao Yi frowned instantly.

There is nothing to say on both sides.

Above the sky, the breath raged to the extreme.

It seemed that a huge sea of ​​fire was fighting against a sea of ​​power, and even if the two leaked a little, it was really enough to destroy the world.

That violent, enough to make the heartstrings of all present.

But the two parties who control these two forces know each other well that under such violent turmoil, there is peace and absolute peace.

On both sides, no one is willing to break this calm.

For a long while.

The one slowly opened his mouth, "Return the birthday."


The seven main hall masters who had been deprived of Shou Yuan instantly regained themselves, and their weak aura returned to normal.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Yi slowly retracted his gaze that fell on Qi Tianjun and the ancestors of the hundred families.

That one retracted his gaze to look at the eight main hall masters, but...

"What?" Xiao Yi looked directly at that person coldly.

That person's gaze, although withdrawn from the eight main hall masters, still fell on Yiyi.

At this moment, Yiyi is full of momentum, violent to the extreme.

It was much stronger than Qitianjun when the fighting power broke out before.

Xiao Yi frowned and said in secret, "It's the seventh tone infinitely silent."

Yes, to be precise, it was when he condensed the seventh tone with the power of heaven and earth, Yiyi's momentum suddenly rose.

At this time, that person also slowly retracted his gaze, and stared at Xiao Yi again.

"After recovering from the injury, come to the original ancestor Yanlong Cave."

"That girl is the same."

The tone of that person, although still indifferent and majestic, was no longer hostile.

The dragon flames slowly dissipated.

That person also disappeared silently and without a trace.

Xiao Yi frowned. With his invincible strength now, he couldn't catch how that person disappeared.

In situ.

Only Qi Tianjun and a hundred ancestors remain.

Wow...On the sky, a piece of space appeared out of nowhere.

Xiao Yi looked at him coldly, but did not move.

"Hall Master Xiao Yi, bid farewell." The Supreme Heavenly Lord glanced with majesty, and then nodded.

Even if Xiao Yi is now powerful, he is only a young creature whose cultivation base is only in the fourth level of the Sovereign Realm, and it is not enough for them to bow to the Seven Heavens.

"Little friend Xiao Yi...I..." Wu Hei Tianjun's expression on his face was not diminished, and he only sighed.

The ancestors of a hundred families gave Xiao Yi a cold look.

A group of people rose up from the sky until they all disappeared above the sky.

At this point, Tianyuandijie and his party have all gone.

From beginning to end, Xiao Yi's expression remained indifferent.

"Reincarnation, close." Xiao Yi glanced at the open space on the other side of the world, and waved his hand.

The law of reincarnation dissipated.

The points of space have disappeared.

The entrance to the Netherworld that was opened was closed.

In the eyes of the eyes, there are no more dense monsters in the underworld.

Everything ends here.

"Disperse." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The four forces of heaven and earth rushed back.

The mighty, flowing through the sky.

The four virtual beasts and the seven-tone Promise also disappeared out of thin air.

High in the sky, only a thunder and lightning unicorn remained.

That was not the result of his Xiao Yi condensing, but the real Qilin of Heaven and Earth summoned by the power of Thunder.

"Kirin...Senior, thank you." Xiao Yi raised his head and stared, thanked him, and saluted.

This is a real unicorn beast.

He didn't know what to call.

The unicorn beast is a creature, but not a creature, but is transformed by the power of heaven and earth.

However, it must have existed for endless years.

Therefore, Xiao Yi simply called "Senior".

Qilin Ruimon, without words, only glanced at Xiao Yi, and then disappeared between the world and the earth, without a trace.

No one knows how many unicorn beasts exist in the world, but the unicorn beasts are the power to guard the world. Each one is above the existence of the ten wild beasts and equal to the four ancestors of the world.

No one knows where the Qilin Rui Beast resides in the world. Even if people want to find it, even in the emperor realm rampant years in the ancient years, the emperor realm powerhouse cannot find the Qilin Rui beast.

At this point, the heaven and the earth have completely returned to normal peace.

"Huh." Xiao Yi dissipated the true meaning of Shenglong, and also dissipated the spiritual pulse increase, and he was relieved heavily.

With surging weather conditions, he returned to his normal monarchy atmosphere.

"The son."


The eight main hall masters and Yiyi instantly rose from the sky and came to Xiao Yi's side.

The nine people looked at Xiao Yi worriedly, and looked at it.

"I'm fine." Xiao Yi smiled, and said in his heart, "You are the best."

The main hall master Yao Zun frowned and said, "The addition of the enormous power just now, even the slightest spill, far exceeds our boundary level."

"You brat so much strength alone? There is nothing wrong with your body, right?"

"Let the old man take a look and be safe."

Xiao Yi smiled. In order to prevent everyone from worrying, he did not refuse, and he stretched out his hand to administer the Master Hall Master to investigate, and said, "Fortunately, the power of the four ancestors of heaven and earth is fortunate that there is no pressure, and there is no backlash. "

"Transfer it, there will be no consequences."

"In the future, other monstrous powers are drawn by the strength given by the origin of the fire ancestor, so they cannot be brought to me."

"Backlash, it doesn't exist."

After a long while, the main hall master Yaozun made a detailed investigation, nodded, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's all right, it's all right." The eight old people, Qi Qi relieved.

"Boy." The head of the Yandian Temple suddenly said angrily, "Just let the villains go like this?"

Xiao Yi smiled bitterly, "Do I really end up with that one?"

"He can kill me, but I can only make him fall on his own by using him to get out of the phone once."

"That's not okay." The main hall master of Yandian shook his head repeatedly, "Your life is more important."

With the strength of eight people, it is impossible to judge the level of combat power between the two sides just now.

The main hall of the wind brake said in a deep voice, "Never mind, the old thief is dead, and the world will be calmer in the future."

"Probably." Xiao Yi spit out.

"Probably?" Everyone looked at Xiao Yi suspiciously.

Xiao Yi nodded, "In my perception of heaven and earth, the aura of Gu Yuan Tianjun is much older than the other seven heavenly gentlemen."

"And when I killed him just now, I sensed that Dao Xin in his body was already unstable and cracks were dense."

Senior Luo squinted his eyes, "His Dao heart is unstable?"

"It stands to reason..." The head of the demon hunter frowned.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "It stands to reason that it is really impossible."

"During the Battle of the Nine Desolations that day, the magical path of Huantian came to fruition, and only the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, Wuheitian Sovereign, and Northern Yintian Sovereign and his Dao Xin supported it, and took the lead in waking up from the fantasy realm.

"The Dao Heart of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign is the sword heart and the free sword heart, so that day is the first to wake up."

"Mr Wu Hei Tian, ​​this person's Taoism is quite strange. It is obviously pure white, but it is fierce and fierce, so it is pure white and erratic; but in any case, his Taoism is quite pure, so he has survived that day. Illusion."

"Bei Yin Tianjun, I am not quite sure."

"But Gu Yuan Tianjun, I know that his Dao Xin is because he has experienced extremely long years of baptism, so it is extremely stable, not weaker than the other three Tianjun."


Second more.

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