Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3726: Calm end

"Good life and leisure, are you happy?"

Senior Luo muttered to himself, with an indifferent face, looking at the leaving young figure, suddenly smiled.

Seven people around him, looking at this smile, looked at him like a monster.

When Senior Luo saw this, his smile dissipated instantly, his face solemn, "What? Can't the old man laugh?"

"Heh." The head of the demon hunter shook his head and smiled.

The Master Palace Master Shura also shook his head, "I understand what you were saying now."

"If that kid can live happily and at ease, you would rather him be a destroyer than a savior."

"Because maybe it makes him crazy and bursts out, but it is a ray of life."

"When the extreme of the world destroyer comes to an end, it may not be the savior; it is just that he saves himself and saves everything he cares about."

"For him, he and everything he cares about is the whole world."

Senior Luo held his hand, with a secretive look, silent.

The head of the hunting monster sneered, "Sura, you are afraid that you have seen the surname Luo too much."

"If the old man guessed correctly, this guy just wants that kid to be happy without too many constraints and fetters."

"Not as much as you think."

The main hall of the wind brake also sneered, "Venerable Luo, such an old man, won't pay attention to so many."

"Humph." Senior Luo snorted coldly, without speaking.

The main hall master Yaozun stared at the leaving back, and smiled knowingly, "Compared with the past, he is a little bit wider."

"Wandering leisurely, happy, but don't care about everything, relax completely and give up on yourself."

"It's just that he sees through."

The Lord of the Heavenly Secret Palace chuckled, "Who knows the future?"

"He doesn't know, and no one can be sure."

"He sees it through, and he's also broad."

"The so-called freedom, why is it invincible? It's all in your own heart."

The head of the soul hall also chuckled, "There is no absolute peace in this world."

"In the past, he used excessive force and forced himself to try his best to create this peace."

"But, it's impossible."

"If this is the case, you can only do more than swords, keep walking, as before, the original intention remains the same."

Yes, the original intention.

When this young man first came to Zhongyu, how could there be so many burdens and constraints on his body?

He just retrieved his wife with a belief, nothing else.

He only needs to become stronger, keep getting stronger, and move forward firmly on the road of martial arts.

Therefore, when he used his body, he had the reputation of the enchanting kendo evildoer in all directions, and his fame was so amazing that he was amazed by countless forces that were hostile to him.

He can come and go freely, unrestrainedly and freely. He does not stay here. He drifts away. He has no fear of injustice before, and finally regains justice with his sword.

He can kill and kill decisively, he can be free and easy, he can have a sword in his hand, horizontally and horizontally.

What's more, when he puts on the mask, as Yi Xiao, he can be more unscrupulous, even more famous in the mainland, no one dares to provoke him.

All in all, on the contrary, this young man took over as the Eighth Dianhou, hindered everywhere and struggling!

Today, this young man has seen through and broadened, just like Xiao Yi who first came to Zhongyu back then, with a shining light and the same original intention.

"Boy." The head of the demon hunting hall suddenly yelled and stopped Xiao Yi who had already fallen back into the main hall of the wind brake.

"What?" Xiao Yi turned around and looked up at the sky.

"What's the hurry, come." The head of the Demon Hunting Hall called.

Xiao Yi curled his lips, showing dissatisfaction, his figure flashed, and he jumped back to the sky again.

The head of the demon hunter said lightly, "You feel comfortable throwing your hand at the shopkeeper."

"You won't deal with the ending of this war?"

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "Let Palace Master Chengfeng handle these trivial things."

The Master Palace Master of Asura said earnestly, "After all, things are above the secular level. Of course, the decision is made by you, the Master of the Eight Palaces."

"After deciding, how to deal with all kinds of tedious matters, it is Chengfeng and the others."

"Not to mention that this is an ancient level..."

As the Master of Asura said, he looked at the eight sects in the distance.

Of course, there are only seven cases now.

Xiao Yi followed his eyes to look.

The six sect masters, Qi Qi's expression changed.

"Hallmaster Xiao Yi, I'll wait to say goodbye." The old palace master of Beiyin arched his hands.

The Liuhe Sect Master hurriedly said, "Hall Master Xiao Yi calmed down his anger. This time, it is not only the Order of the Heavenly King, but also the Order of the Ancestor, that I can't resist."

Sect Master Jin Huo cried, "The ancestor's order cannot be violated..."

"Enough." Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently.

The six sect masters at the same time changed their expressions.

Xiao Yi glanced at him, "Since I have said goodbye, are you still going?"

"If you want me to blow you away?"

"Yes, yes." Jinhuo Sect Master and Liuhe Sect Master Ru received amnesty.

The six people waved their hands, and the seven vigorous aura of heaven and earth wrapped all the disciples and elders of their own sect who had fainted, and then left in the air.

"Remember." Xiao Yi yelled abruptly, "The agreement between the Eight Sects and the Eight Palaces is still there."

"Eight warriors must not step into the world."

"You dare to come out, I dare to kill."

The six nodded, and left without saying a word.

Not far away, Sword Lord Jiuxiao arched his hands, "Hall Master Xiao Yi, I also leave."

The entire Supreme Sword Sect was unaffected by Sword Sovereign Nine Heavens, and the rest of the disciples, including Sword Sovereign Chixiao and others, all fainted.

Xiao Yi looked at Sword Sovereign Nine Heavens earnestly, arching his hands, "Thank you for this time."

Nine Heavens Sword Lord chuckled, "Hallmaster Xiao Yi is polite."

"My Supreme Sword Sect owes you what I owe you, and what I owe you Jiuxiao, it should be my life to let Jiuxiao pay."

"Now that the war has subsided, Palace Master Xiao Yi is not in his free time, so Jiu Xiao won't bother."

Xiao Yi nodded.

The Supreme Sword Sect and his party also left.

The Master Yandian frowned as he watched the other six teams leave.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Self-killed Gu Yuan Tianjun, but that one didn't move."

"And I want to continue to kill people, that person began to surge."

"As for the one who returned your birthday, I withdrew my gaze, and he also withdrew his gaze and started, which means that this is my agreement with him."

"This war ended here in this calm way."

"That person is gone, I can't just shoot back now."

The Master Yandian nodded and looked to the other side, "Where are they?"

At this moment, high in the sky, there is no one from the Heavenly Origin Realm and Bazong.

In the high air, there were only a group of hidden warriors of the Hundred Clan who fainted, including a hundred Patriarchs and millions of people.

Xiao Yi glanced at Mo You, Murong Lingyun, Su Cheng and others who had also fainted, and curled his lips.

The head of the Yandian Hall said coldly, "That person, I am not interested in dealing with these weak ants."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Indeed."

"But because they are as weak as ants, they have no choice."

"The order of the ancestors, they can't resist."


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