Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3729: Twin souls

"Master Hall Master."

Outside the courtyard, the voice of Palace Master Chengfeng suddenly came.

Xiao Yi frowned.

In the past six months, he has better acted as the shopkeeper in the name of healing his injuries.

Even though he was in the main hall of the wind brake, there was never any trivial matter to bother him.

The various main hall masters were still dealing with the matters of reviewing the files, and he was also happy.

For half a year, there was only one thing that Palace Master Chengfeng would come to him to report.

Xiao Yi put down his chopsticks and said, "I'll go, that guy doesn't know what's going on now."

Yiyi chuckled and nodded, "Yes."

Xiao Yi got up, just about to leave, he paused again, and looked at Yiyi, "Don't pack first, if I'm not full, I will go back."

Yiyi smiled, "Okay, son."


Outside the hospital.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly and asked.

"I don't know." Palace Master Chengfeng spread his hands.

"Several medicine refining hall masters in the hall can't tell."

"Go." Xiao Yi let out a cry and walked away.

After a few interest.

In a certain guest hall, in a certain room.

"The main hall master." Several alchemists in the hall quickly got up and bowed to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Don't be polite."

With that, he walked straight to the bed in the room.

On the bed, a young man was lying.

The young man is Ran Qi.

The battle six months ago ended in a calm manner.

Among the comatose members of the Hundred Clan, the eight main hall masters, except for the senior Choluo, were all thinking about the old friendship between the eight halls and the Hundred Clan.

Wait until the group wakes up before leaving.

At that time, even the same Tianjiao was among them.

The people's coma was just that they couldn't stand the coercion of ‘that person’ coming out, and there was not much injury in themselves.

So in just a few days, everyone woke up and went back to their homes.

Tianjiao including Murong Lingyun, Su Cheng, Ye Liu, etc. also woke up and left.

Only Ran Qi has been in a coma.

At that time, the alchemist in the temple who was in charge of helping to look after the comatose warriors was at a loss and couldn't see what happened.

Ran Qi was only slightly injured, and he was not in a critical condition at all, but he remained unconscious.

Later, Xiao Yi and the Chief Hall Master Yao Zun came to investigate in person, and they had the answer.

What Ran Qi awakened in his body was not pure soul-in-soul at all, but... double souls in soul!

So far, it has been half a year, but Ran Qi still hasn't recovered.

Xiao Yi slowly put his hand on Ran Qi's wrist and felt it.

After a long while, he nodded and retracted his hand.

"The breath is stable and life is safe." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

This has always been the case with Ran Qi in the past six months.

Xiao Yi had no other way, but Ran Qi was in no danger of life, so Xiao Yi was not in a hurry, and he had not used a special method to force him to wake up.

"Um... the main hall master..." Several alchemists approached, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Just not long ago, Palace Master Ran Qi suddenly thunderous, and his breath was different."

"The vitality in Palace Master Ran Qi's body fades from time to time, and from time to time is strong and sometimes weak."

"Suddenly the vitality fell to the bottom, as if it was going to fall at any time; suddenly the vitality surged, extremely powerful, and nothing to do."

"We have limited methods and insufficient knowledge of refining medicine. We don't know why, so we rushed to report to the Chief Hall Master."

Xiao Yi nodded, frowning slightly.

"You guys avoid it."

"Yes." Several alchemists saluted, bowed and left, exiting the room.


Xiao Yi's eyes condensed, and the eyes of the lunar sun came out.

Under the eyes of the lunar sun, Ran Qi's whole body seemed to be seen through, and there was no more secret.

In Ran Qi's body, there were three martial souls at the moment.

A mad dragon cloud-piercing spear was originally a purple grade, but later it was a black peak grade.

The spirit of a Lei Yan beast was originally a black rank, but now it is a black peak rank.

An ancient thunder beast martial soul, originally a black rank product, is now a black peak.

Yes, these are Ran Qi's three martial souls.

Back then, I thought Ran Qi was just a soul in a soul, and a beast spirit with lightning attributes was born in the spirit of the mad dragon cloud-piercing spear.

No, it should not be said to be born.

It should be said that Ran Qi should have had the opportunity to become a twin spirit martial artist.

Martial soul is used as one of the most important factors in judging the talent of a martial artist; the other most important reason is that the level of martial soul that a martial artist can awaken is almost entirely due to the talent of the martial artist.

In addition to the talent of the martial artist, the few factors that affect the strength of the martial soul awakened are other things such as coincidence or other changes.

Ran Qi's talent has always been excellent.

Xiao Yi has always known this.

And Ran Qi's xinxing is even more of a generation who has become more brave in battle.

With Ran Qi's talent, perhaps when he was young, he did have a chance to become a twin martial soul; but, he definitely lacked a chance and suffered a change.

Therefore, it was a little bit short to be able to awaken the talents of the twin spirits, becoming weaker, and even more unable to awaken two spirits.

If Ran Qi's talent at the beginning could only awaken one and a half martial souls, then after suffering a sudden change, he could only awaken one and a few more points, less than half.

This caused Ran Qi's first Martial Dragon Cloud Piercing Spear to appear in its entirety, but the remaining less than half of the Martial Spirit has been contained in the Crazy Dragon Cloud Piercing Spear, as if it had not been born.

In the years of the most enchanting generation, there is only one ‘mutation’ that the younger generation encountered when they were young.

It was when Bei Yin Wuwei awakened from 80 million years of accumulation and forcibly absorbed the talents of heaven and earth.

As a baby, Xiao Yi, as the person who was directly caught in front of Bei Yin Wuwei by Gu Yuan Tianjun and others, had his talents ‘looted’ all.

The other creatures between the heaven and the earth were only indirectly ‘looted’, so they were only robbed of a little invisible.

And Ran Qi, as one of them capable of becoming twin martial souls, has a much stronger connection with Beiyin Wuwei than other creatures; therefore, even if it was also indirectly plundered, it was plundered by several points.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi couldn't help frowning.

Even now Beiyin Wuwei is dead, but he still doesn't understand this point.

It stands to reason that talent cannot be looted at all.

Even if the evil spirits slaughter the way and slaughter the creatures, they can only absorb the essence and blood power and use them for their own use.

And even Xiao Yi's own eyes of the Taiyin Sun only absorbed the power of the martial soul.

Yes, just power.

But it was the eye of the lunar sun, re-turning the martial arts spirit of the dead martial artist into a mass of power, and then absorbed it by the two great martial arts within the body.

What is absorbed is only strength.

But things such as Wuhun's abilities, etc., were none.

Talent is impossible to be plundered.

Xiao Yi frowned.

"Fine." Xiao Yi looked at Ran Qi, and now he still deals with the problems in Ran Qi's body first.


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