Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3773: Monster baby

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi, I beg you."

Mo You suddenly called out and knelt down on both knees.

But when the knee was about to touch the ground, a sharp breath stopped it forcibly.

"I am not one of your ancestors, two are not dead, and three are not your predecessors. I have nothing to do with you. I can't stand your kneeling." Xiao Yi looked at Mo You indifferently.

When Mo You saw Xiao Yi finally paid attention, his expression was delighted, "Did Junior Brother Xiao Yi come here to look for me?"

"What do you say?" Xiao Yi said indifferently.

Mo You smiled bitterly, "I live in seclusion in this wilderness, no one knows."

"Junior Brother Xiao Yi just happened to pass by."

"That is the endless sky, me Mo You, and my child." Mo You looked at Xiao Yi in surprise, with a pleading expression on his face.

"I beg Xiao Yi...No, the Chief Palace Master Xiao Yi save my child."

Xiao Yi looked at Mo You indifferently, and was silent.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi asked indifferently, "Is it born?"

"Not yet, but..." Mo You shook his head, his expression eager.

"Lead the way." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly.

"Master Xie Xiao Yi... the master hall master." Mo You finally wanted to subconsciously call "junior brother", but he was afraid of offending, afraid that Xiao Yi frowned, so he changed his name forcibly and called the master hall. the Lord.



In the wilderness, inside a simple small building.

Xiao Yi met Dongfang Zhi again.

At this moment, Dongfang Zhi is still dressed in white, but with a round belly, it seems that she will give birth at any time.

Dongfang Zhi was sitting on the side of the bed, holding a plate in one hand, and eating food on the plate was round.

Compared with the previous, Dongfang Zhi at this moment has lost the breath of a warrior, and has lost the arrogant, domineering, simple smile of the second lady of the Dongfang family.

All the clothes, although the same white clothes, did not have the luxurious appearance, only looked clean and simple.

Xiao Yi looked at Dongfang Zhi.

Dongfang Zhi raised his head and looked at Xiao Yi, then suddenly got up and walked quickly.

Xiao Yi frowned.

Dongfang Zhi stretched out his hand.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Dongfang Zhi made no other move, just handed the plate over and smiled.

With one hand, he picked up another food and stuffed it into his mouth naturally, eating and chewing.

While eating, while looking at Xiao Yi, he seemed to greet Xiao Yi to eat together.

Apart from that, Dongfang Zhi said nothing, like a fool.

Mo You smiled lightly, "Zhi'er is now like a fool, and like a child with only seven or eight years of mind."

Dongfang Zhi looked like a child who greeted the guests at home and offered to eat.

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand and caught something to eat.

Yiyi also stretched out his hand.

Xiao Yi quickly stopped Yiyi.

Xiao Yi took the round food, swallowed, and said, "Well, it's not poisonous."

After all, Fang withdrew the hand that stopped Yiyi.

Mo You smiled bitterly, "Those are just the rice cakes I made, sweet and greasy, Zhier likes to eat them."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Mo You smiled bitterly.

In fact, he knew that Xiao Yi, but today's number one pharmacist on the mainland, a trivial secular food, poisonous and non-toxic, he could tell at a glance that he would taste it himself where he needed it.

"Zhi'er's situation..." Mo You asked worriedly and hesitantly, "Can the main hall master have a way?"

"I still don't know what's going on, how can I do it?" Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"The main hall master doesn't know?" Mo You asked in confusion, "I went to the main hall of the wind brake main hall several times over the past year, and wanted to ask to see the main hall main."

"But the eight main hall masters all refused, saying that it is the main hall master that you are injured and you are in retreat."

"Is it because the main hall masters didn't tell you about me..." Mo You smiled bitterly.

"I am indeed in retreat." Xiao Yi only answered indifferently.

Mo You nodded and said, "In the beginning, Zhi'er was crazy. Half a year ago, the main hall master Yao Zun had mercy and came here."

"But he said, he can't save Zhi'er either, just maybe take care of it, at least let Zhi'er calm down."

"In the past six months, Zhi'er hasn't been crazy, much better, just like a fool, I'm very satisfied."

"It's just that these days..." Mo You gritted his teeth, "I feel more and more wrong. Zhi'er is always in pain in the middle of the night, just like ten thousand horse ants eating his body, painful."

"I want to ask her how she feels, she's just foolish, she doesn't know how to answer, and she just cries pain."

"I was investigating, but I couldn't find out anything. I only knew that the child in my belly seemed to be getting weaker."

"Moreover, it has been more than a year, and the child has not yet been born, which is unusual for our human beings."

"If you continue like this, not only will the child die in the abdomen, Zhi'er is just an ordinary person with no cultivation base, and he will definitely not be able to withstand this torture and die alive."

"Hall Master, please save Zhier and my child."

Without a word, Xiao Yi pulled Dongfang Zhi and sat back on the bed.

Put one hand on her wrist, perceiving it carefully.

Xiao Yi perceives it carefully.

Mo You waited quietly but summoned.

After a long while, Xiao Yi retracted his hand and nodded, "So that's it, a monster was born in his belly."

"Monster?" Mo You paled, "Is it really retribution?"

Mo You staggered back a few steps.

Such a desolate state, how can there be half of the state of Wangyoujian Mo You, who was so energetic and arrogant in the past.

As a husband, as a father, perhaps even the highest cultivation base can't stand such a blow.

Xiao Yi glanced at him and said, "I just said that this baby is extremely talented, but he is not a real monster."

Xiao Yi had already retracted his hand, stood up, and looked at Mo You, "Only based on your Mo You's talent and blood of the descendants, as long as there is no special surprise, at least it will be a gifted baby."

"Human beings do not give birth to pregnancy in October; but for those with unusual talents, it is not surprising that the time is longer."

"Furthermore, Dongfang Zhi is the former owner of the Angelica Flower Martial Spirit, one of the hopes of heaven and earth. Her child should have been given the hope given by heaven and earth, and the first birth of a baby originally represented hope."

"Therefore, the child she gave birth will be more talented and will definitely be a villain."

"Not to mention, this child was born by inheriting your two talents."

"Dongfang Zhi has been pregnant for one or two years. It is normal. You don't have to worry."

"That's good..." Mo You just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Of course, that's normal." Xiao Yi spit out again.

"Now what? Isn't it normal?" Mo You asked quickly.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi said coldly, "In order to stop me, Dongfang Zhi's suppression force completely exceeded her own limit."

"Not only did she lose all her cultivation, but also her spiritual sense was greatly damaged in the collision with the law of the underworld, almost dissipated, so she became crazy."

"This mad woman even takes the strength of the baby in her belly to support her at any cost."

"Baizhihua is the flower of hope. The child in her womb is the successor and successor of this hope."

"Even the strength of the child in the belly was absorbed and consumed by her. Even if this child is saved, he will only be born as an idiot."

"Of course, there will still be talents, but the mind will never recover."

Xiao Yi said coldly, "This is an abnormal situation that originally belonged to Dongfang Zhi."

"Originally?" Mo You asked worriedly, "What about now?"

Xiao Yi replied in a cold voice, "Now that the child is saved, he is instinctively absorbing the mother's power."

"Within a hundred days, Dongfang Zhi will grow old at an alarming rate under the constant loss of vitality, and then finish her life."

"My boy, it will be born then."

"But, it's just a fool again."


Fifth more.

Update today, over.

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