Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3779: Complete Hades

That person shook his head.

"Just to tell you, that's also meaningless."


The light in Xiao Yi's hand jumped, and the Eight Dragons Burning Stove was in that hand.

This is that person's thing.

When Xiao Yi saw this, his face was joyful, which meant that the one agreed.

"This stove has eight floors."

"I have already unlocked the first five floors, but for the next three floors, I have not been able to unlock them all these years."

"No matter how many methods I have used, I can't help it."

When he was in the Eastern Region, he unlocked the first layer and got Long Yan.

Later, the second, third, fourth, and fifth layers were all unlocked, and two beast hands and two beast feet were obtained.

However, he did not untie the next few layers by himself, but instead relied on the power of the Golden Light Cave Mansion and the Six-Pole Golden Core Relic under the crack in the sky to break through.

In other words, these four layers were broken through by external forces.

But after reaching the fifth floor, he couldn't do anything about it.

Yes, he has been trying to break through the ban behind these years, but he has been unable to do anything.

He even tried to use the power of the fire ancestor to attack in the molten earth, but it failed.

The ban on the sixth floor of the Eight Dragons Incinerator is like a powerful barrier that can never be broken.

Hearing the words, he nodded, "Eight Dragon Burning Furnace, the eight bans are made by my natal Dragon Flame."

"The last three layers are the strongest and the core of all bans."

"There, the body and head of Emperor Underworld are sealed, and...the heart of Emperor Underworld!"

"Under the sun, no one can solve it except me."

Xiao Yi curled his lips.

No wonder he has been unable to break through the last three levels of bans all these years.


The light in that hand moved lightly, inside the Eight Dragons Incinerator, the last three bans disappeared silently.

This is his thing and his prohibition.

Now it doesn't even need to expend any effort to unlock it, it can be done with a simple wave of hands.


Six consecutive streamers leaped out.

They are two animal hands, two animal feet, body and head.

When these six are combined, they ‘put together’ into a complete body.

"Is this the flesh of Emperor Ming?" Xiao Yi looked at him in horror.

The entire body is basically in the shape of a ‘human’.

It's just that the body is completely dark, and the skin looks like layers of hideous armor with spikes.

And, the body is burly and tall.

There seemed to be extremely explosive power in that flesh body, one punch could blast through the world.

"That's it, looking at the figure alone is similar to our human beings." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

No wonder those monsters in Mingyu admit him wrong.

Emperor Ming is basically a burly ‘humanoid’ body.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned again.

His gaze flicked over his hands and feet, he had seen the hands and feet of beasts countless times before and had studied them countless times.

It's just that in the past, I didn't know what kind of beast the hands and feet of the beast were.

The gaze swept to the body, and then to the head.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath unconsciously.

Emperor Ming's body was indeed in the shape of a ‘human’, but his face was extremely ferocious and brutal.

That, it was a monster that was terrifying to the extreme; but it was not only terrible, but also full of... an indescribable sense of domineering, powerful and invincible.

Xiao Yi looked more closely, and was surprised again, "No wonder... it looks like a fire-controlling beast."

It's just that the fire-controlling beast has more wings and more horns.

And the body of Emperor Ming had no wings and horns.

But the faces of the two look very similar, especially the fangs in the mouth.

Of course, the fire-controlling beast is ‘small’ and looks simpler.

The Emperor Ming's body is extremely hideous.

Excluding these, it looks roughly like this is an ‘enlarged’ version of the fire control beast.

Xiao Yi's gaze moved up again.

What I saw was a pair of eyes that still had God.

Xiao Yi just wanted to take a closer look, but snorted suddenly, "Uh."

Xiao Yi let out a painful cry, and the figure stepped back unconsciously, covering his eyes and head with one hand, his face in pain.

Just now he looked at the eyes of Emperor Underworld's physical body, and his eyes suddenly stabbed to the extreme.

That feeling, as if I was looking at the endless darkness.

He seemed to see the endless darkness in those eyes, hiding the most inextricable abyss in the world.

Those eyes seemed to swallow themselves, and even crush their physical body and spiritual consciousness into nothingness.

And most importantly.

At that moment, he actually seemed to see the head of Emperor Underworld, transformed into a huge phantom of a fierce beast, with a huge black mouth, as if to swallow the world.

"Ok... so terrible feeling..."

Xiao Yi raised his head abruptly, his eyes changed, and the eyes of the lunar sun came into being.

This time, he looked directly at Mingdi's eyes again.

This time, he didn't feel the tingling anymore.

The left eye is lunar, and the right eye is the sun, except for the coldness of the left eye and the hotness of the right eye.


The one chuckled, with satisfaction on his face, "You are the third creature among the heavens and the world that can look directly at the Eye of the Emperor Underworld."

"At the same time, it is also the first young creature."

The first two are naturally under the crown of this Yanlong and the first generation of soul emperor.

Of course, Xiao Yier is very light this year.

"Where are the other soul emperors?" Xiao Yi asked.

"No." The person shook his head, "The abilities of the soul emperors in the past are different."

"Your eyes are very special." That one seems to have something special.

Xiao Yi retracted the eyes of the Taiyin Sun, and no longer met the eyes of Emperor Ming.

"Emperor Ming, what is it?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked.

That person shook his head, "Neither man nor beast, nor demon nor demon, the Emperor Underworld is Emperor Underworld.

Yes, if we say what kind of clan the Emperor Underworld is, then this clan is called Emperor Underworld; because Emperor Underworld is the only creature in the world.

The person said lightly, "Emperor Underworld's physical seal, even if it is unlocked and given to you, what use is it?"

"The power of Emperor Underworld has already dissipated in the endless world."

Xiao Yi nodded. Of course he knew it, and he had expected it.

Just like a huge monster beast, after its death, its spiritual consciousness and strength will automatically overflow the world.

However, due to the strong physical body, perhaps the body of this monster beast will remain uncorrupted for a long time.

However, there is only the body of the monster beast left, and there is no other power.

The flesh of Emperor Ming is like that now.

"But its level is still there." Xiao Yi smiled.

"His physical body can always give me an increase in fire control, and it is not weak."

"I have the right to control the fire and use it."

"Furthermore, compared to other heavy treasures, this Underworld Emperor's body is extremely hard and hard to be damaged by the gods, so it just happens to be used for my life."

Xiao Yi smiled triumphantly.

That person, however, looked at Xiao Yi playfully, "Are you sure that the increase in fire control was given to you by the body of Emperor Underworld?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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