Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3781: The soul emperor of the heavens


Xiao Yi let out a surprise.

Xiao Yi frowned, "If I didn't guess wrong, you mean, Soul Emperor, only Yanlong Domain has it?"

That person nodded, "Only our Yanlong Region, this piece of heaven and earth created by the Valkyrie can give birth to the Soul Emperor."

"This is the special feature of our Yanlong Region, and it is also a special law that distinguishes it from other regions."

"There is only one person in the heavens, the soul emperor!"

"The soul emperor is the soul emperor of the heavens and the world!"

That person, staring at Xiao Yi, his eyes leaked extremely solemn.

"In the past, after eight dragon servants knew your soul emperor status, they wanted to kill you, and they could kill you without hesitation."

"Because you are dead, the next soul emperor will naturally be born in the Yanlong domain."

"Do you think, if you are found in the heavens and ten thousand realms as the soul emperor, where will you end up?"

"At that time, death was just an extravagant hope."

Xiao Yi's face paled, "They will not kill me, but imprison me, and then try to control, and even..."

"Heh." The one sneered, "The monsters of the heavens and the world will do whatever it takes to explore all the secrets in you."

"Then how do I go?" Xiao Yi swallowed.

The Soul Emperor is a special identity and a powerful identity.

But it hasn't really grown up, but it is also vulnerable and the most dangerous identity.

"Buckling." Xiao Yi couldn't help but cursed, "I knew the depths of the world in the past, and had scruples, I have never dared to recognize this identity."

"Behind it is you and the murderous intent of the Eight Heavenly Monarchs under your command."

"It's all right now. I ran to the outside world. I still didn't dare to recognize it. Don't tell it. It became a reminder."

That person nodded solemnly, "Your identity is indeed special."

"You are as good as Lin Yin, but Lin Yin was not the soul emperor, so he can be easier and safer than you."

Xiao Yi looked at that person, "You are the omnipotent Yanlong."

"The ban you set up in just a few minutes can block the blood kaluo."

"It's not difficult for you to give me a ban on interest rate?"

"Not difficult." The one shook his head.

"That's good." Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief again.

"Come on then." Xiao Yi looked at that person.

"Not in a hurry." The one still shook his head, "I can brand you a ban. In the heavens and all realms, those who can break this ban and perceive your breath are not more than ten creatures."

"However, there is only one ethnic group, which can not be isolated."

Without waiting for Xiao Yi to ask questions, the one directly gave the answer, "Xu Clan."

"Soul beast?" Xiao Yi asked.

That person shook his head, "Xu Clan belongs to Xu Clan, soul beast belongs to soul beast."

"You don't have to pay attention to the soul beast, but if you encounter it, the Xu Clan, either kill it cleanly, or prepare to run away, return to the Yanlong Region, and never think of going out of the heavens and the world."

Xiao Yi frowned.

That person said solemnly, "Xu Clan, you can ignore all restrictions and instantly discover the identity of your soul emperor."

"Why?" Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "What the **** is Xuzu?"

The man replied with a deep voice, "Void race, the heavens and the world, the endless void, a special race."

"Powerful, mysterious, and fierce."

"They can drift in the void, not limited by the void, and feed on all living beings."

"They will definitely be the clan you will come into contact with in the heavens and the world."

That person continued, "They are more difficult and troublesome than any race."

"In the heavens and ten thousand realms, only the Soul Emperor is their absolute nemesis."

"Your soul emperor ability has never been the nemesis of spiritual consciousness, but only has a certain restraint effect, but the nemesis of the virtual race."

"No matter how powerful the Xu Clan is, in front of the soul emperor, even a weak soul emperor that has not grown up will be vulnerable to a blow."

"They are also the most sensitive to the existence of the Soul Emperor."

Xiao Yi asked in surprise, "Why do they recognize the identity of the Soul Emperor?"

"It's very simple." The person said in a deep voice, "They only need to look at you for a moment, and they will instantly sink into an endless abyss."

"They can't see how face you are, what you are."

"In their eyes, you are just a thick fog, but you can plunge them into the abyss in an instant, unable to extricate themselves."

"So, as long as you meet the Xuzu, the Xuzu can immediately discover your existence."

"Xu Clan, I seem to have heard of..." Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

"You've encountered it too." The person replied, "There are two in the magic light."

"In the foggy forest, there is one."

"There are other places too."

"Whenever the Soul Emperor comes, the Xu Clan will definitely retreat."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Can we also give birth to Void creatures in the Yanlong Region?"

"No." The one shook his head, "Xu Clan, from outside the territory."

"Over the long years, countless extraterritorial monsters and ghosts have coveted the origin of this world, and the Xu Clan is no exception."

"It's just that, as soon as some little mice came, I let it go. It just happened to be a **** in my game, and it was not bad for me to wash the sands out of this world."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Jixu clan will retreat when he meets me, what am I afraid of..."

The cold voice interrupted, "The heavens and myriad worlds are no better than in the Yanlong region, the Xu Clan dare not make any trouble."

"In the heavens and ten thousand realms, some of the Xu Clan are driven by drivers who can kill you."

"The Soul Emperor is the absolute nemesis of the Xu Clan, and it will only be the mortal enemy of the Xu Clan."

Xiao Yi's body trembled, "I...go to the heavens and worlds, it's dangerous to such a degree, there are enemies everywhere?"

"I said, what is the significance of the existence of the soul emperor born from this heaven and earth?"

"The soul emperor who has not grown up is the most dangerous existence in this world."

"This identity seems to be boundless in the future, but in fact, everyone covets it at all. Everyone trying to control or even kill is the most dangerous identity in this world."

That person said indifferently, "Fortune and misfortune are unpredictable and depend on each other."

"Heaven and Earth gave birth to the identity of the Soul Emperor."

"Although the soul emperor is equal to the heaven and the earth, it is never an enemy of the heaven and the earth, but the one who approves it."

"The soul emperor has the ability to control the only law of time, has the ability to control all souls, and is the absolute nemesis of the Void Race."

"At the same time, Heaven and Earth also gave the Soul Emperor absolute protection."

That person said slowly, "Except for those who approve the soul emperor's identity, relatives, and those who follow the track, no one can tell the word for this identity. Otherwise, it will be backlashed by the heavens and the earth, even the powerful emperor. "

"The identity of the soul emperor has always been regarded as a secret by heaven and earth, so as to protect its growing identity."

"It's just that there will be triumphant people, people who have the opportunity to be inadequate, and many other reasons, and they fall in the middle."

The soul emperor who has not grown up, this identity has never been a glory, but a crisis that can be easily overcome.


Second more.

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