Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3798: Emperor Bo Xue


The entire warship shook violently as if a mountain collapsed.

Xiao Yi quickly settled down and sensed everything outside the ship.

The strong perception, instantly spilled out.

"What a terrible Void Wind." Xiao Yi's eyes changed.

In his perception, the entire warship was completely in the storm.

Void wind is far different from the cold wind or wind in the normal world.

The wind blowing in the void is extremely cold and carries the unique air of void in the void.

Even if he is a strong monarch realm cultivation base, he needs to consume his vitality to protect his body in order to resist it.

And this void storm is the result of a large and dense gathering of void winds.

Now the entire warship is not only like a big ship traveling alone in the ocean, but also a fragile thing at risk in the storm, waiting for the storm to completely shatter it to pieces.

Xiao Yi's perception quickly extended, and at the same time he leaped out of the cabin, looking directly into the distance.

The warship is already completely in the void storm.

Looking into the distance, there is no end in sight of this storm.

The one-eyed bald head also rushed out, his face greatly changed, "How could it could it..."

"Let's not talk about the powerful storm of this level."

"Furthermore, this Void Storm is so huge, the scope is almost endless, I am afraid it is enough to swallow an ordinary small world."

"It's impossible for such a storm to appear on the cloud and Martian domain."

While talking with one-eyed bald head, his body was shaking.

Xiao Yi also just strengthened his figure, his eyes filled with surprise.


Suddenly, there was a burst of cracks on the boat.

The one-eyed bald head's expression changed again, "It's such a terrible wind in the void, and even the hull of the warship can't hold it."


At the same time, inside the battleship, the breath ran away in disorder, and the light was dazzling.

Xiao Yi frowned, "The hull was wounded, and the large array in it began to be damaged. It affected all the large arrays at once, causing the large array to become chaotic and even completely ineffective."

"Crap...crap..." One-eyed bald head said in surprise.

"What is that?" Xiao Yi's sharp gaze suddenly stopped as he stared into the distance.

In the endless darkness, there seemed to be two figures.

"It's a creature." Xiao Yi reacted at once.

"That's it?" The one-eyed bald head also followed Xiao Yi's gaze.


In the distance, the violent roar in the darkness continued.

One after another, it seemed to shake the entire void.

The two figures are obviously fighting each other.

With one wave of his hand, hundreds of thousands of miles of thunder raged, the darkness was completely blown away by the thunder, and the void was blown into dense cracks.

While another figure waved his hand, the thunder was torn apart and the void exploded.

Between the two fighting each other, I am afraid that a radius of tens of billions of miles is a land of destruction.

The remaining prestige was scattered, but the shocking shock still wreaked havoc on the void.

"What a terrible strength, fighting Yu Wei has already caused such a terrifying void storm in the void." Xiao Yi's eyes were shocked.

Boom...A thunder flashed across the void world.

Xiao Yi could slightly see the faint faces of these two people with this extra light.

That turned out to be just two young creatures.

The one-eyed bald head exclaimed, "It is Emperor Otto and Emperor Bo Xue."

"Damn it, two great masters are fighting each other, so it's no wonder that such a terrifying void storm has spawned."

"Still stunned?" Xiao Yi couldn't care about anything else, and snorted quickly.

"What...what?" One-eyed bald head asked in surprise.

"Control the warship to run away." Xiao Yi yelled.

"Oh, yes yes..." The one-eyed bald head reacted instantly and returned to the cabin.

The direction in which the warship flies now is the center of the fight between the two in the dark distance.

If you continue to fly like this, let alone unable to break out of this void storm, you will encounter a more violent and terrifying storm.

That is basically an act of seeking death.


The warship, forcibly shifting its direction, made a harsh click in the storm.

"My lord." The one-eyed bald-headed voice came in anxious voice, "The storm's impact is too strong, and the battleship can't get rid of sucking and turning the rudder."


As the warship passed through, the cracking sound became more intense.

"Damn it." Xiao Yi quickly jumped out of the cabin.


The black dragon fire wing emerged, and the Wu Jue true meaning increased.

The terrifying and icy wind in the void caused a sway of the black dragon fire on his body, and a layer of frost formed on his clothes.

This is the horror of the void storm. Once the void wind converges to a terrible crawl, then it is the absolute crisis of all the creatures walking in the endless void.


Xiao Yi tried his best to push the warship, but the speed of the warship's rudder was still limited.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...

Six powerful flames erupted from Xiao Yi's body.

"Go." Xiao Yi shouted coldly.

Under the astonishing flame burst, the warship finally turned its rudder.

Xiao Yi's figure flashed and jumped back into the battleship.

But at this moment, Xiao Yi's back suddenly cooled, as if his whole body was seen through, stinging extremely.

Xiao Yi quickly turned around, but saw the two figures that had originally fought against each other in the void and darkness.

Two sharp gazes easily penetrated the distant darkness and fell on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's eyes also immediately collided with these two eyes.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath for a moment.

A single gaze made him feel like he was in an ice cellar instantly, as if his physical body and spiritual sense were about to collapse.

Xiao Yi quickly retracted his gaze and jumped into the cabin.

Whoosh whoosh...

Pieces of spirit stones were thrown out in Xiao Yi's hand, and the spirit stones all fell into the center of the big formations accurately.

"Get up." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

The originally chaotic arrays were instantly under Xiao Yi's control, becoming calm and stable.

Bang bang bang...

The big formations were in perfect fit; at this moment, under Xiao Yi's control, they were all launched, and they were also running perfectly.

The speed of the battleship increased dramatically.

After doing everything, Xiao Yifang breathed a sigh of relief.

The warship was flying away from the center of the void storm, slowly flying farther and farther, until it completely escaped from the void storm.

In the distance of the void.

The eyes of the two figures flashed a little surprise, obviously amazed by the explosion of six powerful flames in the world and the fire of the black dragon.

Of course, that's all.

The two withdrew their gazes in an instant, and stared at each other coldly.

In their eyes, the tiny warship and creatures in the distant void were nothing but weak ants. Even if they were a little surprised, they were ultimately ants, too lazy to pay attention.

In the middle of the two, there seemed to be something bright, pulsating.

The two were obviously fighting.


Inside the battleship.

Xiao Yi glanced inside.

The energy of the Qiquan in the body directly consumed a large portion.

The eruption consumption of the black dragon fire alone is not too much; but after the six powerful flames in the world erupt together, the energy consumption is directly increased by six times.

The shift in the direction of the warship in that short period of time just now made him consume a lot of energy.


The warship was still shaking, and the hull was still being damaged, but it was much lighter than before.

A trace of fear flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes.

Fortunately, this warship can at least serve as a shelter, otherwise, alone, I am afraid that it will not be able to last long in the void storm.

There are at least a large number of formations available on the battleship.

After a whole number of hours.


The battleship seemed to have broken through a thin layer of waves, and made a soft noise, completely rushing out of the range of this void storm.

"My lord, we rushed out." The one-eyed bald head reported with joy.

This also means that the two of them are out of crisis.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Continue to fly in this direction, widen the distance, after an hour, turn back to the rudder and go straight."

The one-eyed bald head nodded and said with a smile, "My lord, I understand this. Let's take a little bit further. Our warship travels in an arc, which is equivalent to a turn. It not only completely avoided the storm, but also avoided the two emperors the Lord."


First more.

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