Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3800: A trace of heaven and earth

Xiao Yi nodded, "Do you see anything in its eyes?"

"What do you see?" The one-eyed bald head controlled the warship to fly, and looked at the spirit-swallowing tribe who was chasing ferociously.

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently.

One-eyed bald head frowned and said, "My lord, a rookie who is new to the world, can you be more experienced and understand these spirit swallowing races better than I do?"

"These monsters are the greatest crisis for all our creatures walking in the void."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I don't know the Spirit Swallowing Race."

"They are not humans or demons, but beasts."

"I know this kind of beastly look."

"Look more realistically." Xiao Yi stared into the huge eyes of the Spirit Swallowing Race.

"In this guy's eyes, there is no bloodthirsty light when wild beasts prey, on the contrary, they are full of playfulness."

"Let's not rush to hunt us now."

"It's... chasing and playing."

"Catch up?" One-eyed bald head frowned, looking at the chasing Spirit Devourer, "It looks like that's the case."

"The villain has been taught." The one-eyed bald bowed a bow and asked in confusion, "Sir, you seem to know these beasts very well."

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "If you kill too many, you know it naturally."

"Then what is it doing after us?" One-eyed bald head asked.

"I don't know." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"You look determined." Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head.

One-eyed bald head chuckled, "I just looked at the adults and you are sure, so I am sure too."

"My lord should be sure to deal with this spirit swallowing race."

Xiao Yi nodded.

One-eyed bald head hurriedly said, "Then I will stop the warship immediately, so as not to waste my spiritual veins."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's late."

"Huh?" The one-eyed bald head was puzzled at first, and the next moment, the whole body was cold.

In the darkness, I don't know when to start, and there are huge fierce lights.

The pursuit of the Spirit Swallowing Race had also stopped.

However, it looked more like guarding, blocking the retreat of the warship.

In the darkness, huge beasts suddenly rushed out, densely packed.

"Swallow...swallowing many..." The tone of the one-eyed bald head shivered.

"My lord, we are in the old nest of the Spirit-swallowing clan...End...End...End..."

The one-eyed bald face instantly paled.

Xiao Yi glanced around, "One head is the peak of the nine-folds of the monarchy, and the other is the nine-folds of the monarchy."

There are countless spirit swallowing tribes around, densely packed, I'm afraid there are no fewer than a thousand.

The strongest is only the nine peaks of the Head Sovereign Realm.

There is also this spirit swallowing clan who chased them all the way just now, the Ninth Level of Sovereign Realm.

"The rest are all eight layers of monarch realm."

Xiao Yi glanced over with cold eyes.

At this time, the most fierce light was the spirit swallowing tribe with the eightfold aura of the monarch realm.

"So that's it." Xiao Yi suddenly.

"On the battleship, we are the two creatures, but the soul swallowing tribe has the teeth between them."

"The purpose of chasing us to their lair is to sharpen the weak in the family."

Shocked eyes flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes, "It has the gregariousness of a wolf, the ferocity of a wolf, and the fearlessness of death like a monster."

"But at the same time, he has the detached wisdom that the orcs can have, and knows how to chase and sharpen the prey for the clansmen in the clan."

"There is even this kind of awareness of the Aobu people to let the people grow up."

"Big... Your lord..." The one-eyed bald head cried, "Are you still talking to yourself?"

"We are in the nest of the Spirit Devouring Race."

"Our warship can't hold up for half a second."

"Without the warship, even if the Invincible Monarch Realm is trapped here, it will only be torn to pieces in a short time."

Xiao Yi nodded, let go of his restraint, and glanced indifferently with one-eyed bald head, "You guys couldn't help beating before."

"These spirit swallowing races are pretty good."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi instantly jumped out of the battleship.

The one-eyed bald head was shocked, "Big...sir what are you doing?"

Xiao Yi did not answer.

But the one-eyed bald head quickly understood.


A pair of fire wings melted out of Xiao Yi.

It was not the fire of the black dragon, but a strong purple flame.

Yes, it is Amethyst Lingyan.

This is the first powerful flame in the world obtained after debut.

After all, he still feels that this kind of flame is more handy in battle.

The other is the unique "burning all things" effect of Amethyst Lingyan. The invincible burning of all things made his blood boil.


The dense siege of the Spirit Devouring clan struck, Xiao Yi didn't retreat but instead moved forward, blasting out with a punch.

A spirit swallowing clan who first attacked was pierced with a punch, and the flame instantly penetrated its huge body.

Boom boom boom...

Purple inflammation all over the sky, pouring and running away.

The one-eyed bald head watched from a distance on the battleship, maintaining a large defensive formation, and his body trembled.

Encountering the siege of the Spirit Devouring Race in the void is an extremely fatal crisis.

But gradually, these tremors became a deep horror.

What he saw was just a feast of killing.

Just a terrifying fire-control warrior, artistically perfect fire-control, easily manipulating the flames and slaughtering the spirit swallowing race here.

After the flames were added, this adult even dared to fight the Spirit Devouring Race, and crushed them all.

At this moment, Xiao Yi, with the increase of the Five Jue True Intentions, was just an eight-fold peak martial artist in the Sovereign Realm.

And here, the swallowing spirit tribe is over a thousand, densely packed.

The general peak of the monarchy, the invincible monarchy, I am afraid it will only slowly fall miserably during the siege.

But as far as Xiao Yi is concerned, unless his strength completely suppresses him, there is no difference between one Sovereign Realm eightfold, and ten, one hundred, one thousand or even ten thousand Sovereign Eightfolds.

Bang bang bang bang...

The battle ended for several hours.

Then, there is no doubt that it is a fierce battle.

From the outside, the heart is thrilling.

But Xiao Yi's eyes were only indifferent.

Bha...It wasn't until Xiao Yi fell back on the battleship that the one-eyed bald head reacted.

At this moment, Xiao Yi was covered in blood.

Some are his blood; but more are the blood of these spirit swallowing races.

Those indifferent eyes are so pure, pure indifference.

That figure is so simple and neat.

No, looking closely, what Xiao Yi is at this moment...I don't know how to describe it.

Perhaps, only when this mask is put on, this young man will be truly unscrupulous, truly unrestrained, and the real battle will be incisive and vivid.

"Big... Your lord..." The one-eyed bald head couldn't help but spit out, and his feet staggered back a few steps.

In his eyes, Xiao Yi at this moment seemed not to be a Taoist creature, but a demon that had just crawled out of hell.

Those indifferent eyes made people tremble.

The one-eyed bald head unconsciously fell to the ground with his butt, unconsciously unconsciously moving away from Xiao Yi.

"What do you do?" Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"Gu." One-eyed swallowed his saliva and reacted, but looking at the corpses of the Spirit Devouring Race floating around in the void, it was hard to conceal the shock.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head exclaimed, "The corpses of those Spirit Devourers are very valuable, but you can't let them float away in the void."

"I know." Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, "So you are still stunned?"

"Oh oh oh." The one-eyed bald head hurriedly got up, laughing endlessly, "Of course these trivial things are handled by the villain."

In a moment of effort, all the corpses of the Soul Devouring Race were collected by the one-eyed bald head, all in the Qiankun Ring.

"What use are these spirit swallowing corpses?" Xiao Yi asked indifferently.

"I don't know." The one-eyed bald head shook his head, "Anyway, I can sell it for a lot of money."

Xiao Yi frowned, took out a ‘small’ corpse of the Spirit Devouring Race from the Qiankun Ring, and felt it carefully.

"A corpse is generally used as a material." Xiao Yi muttered to himself, "Could it be used for refining medicine?"

"I don't know." One-eyed bald head shook his head.

"I'll try it." Xiao Yi took out the Eight Dragons incinerator, threw the corpse into the furnace, and began to refine.

A few minutes later.

There was nothing in the Eight Dragons Incinerator, not even a trace of impurities.


But in the furnace, a trace of pure power floated out.

"Huh? The origin of heaven and earth?"

Two exclamations sounded at the same time.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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