Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3804: Void Follower

Xiao Yi stared into the distance.

In the endless darkness, the light from the stars of the domain is just a ‘small spot’.

Thanks to the vastness of the sky, and the contrast between darkness and light, it is equivalent to increasing the eyesight in disguise.

It seems that the bright spot of light in the distance is right in front of you, but in fact, I am afraid that it will take a few hours to fly.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "Although I don't look carefully, it is difficult to see such a subtle light from the boundary."

"But what you see with your eyesight shouldn't be more direct than perception."

"I've seen it all, the perception array on the battleship just touched?"

Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head with dissatisfaction, "What kind of warship is this? No wonder there is a risk of getting lost."

One-eyed bald head sneered, "My lord, you misunderstood."

"It's just that the spirit veins on the battleship are exhausted too quickly, and the villain has reduced the power of the large formations everywhere."

"I was prepared to be lost in the void for many years, and I was also ready to increase the effect of the perception of the big array. It just so happens that you will see the light of the stars.

"So I said, my lord, you were lucky this time."

The one-eyed bald head explained, "Normally, the perception array on the battleship is dozens of times stronger than the inspirational knowledge, or even more."

"Of course, the premise is to pile up the spirit vein consumption on the perception array..."

"I know." Xiao Yi interrupted.

He didn't know the common sense in the endless void.

But the effect of the big formation, his formation mage is much clearer than the one-eyed bald head.

The effect of the large array, of course, far exceeds the means of the creature itself.

"Which world will it be there?" Xiao Yi asked.

One-eyed bald head thought for a while, "If you guessed correctly, we are back in the cloud and Martian domain."

"Judging from the aura of the perception array, it should be Qingxi Realm, an ordinary realm."

Xiao Yi nodded.

Time passed slowly.

The warship was also flying normally.

Xiao Yi thought secretly.

For this piece of endless void, he is really just a rookie.

Losing in the void is another great crisis walking in the heavens and worlds.

The scary thing is precisely the characteristic of this void, and the creatures have no other supplies.

Just like this time, Ruozhen is as the one-eyed bald head said, lost in the void, without a direction, wandering endlessly in the unknown void.

He had just finished fighting, and his vitality was almost exhausted.

Once the spirit veins on the battleship are exhausted, and the spirit veins in his own universe ring are also exhausted, then he really has to wait for death.

This is like an ordinary person lost in the endless desert.

But more terrifying than being lost in the desert, dying of thirst, and starving to death, is the lonely wandering in the endless void for a long time. What creature can bear the feeling of waiting for death in such loneliness?

Can he Xiao Yi?

he does not know.

The spirit swallowing tribe, the void storm, and the raiding group wandering in the void, the void is lost, and there are many hidden dangers.

In other words, what awaits him Xiao Yi will be an unknown road that is a hundred times more dangerous than the many crises on his own growth in the past, because the situation here is more complicated.


The light spot in the darkness in the distance is getting bigger and bigger.

It proves that the battlefield is getting closer to that territory.

Just at this time.

The one-eyed bald head suddenly walked to Xiao Yi and knelt down heavily.

"What?" Xiao Yi looked down at the bright bald head in front of him indifferently.

The one-eyed bald head showed a look of fear, "Please also please forgive me."

"Spare?" Xiao Yi looked indifferently, "So, are you ready to admit that you lied to me just now?"

"My lord, do you know?" The pupils of the one-eyed head shrank.

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi's indifferent tone turned into indifference.

"Even if I avoided the void storm and turned around, I was chased by the Spirit Devouring Race for quite a while."

"To sum it up, the flight time of this warship, at its speed, will never fly too far, too far."

"The shuttle between the territories, even if they are adjacent, starts in ten days; the far ones take months at every turn; the star areas take years and decades."

"Since the warship is a holy weapon for flying through the void, if it can't even perceive the distance of at least ten days, that is, the distance trajectory between adjacent domains, then the perception array on the ship is useless at all."

"Big... Your lord..." The one-eyed bald head was full of horror.

He had to admit that he looked down on the young adult, the adult who seemed to be a rookie.

Although this adult is a rookie who has just entered the void, he is definitely a terrifying existence with careful mind.

"It's a villain **** it." The one-eyed bald head repeatedly begged for mercy.

Xiao Yi said coldly, "After I guess you lied, there is still time to break you down in the future."

"You immediately thought of the reason for Yuan Li, and you didn't put the spirit vein consumption on the perception array."

"You are so exquisite, this is the reason why I keep you temporarily."

"Next, it's up to you to talk about it, an explanation that can convince me not to kill you."

The one-eyed bald head heard the words, and a glimmer of hope burst into his eyes, "The adults are clever, the villains do know that we are not lost."

"It's not that the adults are lucky. We have always been a little bit outside the deviation point of the normal course."

"The villain just wants to keep deviating from the realm world, preventing adults from reaching the normal world."

"Why?" Xiao Yi asked coldly.

The one-eyed bald head said in horror, "If I didn't guess wrong, the adults will definitely solve me before reaching the normal world."

"Why?" Xiao Yi asked again.

One-eyed head swallowed, "Because adults won't want to let others know about their first involvement in the void."

"Adults are in the realm of the monarchy, but they can refine the Spirit Devouring Race and get the origin of the heavens and the earth; such things will not be allowed to leak.

"And the most important thing is that in just a few days of observation, I know that you are not a kind-hearted person; I am afraid that you are the kind of murderous **** who can kill hundreds of millions of creatures in a realm without blinking."

"Once I leave the darkness and void and return to the normal world, my lord will never save my life."

Xiao Yi nodded, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes, "Yes, it's kind of smart."

"But this explanation is not enough to prevent me from killing you."

"Maybe you can give me a better reason, provided you have it."

"Of course." The one-eyed bald head nodded repeatedly, "If the adult is willing, the villain is willing to be a follower of the adult."

"Followers?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The one-eyed bald head nodded earnestly, his eyes were full of hopes for survival at all costs.

"Talk about it." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"The so-called follower..." One-eyed bald head explained it again.

Xiao Yi frowned, thinking.

One-eyed bald head, waiting anxiously, for fear that the adult would spit out an unwilling answer.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi nodded, "Yes."

The one-eyed bald face was overjoyed, not waiting for Xiao Yi to say more, not to wait for Xiao Yi to repent, and hurriedly kneeled down, "Heaven and earth are proof, and the void is bound, I am willing to be the follower of Master Yi Xiao today..."


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