Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3843: Floating shuttle

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, no longer thinking about it.

In fact, there were not many injuries on his body.

The main reason is that his strength is consumed too much, and his left hand is abolished.

With regard to strength, there are ten strengths to support himself.

One is the qi fountain in the normal cultivation system, and the vitality in it.

Eight copies belong to eight musts.

Shenhuo Channel, God Wind Channel, Immortal Dao Body, etc., all require pure aura to conceive and contain the power of Demon Dao.

It's just that these eight magic powers are different from each other.

In the veins of the divine fire is the power of burning demons.

In the veins of the **** wind, the power of the wind demon.

In the body of the undead, is the power of the undead.


The eight powers are independent of each other and cannot be shared unless other efforts are taken to transform them.

The tenth part, naturally, can be used as the foundation of all magic ways, the magic body, the pure magic power that runs through the whole body.

Qiquan yuan power, as well as the power of the magic body, as the foundation, can penetrate all means.

A full ten strength support is what he relies on to have the confidence that far exceeds the fighting time of other creatures.

Of course, now the Qiquan's elemental strength is only 70%, which is not as good as the strength support of the other Jiufen reaching the eighth peak of the Sovereign Realm.

The eight masters of the palace told him that eight unique skills, and any one of them to the peak, are enough for him to run wild on the mainland.

The eight masters of the palace are only supported by two strengths, one is the qi spring in the normal cultivation system, and the other is their own unique skills, and they have indeed achieved rampant mainland China.

Now he Xiao Yi has mastered the eight masters together, and has directly achieved the power to shake the souls of the ten thousand realms, and even with the ultimate power of the king, he has severely injured an emperor.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled slightly.

What he has to do now is to simply absorb the power of the spirit stone, and then transform it into the power of the magic way, and restore the combat power.

As for this abandoned hand...

Xiao Yi gritted his teeth and used the Beng Jie Fist. The long-lost physical pain still scared him a bit.

The feeling as if the flesh was torn apart, and the arm was distorted and ruined. Although it was extremely painful, Xiao Yi didn't care.

Speaking of which, this long-lost feeling is many years ago.

For the first time, at that time, he was still in Beishan County not long after he first came out, and his opponent was an evil repairer in the Earth Element Realm.

Later, this kind of pain has only been experienced a few times.

Later, on the road to growth, his kendo and fire control were all successful, and he didn't rely much on the Shura combat body.

However, he was used to countless dangers and tribulations along the way.

Therefore, he didn't care about the inhuman torture-like pain; what he was afraid of later was fortunately that the eighth drop of Shura's power did not merge at the same time.

Otherwise, the backlash of that punch might destroy his entire body.

Shura's sword is the devil in the devil.

The various magic ways are derived from the ultimate physical power, such as fire control, wind protection and so on.

Then, after the ultimate physical body is cultivated again, the demonic body refines the body, what is that?


Two days later.

Xiao Yi exhaled heavily.

The strength of his body has been restored.

Originally, the Bajue all required a long period of pregnancy and nurturing. Once the energy was consumed, it would take a long time to recover.

But Xiao Yi has a demon body and the foundation of the demon path, so as long as he has enough cultivation resources, it is not difficult to recover, and the transformation between powers is nothing more.

In two days, the power of the magical way returned to its heyday.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's eyes returned to indifference and self-confidence.

In his heyday, Fang didn't have to fear the many crises.

Even if he encounters those two evil spirits from the Ten Thousand Realms again at this moment, although Xiao Yi dare not say that he can win them, he should not be afraid of them.

Xiao Yi waved his big hand and dispersed the surrounding restraints.

"One-eyed, come." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

There is a void contract between him and his followers, and within a certain distance, he can do such ordinary perception and rumors.

But for a moment.

Outside the cave, a warship arrived quickly.

On the boat, it was the one-eyed bald head.

"Sir." The one-eyed bald head hurriedly came, "Where have you been in the past two days? I can't perceive your traces at all."

Xiao Yi could perceive the one-eyed bald head because of the connection of the void contract.

But Xiao Yi was wearing a ghost mask, and even with his one-eyed bald head, he couldn't perceive Xiao Yi even with a void contract.

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "I want to ask you where did you go two days ago?"

"The battle is over, I glanced around and didn't see you and the ship."

At that time, Xiao Yi might be able to perceive the position of the one-eyed bald head by contract, but if it is beyond the limit of his eyesight, it is not close. Xiao Yi did not care about it, and took the lead to recover from his injury.

One-eyed bald head blurted out, "I escaped by the order of your lord."

"The whole number is a melee of ten thousand strong, and the weakest is the peak of the sovereign. The villain does not even have the qualifications to watch the battle."

"The mad sword emperor appeared behind, of course the villain escaped far..."

The one-eyed bald head didn't finish speaking, his eyes stared at Xiao Yi's arm suddenly, "My lord, your hand..."

"It's abolished." Xiao Yi said indifferently, "it takes a long time to cultivate."

"Is the fighting so fierce?" One-eyed bald head said, a trace of shame and self-blame flashed in his eyes.

But in an instant, the one-eyed bald head sneered, "The villain is one-eyed, and the grown-up is one-armed now. It's a perfect match."

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "Go, back to the Yellow Wind Realm."

One-eyed bald head said, "Sir, don't you refining the treasure of the floating world first?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "The same goes for returning to the battleship and slowly refining it. Anyway, it will be sold to Wanjie Commercial Bank afterwards."

One-eyed bald head widened his eyes, "My lord, you really want to sell this world's treasure?"

"Otherwise?" Xiao Yi said indifferently, "These realm treasures can only mobilize the power of heaven and earth within their own realm. They are useless in the void and other realm worlds. What am I keeping?"

"I can't stay in the floating world forever."

The one-eyed bald head rubbed his palms, his face was curious, and said, "My lord, first refine and see what it is."

"Anyway, it won't take much time to refining."

"Floating Realm." Xiao Yi thought for a while, "You want to see if the special rules of this floating realm suit you."

"If I refine the Supreme Treasure, with this, I can directly lower this special law, it will be easier for you to perceive, and it will be easy for you to enlighten it later.

"Hey." One-eyed bald head sneered.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, bang... a flame in his hand condensed suddenly.

Flame, enveloping this bright thing.

The treasure of heaven and earth can be refined with any power.

Xiao Yi is good at controlling fire, and he uses the power of the fire way to refine it, and the speed will be faster.

An hour later.

The light around this shining thing was exhausted, finally revealing what was wrapped in it.

Xiao Yi continued to refine.

Those lights are the power of heaven and earth that envelops the treasure of heaven and earth.

It is necessary to refine these powers before Zhihuo begins to refine this treasure for its own use.

It was another hour later.

Xiao Yi stopped refining and frowned slightly, "Floating shuttle?"


Third more.

Update today, over.

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