Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3857: Finally enough spiritual veins

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned suddenly.

"So little spiritual pulse?"

In the third Universe Ring, there are indeed all top-grade spiritual veins.

But the quantity inside is...

"There are only 50,000 high-grade spiritual veins..." Xiao Yi frowned.

"Dignified Wuluo, just so little net worth?"


"Where else can it be searched?"

Xiao Yi thought to himself.

On the desolate land, 20,000 followers each either meditated cross-legged to recover from their injuries, or those who were skilled in refining medicine walked around to help their companions heal their injuries.

But no one knows that their'sir', at this moment, is like a stingy rich man, looking angry about spiritual matters.

"Sir." One-eyed bald head said, "As far as the villain knows, this is normal."

"Is this normal?" Xiao Yi frowned. "At this level of wealth, he can't compare with the masters of Fei Lian."

"According to my judgment, Wuluo, a group of void bandits, is not to say that the net worth is more than ten times that of these powerful world masters, or even more."

One-eyed bald head smiled, "Would not the wealth left by Wu Luo add up to invaluable?"

"A medium-sized warship, 29 small warships, and 29 boundary stones."

"There are also a lot of natural resources."

"All these things add up, at least more than two million spiritual veins, this kind of wealth, which realm master can have?"

"It's also at the level of the emperor of the heavens, and he is rich in wealth."

The one-eyed bald head continued, "Wuluo, it's not the void predator who waits for a warship to go slowly."

"As far as the villain knows, Wu Luo has always been ambitious and has some intersection with many big people."

"The Wuluo plundering group is also under Wuluo's step-by-step management. It has today's void dominance and a large number of warships."

"Buying battleships, buying boundary stones, making friends with big men from all sides, etc., naturally consumes a lot of Wuluo's spiritual veins."


Xiao Yi's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

The figure entered the medium-sized warship.

The one-eyed bald head followed in.

Lingmai storage room.

Xiao Yi looked at the spiritual veins that were almost full of most of the storage room, his brows finally Panasonic, "It's okay here, there are more than 80,000 high-grade spiritual veins."

The one-eyed bald head hurriedly said, "My lord, I advise you not to think about the spiritual veins here."

"The spiritual veins that a medium warship needs to consume and maintain are naturally ten times that of a small warship."

"Generally, there are tens of thousands of spiritual veins, enough for a medium-sized warship to be used normally for hundreds of years."

"But if it is used to support a medium-sized destroying array, it will cost a lot of spiritual veins every time it is activated."

"The reason why Wuluo has placed a full eighty thousand spiritual veins here is because this is the main battleship and will link the other battleships."

This is like the main formation linking various small formations, requiring a larger spiritual vein to maintain support.

Xiao Yi didn't stray away again, but directly relying on the increase in perception here, he could know the situation inside the remaining 29 warships.

"The 29 warships, in each of the spiritual vein storage rooms, there are about thousands of top-grade spiritual veins."

"Counting the main battlefield here, all the various miscellaneous spiritual veins add up, but there can be a 200,000 high-grade spiritual vein."

"It's okay, it's a good harvest."

Xiao Yi's eyes finally showed a bit of joy.

In Wuluo's Universe Ring, there are only 50,000 high-grade spiritual veins, not many.

I am afraid that in the past few years, there was the consumption of buying warships and boundary stones, and of course there was also the consumption of their own cultivation.

The spiritual veins stored in the warships are just enough to maintain the normal needs of the warships.

However, he doesn't need these ships.

These spiritual veins can be all received.

Suddenly there were 250,000 high-grade spirit veins, enough to buy the information about the blood **** demon flame, and there was still a lot of remaining.

Before he came to Desolate Star Territory a few days ago, he was only 50,000 spiritual veins away, and he had enough money to buy intelligence.

In other words, after calculating, after he bought this flame intelligence, there are still 200,000 high-grade spirit veins left, which is enough for his eight jues and demons to break through the nine levels of the sovereign.

How could such a huge gain make him unhappy.

"Go." Xiao Yi smiled, "Leave the barren star field and go to Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank."


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, leaving the spiritual vein storage room and returning to the bow of the ship.

The one-eyed bald head naturally knew the reason for Xiao Yi's joy now, and smiled bitterly, "My lord, somehow you wait for everyone to recover first."

"Also, the villain hasn't had time to collect the profit."

"Go." Xiao Yi smiled and waved.


One-eyed bald head frowned and looked at Xiao Yi.

He didn't know why, even though his adult was obviously happy and smiled, his smile still contained the lingering indifference.

Is this adult born lonely and cold, born cold?

No, instinct tells him, no.

However, this adult seems to be ‘lonely’ forever, even if he has been by his side for more than four years, even if there are 20,000 followers who have been following him.

However, this adult seemed to be totally different from them forever.

It's because they can't fit into this adult, or this adult's heart, in fact, it has been cold, and there are very few people who are so cold that everything in the world can support their hearts.

"What do you dare to do?" Xiao Yi glanced.

"Oh." The one-eyed bald head reacted, smiling, and the figure flickered away.

After half an hour.

The one-eyed bald head held several Qiankun Rings in his hands, and returned with a smug look on his face.

"Well in front of me, are you planning to turn in your profit?" Xiao Yi glanced at him and asked indifferently.

The one-eyed bald head quickly turned his face straight, and put away these several universe rings.

"How is the harvest?" Xiao Yi asked somewhat curiously.

"Hey, it's okay." One-eyed bald head smiled, "The three ultimate monarchs killed by the villain are pretty rich."

"In addition, there is also more than ten thousand high-grade spiritual veins."

"So few?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised.

"Not a lot." The one-eyed bald head shook his head, "Unless the creatures are willing to pay the price of stagnant cultivation, and are determined to save their spiritual veins, they generally can't survive much."

Xiao Yi laughed jokingly, "You have only one Sovereign Realm peak power, but you have killed three extreme Sovereign Realm power."

"This record is enough for you to be proud of."

"It's all thanks to your blessing, my lord." The one-eyed bald head replied with a ‘compliment’ smile.

Xiao Yi said with some doubts, "They are Wu Luo's followers, and Wu Luo died, but they were only seriously wounded."

One-eyed bald head replied, "There are two types of void contracts, one is voluntary, and the other is forced."

"These three guys were forced to become followers by Wu Luo."

"This kind of void contract is not made voluntarily, even if the follower is killed, the follower will only be seriously injured and dying."

"Sir, don't worry." One-eyed bald head patted his chest, "The empty contract I made with the adult is voluntary."

"Adults, you have to be long and short, and the villain can't live."

"The villain will never betray an adult, he must be loyal and serve the adult..."

"Yes." Xiao Yi waved to interrupt listening to the chatter of the one-eyed bald head.


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