Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3867: One family

"Xing Yao Family?"

Xiao Yi frowned.


Suddenly, the aura of the sky ran away.

The Golden Horned Whale, soaring above the sky.

Emperor Lan Ying wandered in the void on the Golden Horned Whale.

"It's started, the new emperor is patrolling." One-eyed bald head said.


Xiao Yi's body froze, and a gloomy look cast inexplicably.

Xiao Yi looked up and stared.

That was the gaze of Emperor Lan Ying.

Aside, the one-eyed bald body trembled, and he felt it.

But the two raised their heads and stared for a moment, the Emperor Lanying had already stepped on the golden horned whale and swam far away.

"Illusion?" The one-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi uncertainly.

"Perhaps." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

The guests of the Quartet had already sat down and began to use their seats.

Some know each other and talk to each other; some do not know each other, and they are also pushing their cups.

Xiao Yi's table is deserted.

Of course, there are countless banquets in the foreign palace, and the number of gathered creatures is at every turn. There are always a few seats that seem deserted, and Xiao Yi is not conspicuous here.

The one-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "My lord, you are on the side of the Amber Heavens, you are not well known and no one knows."

"You are cold now, your eyes are fierce, no one dares to come over to talk to you and get acquainted."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

He was quite happy.

"What is the Xingyao family?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Oh." The one-eyed bald head was about to take a sip of the cow, and when he heard the words, he put down the wine glass, his face serious.

"My lord, you have a lot of money, and you have only walked in the void for a few years."

"According to the time, you are still a rookie."

"Of course, your sir, you are very good, just a few years will be considered experienced."

"But after all, there are so many places that the adults haven't been to."

"Now this is the amber heavens, and adults will have to go to other heavens or other wider places in the future."

"In this endless void, there are some forces that no one dares to provoke, and we naturally can't afford it."

"Which?" Xiao Yi asked indifferently.

The one-eyed bald head solemnly replied, "One palace and one family, two lines and three alliances, four gates and five mountains, twenty-two stars."

"One palace and one family, two lines and three alliances, four gates and five mountains, twenty-two stars?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The one-eyed bald head condensed his head, "This is the strongest overlord force in Endless Void, and no one dares to provoke it."

"First Palace, Taixu Palace."

"Although the emptiness is endless, it is too emptied."

"Taixu Palace is the oldest and most powerful force in the existence of endless void, and it is also a martial arts holy land."

"The heavens and the worlds, billions of creatures, there are no one who does not respect."

"The martial arts holy land?" Xiao Yi blinked.

"Yeah." One-eyed bald head replied, "That's a place where the emperors need to sit respectfully and seek to hear the truth."

"According to the rumors, Taixu Palace only accepts disciples once for hundreds of millions of years, and only three people each time."

"If there is no one who is satisfied, the palace will be closed and no one will be accepted."

"Therefore, even though Taixu Palace has been in existence for a long time, there are few martial artists in the palace."

Xiao Yi also looked surprised, "Dare to call it too empty, it seems that there must be something extraordinary."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "That's natural."

"It is rumored that when the void exists, there will be Taixu Palace."

"Endless emptiness, after many catastrophes, how many once brilliant and powerful forces and creatures have been drowned in the long river of time and history."

"But only Taixu Palace has always existed."

"There are rumors that it is because there is a martial arts expert standing at the end of the martial arts in Taixu Palace."

"There are even more rumors that Taixu Palace is just before the end of the martial arts."

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently and asked, "When was the last time Taixu Palace opened the palace and accepted disciples?"

One-eyed bald head thought for a while, and suddenly his face was startled, "Speaking of it, it happened to be hundreds of millions of years ago."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, "In other words, the next time Taixu Palace opens, maybe it will be these years?"

The one-eyed bald head nodded and smiled, "Why, sir, do you want to go?"

"Slightly." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

But in fact, he was more curious.

What he prefers is to walk alone, to examine and touch the excitement of this endless void with his own eyes, rather than being stuck in a martial arts palace that may have many restrictions.

"Where is the family?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Xu Clan." One-eyed bald head replied, "Xu Clan has a mysterious origin, and it is still the most mysterious clan in the universe."

"They are extremely low-key, but no creatures dare to provoke them."

"There are rumors that the reason why the Xuzu is the Xuzu is because they were born in the void, and they were once the masters of this endless void."

The one-eyed bald head continued, "The Second Bank, Wanjie Commercial, Liuchan Commercial."

"My lord Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, you know, the branches are all over the heavens and all realms, and they are powerful and no one dares to mess with them."

Xiao Yi nodded.

He naturally knew the strength of Wanjie Commercial Bank.

If you dare to covet, rob, and break the rules of the Ten Thousand Realms Firm, even the emperor will die mysteriously and tragically within a day.

The origins of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, no one in the heavens and Ten Thousand Realms can clearly tell.

But there is no doubt that behind the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank, there must be a powerful martial arts creature standing.

"What's the matter with this Liuchan firm?" Xiao Yi asked.

One-eyed bald head replied, "Liuchan Trading Company is rumored to be older than Wanjie Trading Company."

"But Liuchan Commercial Bank does not have branches like Wanjie Commercial Bank, covering almost all businesses."

"And the creatures know everything about thousands of treasures, which are available in the Wanjie Commercial Company and Liuchan Commercial Company; if the Wanjie Commercial Company does not have it, so does the Liuchan Commercial Company."

"But Liuchan Commercial Bank does not accept normal transactions, only exchange of goods."

"Furthermore, there is no such thing as an old man at Liuchan Commercial Bank. When you go to the transaction, you are willing to do it. There is no value or not, it only depends on whether both sides think it is worthwhile."

"Only accept exchange for things?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised.

The one-eyed bald head continued, "As for the Three Leagues, it is more complicated."

"In a word, there are countless disputes in the heavens and worlds, half of which are from the Three Leagues."

"These three alliances are all over the void, and the strong are like clouds."

"There are rumors that the powerhouses of the heavens and the world, more than half of the top ones, are all in the Three Leagues."

"You can imagine the power of the Three Leagues."

"There has never been any force or creature that dared to intervene in the disputes of the three alliances."

The one-eyed bald head slowly eased, Fang Dao, "Four gates and five mountains, it is a place of martial arts, but it is also a force."

"With these nine forces, the inner warriors are the most domineering."

"Usually ordinary emperors of the heavens are not willing to engage in evil with them."

The one-eyed bald head finally said, "In the end is the twenty-two stars."

"This represents the 22 brightest and most powerful stars in the endless void."

"It also represents the 22 oldest and most powerful families."

"The Amber Family is one of them."

One-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi, with his hands spread out, "Twenty-two stars, you don't need to say more about it, you can see it yourself, adult."

"How strong this Amber family is."

"The Amber Emperor is the patriarch of this generation of Amber Family, and even the pinnacle emperor of the heavens and all realms."

"The twenty-two stars are so powerful, you can guess it, my lord."


Second more.

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