Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3870: Wine in the glass, the trajectory has been set

"There are drinkers in the world, why are there sober people?"

Xiao Yi muttered to himself indifferently.

The old man put down his wine glass and chuckled, "What do you think?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, and glanced at the old man, "The brewer is the most sober."

The old man put away his smile and squinted his eyes.

After a moment of silence, the old man's face returned to normal.

"Haha." The old man chuckled again, "Unexpectedly, the little friend is young, but his Taoism is profound."

"In other words, you want to be this brewer?"

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "I don't know what your Excellency meant."

"There is no such thing as high-level Taoism underneath."

"It's just that I simply feel that the brewer has that leisurely sentiment to make wine. It must be comfortable and leisurely, and it must be his own good."

The old man chuckled, but looked directly at Xiao Yi deeply, "The endless creatures in the world are all drunk, and they wake up alone. Isn't that the brewer?"

Xiao Yi squinted, "Your Excellency has misunderstood."

"As I said below, I hate wine, so I am not a drinker, nor a brewer."

"I like to be awake, nothing more."

Xiao Yi turned his head and looked at the old man directly, "You drank it, but you were not drunk."

Xiao Yi glanced at the distance again, where even the Emperor Scarlet Tiger had flushed on the seats there, talking loudly as if a secular creature were drunk.

"The drinker is not drunk, you are the one who makes people unpredictable." Xiao Yi said indifferently.

"Haha." The old man smiled a little playfully, "because the old man is the brewer."

The old man's tone was playful, but also playful.

Xiao Yi fell into silence and said nothing.

My heart is horrified.

He obviously didn't want to pay more attention to this old man, but he was guided by him unconsciously, and he realized it later, only now he discovered what was wrong.

The old man fell silent as well, but smiled lightly.

The old man didn't feel too surprised, just a little more interested.

He was just very sure that this was a young creature, and he was curious that such a young creature seemed to have gone through the world, but his ordinary conversations gave him no advantage in words.

"Little friend." The old man suddenly broke the silence.

This time Xiao Yi kept an eye on it, no longer caring, no longer answering, Quandang never heard or saw it.

"Haha." Upon seeing this, the old man chuckled as always, suddenly, stretched out his hand, and slowly took Xiao Yi's wine glass.

"The wine in the glass should be served by your follower."

Xiao Yi remained silent and ignored.

The old man chuckled, "The wine has been poured into the glass."

"Whether you drink it or not, this glass of wine belongs to you and has something to do with you."

As the old man said, he raised the wine glass slightly, then poured it, and slowly spilled.

The syrup falls down the wine glass like a stream, and then flows on the table.

When the wine in the glass was finished, there was a slight flow on the table, and it stopped.

"Look at it, little friend."

"Already there is wine, even if it doesn't enter your belly, but dumped on the table, it will eventually reveal your trajectory."

"At the moment the wine is poured, whether you drink or not, this trajectory has already been set."

Xiao Yi glanced slightly, and when he saw it, he was shocked.

The trickle of the pouring and flowing of the wine in the glass, though frozen, seemed to hit his mind.

With this look, Xiao Yi's eyes could no longer be moved.

Inadvertently, he entered the conversation with the old man again.

The old man stretched out his hand and fell into the middle of the trickle, and moved his finger slowly to the left.

"Here, it points to the source of the little friend's birth."

The old man, move his finger to the right, to the right end of the trickle.

"Here, it points to the future path of the little friend."

"But..." The old man suddenly smiled slightly, and said softly, "I don't know if it is the old man's dazzling, or clumsy eyes."

"On the other end of the stream, the source of the little friend's birth, the starting point points to, it is actually a darkness."

"Is the little friend born in the dark, or is the little friend in the dark for a long time?"

"It's the same because I don't know whether the old man's eyesight is dazzling or not."

"On the other side of the trickle, the future of the little friend is equally dark."

"Is the little friend destined to step into the darkness? Or, incarnate into the darkness?"

According to Xiao Yi's character, there should be an irony at this time.

But at this moment, he was unable to speak, and the horror in his heart completely left him at a loss for words.

The old man's seemingly random pouring of wine in the glass turned out to be mysterious on its own; the trickle trajectory seemed to run through a long river of years, forming a space of its own, and a world of its own.

What he saw in his eyes, but the traces of several inches long, was even more dark on both sides.

What exactly is this?

Where should this old man's method be so profound?

Xiao Yiqiang endured horror, his eyes were indifferent as before, and he slowly opened his mouth.

"The wine is poured by your lord, and the trajectory is also made by your lord..."

The old man chuckled and shook his head, "To tell you the truth, the old man did not control the traces of the wine in this glass."

"The trajectory has long been established, the old man just poured it out of the cup and it is now in front of your eyes."

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "but it doesn't mean much."

Xiao Yi took the old man's wine glass in one hand, and also poured it slowly.

"Look, your lord, I didn't control the traces of the wine in the glass, just let it go."

"But with my cultivation base, from the moment the first drop of this wine is poured, we can actually predict the trajectory of each drop of wine in the future, so that we can see at a glance the trajectory of this glass of wine after it is poured. "

On the table, the wine and water flowed, which also became a trail of water marks.

"Look at it, sir." Xiao Yi chuckled lightly.

"But you think, where should this trajectory extend?"

Xiao Yi didn't have semi-mysterious means, but simply poured out the wine, just a simple action.

Old man, keep silent.

"Can't you answer?" Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "because how this trajectory extends afterwards depends on the pouring of the second glass of wine."

"But, now that the glass is empty, I haven't poured the wine."

"Before the second glass of wine is poured, everything is unknown."

"That is the future, without a trace."

Xiao Yi's gaze turned back to his own trace of water marks, "The trail has been completed, heh, it is the traces of a few inches that represent everything."

"But at the beginning of the trajectory, at the end of the trajectory, the two sides seem to point to the darkness, but in fact, is it not a blank?"

"That is infinite possibilities."

"Maybe, even though I walk in the darkness in my future path, will the darkness be wiped out?"

"In this darkness, you can't see everything, and there are countless possibilities."

Xiao Yi finished speaking and put down his wine glass.

"Now, can you please clean me up?"

The old man, chuckled, stopped talking, nodded.


It was another day later.

The old man opened his mouth again and opened the chatterbox again.

Xiao Yi, although his eyes were cold, had to answer.

The banquet is almost over.

He never closed his eyes to sit still.

After a few hours.


The surging of heaven and earth power in the sky stopped.

This also means that the new emperor's tour has ended.

This banquet has since ended.

The strong from all walks of life left without permission, and people from the Amber family helped with the payment.


Second more.

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