Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3872: Emperor Realm shot

"Look up high? No."

"After all, my two guardians will only make one last shot for me."

Emperor Lan Ying grinned jokingly, "My two guardians have never let me down, and this time is no exception."

"If you just take this purple inflammation, you can just go and catch it by hand."


"Haha." The emperor Lanying's face was gloomy, "I want him to despair."

"Because of absolute powerlessness, fear and despair."

Emperor Lan Ying said, slowly getting up.


"Fear and despair are always the things that can make living beings the fastest and obediently surrender."

"You have been with me all these years, don't you even understand such a simple truth?"

The two fierce tiger realm masters knelt down in fear, "My lord, forgive me."

"I will swear to serve the adults and help them complete their grand plans and dominate the void."

The figure of Emperor Lan Ying has already walked away.

Only a cold and playful figure came slowly, "It's just a pleasure... nothing."


In the void and darkness.

At this time, a flame streamer was flying quickly.

The figure is Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi at this moment is already at full speed.

Purple Flame Fire Wings, under the amplification of other powerful flames such as Earth Vein Golden Fire, Star Fire, and Boiling Demon Fire, the effect is stimulated to the extreme.

At the same time, Xiao Yi still held something like a ‘shuttle’ in one hand.

It is the floating shuttle.

Floating shuttle is the treasure of heaven and earth, and it is more suitable for acting in the hands of the strong.

He did not drive a warship.

That medium-sized warship, driven by a one-eyed bald head, led a team of four hundred followers to leave the Amber Heavens early.

The same goes for the other teams.

Xiao Yi didn't know where they were now.

But what is certain is that he must have left the amber heavens.

The goal of Emperor Lan Ying was his Xiao Yi.

As long as Xiao Yi flies alone, he can keep the other teams safe.

On the other hand, he is even more unfettered and more confident in dealing with crises.


At this moment, Ziyan Firewing's flying speed was more than ten times faster than his own full-speed flight.

"In the void and darkness, it is the most difficult to trace traces."

"I am far away from the Amber Heavens, and if I fly in the void and darkness for a few days, it should be difficult to trace me."

Xiao Yi was actually relieved.

Of course, he was also secretly puzzled.

Emperor Lan Ying invited him, what is the so-called?

If it was a definite enmity or malice, he was in the Amber family at that time, and the Emperor Lanying could make the spirit hunters in his district die in the Amber family with just a word.

But if it’s kind...

Xiao Yi frowned. In fact, in his judgment, especially the eyes of Emperor Lan Ying who had two glimpses, this Emperor Lan Ying was definitely not kind.

With the addition of the fierce tiger realm master and Murphy realm master under his command, then this judgment and guess should be inseparable.

If he guessed correctly, Emperor Lan Ying invited him for the purpose of soliciting.

And if he does not accept the solicitation, the consequence is also likely to be the direct kill of Emperor Lan Ying.

Of course, it may not be solicitation.

But no matter what it was, once he went, once he gave the answer to his dissatisfaction with Emperor Lan Ying, I am afraid that his fate and situation would definitely be bad.

Therefore, to be wise, no matter what it is, he will not be invited. It is the best choice to leave first.

It is not difficult for Xiao Yi to leave the Amber Family and Amber Heavens.

Unless an emperor realm is really monitoring him within sight, even if it is an emperor's sensory lock, Xiao Yi still has a way to sneak away silently.

Out of the Amber Heavens, and fleeing quickly in the void and darkness today, there is almost no need to worry about everything.


After half an hour.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned suddenly.

In the darkness, there seemed to be a vague and inexplicable snoop, no trace to be found, as if the surrounding darkness was dense.

Even if his speed is extremely fast now, he can't hide from that cryptic prying.

"So catching up?" Xiao Yi was startled.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, swish... his figure flickered and disappeared into the darkness strangely.

But only ten minutes later.

Xiao Yi's swift flying figure suddenly paused.

A hundred meters ahead, two figures suddenly appeared out of nowhere, holding hands, looking at Xiao Yi indifferently.

"How is it possible." Xiao Yi was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the Amber family members would catch up so quickly.

And these two...

Even though the two of them didn't show their aura specifically, the extreme oppression crushed Xiao Yi's fighting spirit almost instantly.

These two people are definitely far beyond the emperor's level.

The sense of invincibility that seemed to make hundreds of millions of creatures look up to it, there is only one possibility...Emperor Realm, the real Emperor Realm.

"It's quite capable." One person slowly opened his mouth, "At such a flying speed, among the emperors of the heavens and the world, there are few people who can be better than you."

"Flying at full speed all the way is almost equivalent to sneaking at full speed, making it difficult to find traces."

Flying and sneaking are two different things.

Flying is walking at full speed.

Stealth is to sneak under cautiously.

It's the first time I've seen it even if it is the Second Emperor Yinhua.

"It's no wonder that the second son wants us to shoot you back." The man said coldly.

"Ordinary emperor, it's hard to be afraid of you."

This indifference is the attitude of treating all creatures as grass mustard ants.

"Unfortunately, you underestimated the means of the Emperor Realm." Another person said indifferently.

The means of the imperial realm?

Xiao Yi was secretly surprised.

What kind of means can fully observe the traces in the void and darkness?

Of course, this is not the time to think about this.

How can you escape in the hands of a real imperial realm?

Even if it was Xiao Yi, he was in shock at this moment.

"It's you who catch it by yourself, follow us back obediently, or..." one person said indifferently.

Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "Then it depends on your ability."

"I can't help myself." A trace of killing intent flashed in another person's eyes.

But as soon as the killing intent was born, the man narrowed his eyes again, "No matter what, the second son wants a live capture."

"Since it's the last time I've done errands for the second son, please take more care."

"Are you coming?" The man looked at the other man.

The other person nodded.


A ray of silver light suddenly shone into the void and darkness.

The first to explode was an ancient and profound aura.

Then, there was a long river of mercury pouring out.

"What an ancient breath..." Xiao Yi was shocked.

The ancient aura that rushed to his face had already made him feel unconscious.

How long have these two people lived?

In the comparison of his feelings, those old monsters that have lived for tens of millions of years are actually like young creatures under the ancient atmosphere of these two people.

"Mercury?" Xiao Yi looked at the white mercury that swept over him, feeling anxious.

Before he could react, the mercury had turned into thick and thick snakes, entwining him firmly.

First the throat, then the limbs, and finally, as if to swallow him completely.


First more.

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