Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3906: Emperor Lanying, defeated

In Xiao Yi's eyes, a burst of pain flashed past.

What he condensed was Bingluan Sword.

Bingluan Jian's invincible sky-shaking edge did not disappoint him.

But for a moment when the two divine soldiers clashed, the tremendous power brought from the Fengtian golden halberd caused severe pain in his hands holding the sword.

Both hands, it seemed that they were going to be abolished in that moment.

The power of the Emperor Realm is really terrifying.

Of course, other than that, Xiao Yi is nothing unusual.

"It's my turn." Xiao Yi ignored the sharp pain in his hands and smirked.

When the Self-Blood Flame Sword was withdrawn, his heaven and earth protection, and that 10% of the heaven and earth power added to his shelter, had already disappeared.

However, his body is still full and powerful.

That sense of invincibility, that unstoppable murderous intent, still existed.

His eyes are still red.

His body was still boiling, as if a layer of boiling blood was gathered, and it was wrapped in a raging flame.


Bingluan sword flicked past.

Emperor Lan Ying was still in extreme horror and did not respond.

It wasn't until Feng Han flashed past and there was a sharp pain in his chest that Emperor Lan Ying was suddenly shocked.

On his imperial realm body, on his chest, a blood stain extending from shoulder to abdomen was easily drawn with blood flowing.

"How is it possible." Emperor Lan Ying was shocked.

The sense of death and the deadly crisis made him no longer care about any horror, no other care, and the figure retreated.

Xiao Yi straightened out with a sword.


The sharp sword swept across the head of Emperor Lan Ying.

Emperor Lan Ying's pupils shrank. If he hadn't reacted quickly and avoided this sword, he would probably end up with a sword beheaded.

Whoosh whoosh...

The emperor Lan Ying retired, and the dignified emperor realm dodged in embarrassment.

Ben's majestic eyes, looking at Bingluanjian's eyes, were full of fear.

The picture of the sword breaking the halberd just now obviously shocked him, and he didn't dare to face it head-on with this sharp sword.


Whoosh whoosh...

Above the sea of ​​blood, the battle suddenly fell to one side, but it also became extremely funny.

An emperor chased an emperor realm, and the sword was pressing hard.

This emperor realm is in a panic, like a wolf fleeing in panic.

"Happy, happy." Xiao Yi became more and more courageous.

The full and surging power in the body made him seem to be desperately in need of a catharsis, and the war was endless.

And he had longed for such a hearty battle long ago.

His heart, in terms of fighting, has always been passionate.

The blood **** demon flame itself seemed to be hot blood like a fire, flames like blood.

The two seem to be the perfect fit between this world.

A creature that is infinitely surging and passionate in battle, encounters a flame that seems to have been born for blood surging and fighting.

Is the meeting of the two a coincidence, or the most mysterious opportunity between the world?

What kind of spark does the two fit together?

It's obvious!

This emperor creature, chasing an emperor realm powerhouse, has no fear, and has a high fighting spirit.

Above this sea of ​​blood, this creature is like a **** war god, just like invincible.

A short chase battle.

Emperor Lan Ying was already covered with blood and his sword marks were densely covered.

If he hadn't been in the emperor realm and could always avoid the deadly sword in time, I am afraid that he is now a corpse floating on this sea of ​​blood.


At the moment, Emperor Lan Ying, there is no such thing as the majestic arrogance and disdain on his face.

That embarrassing and dreadful dodge posture has already surfaced how scared he is now, how helpless he is.

Under the extremely sharp sword time and time again, I dodge the deadly sword dangerously and dangerously, and feel the deadly moment close and close.

That feeling, I'm afraid it will make people rush.

Emperor Lan Ying had no intention to fight anymore, and the intention of fleeing surged in his heart without hesitation.


A golden blue light rose into the sky.

"Want to escape?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and he chased after him.

Between several interest.

Edge of the sky.

Xiao Yi made a sword, this was the last sword he could make.


Emperor Lan Ying's escaped body was marked with a hideous sword mark on his back, and blood was gushing again.

However, his figure had already emerged from the world of blood inflammation, and his figure quickly disappeared into the dark void.

Xiao Yi suddenly stopped the chase.

Frowning, staring at the endless void, finally dispelled the idea of ​​chasing.

Look around the huge sea of ​​blood below.

The traces of the fierce battle lasted for a long time.

Whether it belonged to the crack pierced by the golden halberd before, the battle power of Emperor Lan Ying, or the result of his Xiao Yi's battle, or the battle between the two.

The shocking traces of battles proved how fierce this battle was.

At the same time, it seems to be telling all the creatures how much damage this level of battle can bring to a whole world.

The depression of the sea of ​​blood, together with the land outside the sea of ​​blood, is also in dire dread everywhere, with mountains and rivers broken and the earth collapsing.

In short, the whole world is so devastated at this moment.


Xiao Yi's figure flashed, and fell back to the sea of ​​blood.

The two realm masters of the fierce tiger and Murphy saw that the situation was wrong before and left this world first.

At this moment in the **** sea, in this hot sea, he is the only one, Xiao Yi, of course, there is also a huge golden horned phantom whale that is half dead.

Suddenly, there was a crash.

A bald head emerged from the sea.

It is the one-eyed bald head.

"Sir." One-eyed bald head, standing above the sea, bowed and saluted.

In his hands, holding a head.

"Fortunately, I didn't humiliate my life, and didn't let the adults down." One-eyed bald head grinned.

Xiao Yi chuckled and nodded, "Very good."

"Very good, then good." The one-eyed bald smile suddenly turned into a miserable smile.

His Ling Li, his grin, vanished in an instant.

What he seemed to be waiting for was just Xiao Yi's acknowledged ‘good’.

The one eye, slowly closed.

His face was extremely pale.

Deficiency of Qi and extreme weakness.

The body slowly fell back.

The head held in his hand was unable to fall.

"One-eyed." Xiao Yi was taken aback, and quickly caught up.

The head fell on Xiao Yi's feet.

It is the head of the emperor of the volcano.

Xiao Yi put a hand over his one-eyed wrist, perceiving and inspecting it carefully, and then frowned.

"What's the matter, how weak is this?" Xiao Yi frowned.

In his perception, the one-eyed bald head is clearly unharmed, but the whole body is as weak as a candle in the wind, like a dying person.

But at the same time, the weakness of the one-eyed bald head is slowly fading.

The body of Can Candle slowly recovered under the breath of heaven and earth.

Although Xiao Yi was puzzled, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "My life is safe, and my weakness is gradually disappearing."

"It seems that only a period of rest is needed."


Five days later.

The one-eyed bald head slowly woke up, opening his eyes to see that he was lying on the sea of ​​blood.

Floating with blood waves, like weak duckweed, so desolate, so pitiful.

One-eyed bald head gave a wry smile.

Until he saw a cross-legged figure next to him, quietly guarding one side.

This bitter smile turned into a knowing smile.

He knew that his lord had been by his side.

But with his adult personality, he obviously wouldn't find a more comfortable place for him, so he just let him float in this sea of ​​blood.

On the other side, a head is also floating on the sea of ​​blood.


Second more.

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