Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3909: Golden Horn Chengfu

The perfect fit, and even the fusion of Fire Dao and Kendo, has always been a question he pondered.

A perfect fit, he has done it.

As early as many years ago, even when he was only a small Holy Venerable Realm, in the Demon Realm and his party, he did it.

Integration has also been done.

But if it is perfect, if all doubts are cleared, if everything comes to pass, it is far from there.

He has seen the perfect fusion of fire and kendo.

It is the Bingming Sword of Senior Bingsheng.

But this is artificial, it is the road that the warrior has walked out, and merged out.

Xiao Yi's own sword and fire fit now, just like the former Ice Saint, but not as good as the perfect integration of the level of Ice Saint.

The fusion of the sword and fire of the predecessors of Ice Saint gave birth to Bing Ming Sword Dao.

It is unknown what kind of martial arts can appear after Xiao Yi truly achieves the fusion of sword and fire in the future.

Now this blood **** demon flame, no, it should be said that the existence of the blood flame nine swords is the most direct fusion of sword and fire.

The most important thing is that this is born of heaven and earth, and is made in the mystery of martial arts of the vast heaven and earth.

The so-called is natural and flawless.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head asked in confusion, "Is this blood **** demon flame the special martial law of this world?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "No."

"Blood Hell Demon Flame is just the supreme fire that came into being in this piece of heaven and earth, and then grew up after a long time."

"The real special law of the blood inflammation world is the nine swords of blood inflammation."

"For this reason, this world of blood inflammation will spontaneously produce the nine swords of hemorrhage inflammation, thereby suppressing the blood **** demon flame."

The one-eyed bald head suddenly said, "My lord, what do you mean is that the nine swords of blood inflammation is the weapon in this world."

"The blood **** demon flame is just like the accident of this world, and it is similar, but it does not represent the special laws of this world."

"Not bad." Xiao Yi nodded.

The one-eyed bald head asked, "My lord, do you choose to comprehend this special law and control the blood flame world's laws and skills?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "No."

He only controlled the complete martial art of the blood **** demon flame, but he did not comprehend the special laws that control this blood flame world.

The two are similar, but not the same.

"I don't have this time now, and I have control over it, I am afraid it is useless."

His kendo cultivation is completely stagnant now.

Even if he solved his long-standing doubts about the blending of swords and fires, it was of little use.

"When I was in the floating world, I had the epiphany and thoughts of kendo."

"I didn't expect that this time in the blood inflammation world, the special rules here can also give me an opportunity."

Xiao Yi thought secretly.

All of this seems to have to wait until the kendo cultivation base resumes cultivation before they can explore and solve them.

Xiao Yi put away the nine swords of blood inflammation.

This time, the biggest gain from the Blood Flame Realm was naturally the Blood Hell Demon Flame and the Blood Flame Nine Swords.

The Blood Prison Demon Flame was his seventh powerful flame, and it also made his stagnant Fire Road breakthrough.

The Blood Flame Sovereign Realm gave him a real opportunity for the fusion of sword and fire.

"Hehe." One-eyed bald head smiled, "Yes, your sir, you are so powerful now, you don't care about this kind of law world skill anymore."

"Before I was under the sea, but I saw it clearly, that Emperor Lanying was embarrassed by your chase."

"My lord now, with all my strength, I am afraid I will have the power of the Emperor Realm."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's too far."

"This emperor Lanying is a new emperor after all."

"His combat level is not as strong as I expected, and his control of his own combat power is even worse than I expected."

"The Emperor Realm who is less than five hundred years old is less than one hundred years old when converted into an adult race. With such a talent, I don't deny that he is an incomparably talented evildoer."

"But this person still lacks tempering."

"I fought with him, but suddenly violent, hit him by surprise; plus my sword can hurt him, so I can kill him, making him panic and panic."

"Since he missed the first opportunity, he was completely crushed and beaten by me. This made it seem that this guy is not against me."

"He has escaped now. When he reacts, and then stabilize the Emperor Realm cultivation base, I am definitely not his opponent."

Xiao Yi did not doubt that the terrible combat power of his blood **** demon flame after burning all the power in his body was completely superior to that of the top emperor.

However, it is far from impossible to reach the battle power of the imperial realm.

It was the Bingluan Sword's sharp edge that even the Heavenly Golden Halberd could cut off, not his Xiao Yi's combat power.

His terrifying strength only suppressed and beat the emperor Lan Ying who was panicked and whose cultivation strength was unstable, so he looked even more terrifying.

"It should take a while for this guy to completely stabilize his cultivation."

"In other words, we still have time to prepare." Xiao Yi's voice was cold and solemn.

One-eyed bald head frowned and said, "Is your lord afraid that Emperor Lan Ying will kill a carbine?"

"I'm not afraid, I definitely will." Xiao Yi said coldly, "Emperor Lanying, from the first time I saw him, I knew that this person was narrow-minded, the city was not low, and he was definitely not kind."

"This enmity has ended, and his revenge is only a matter of time."

Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head and said, "Tell me, do you know anything about this amber family?"

"My lord is asking..." One-eyed bald head frowned and hesitated.

Xiao Yi waved his hand, and the huge golden horned phantom whale floating on the sea of ​​blood was pulled over.

"This big guy can actually swallow the power of heaven and earth before, thereby reducing my heaven and earth protection until it is completely swallowed."

"As far as I know, the Golden Horned Whale has no such talent."

"Those who can swallow the power of the heavens and the earth, among all the creatures of the heavens and the realms, only the Spirit Swallowing race has this talent."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Golden Horned Whale, but a rare giant monster in the void, its birth is not easy."

"Generally, it is difficult for a Golden Horned Phantom Whale to exist within hundreds of star fields."

"This kind of giant monster is born with infinite power; and the most precious thing is that its golden horns contain endless mystery."

"One is this commitment, or ability transfer."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was slightly surprised.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "My lord, you can try it."

Xiao Yi nodded with interest, then got up and patted the head of the giant golden horned magic whale.

In the indifferent eyes, a dangerous light burst out.

"You can be smarter and it will be better."

"For a monster like you, I have a thousand ways to make you regret coming to this world."

Ang... a low whale sound.

That is the voice of begging for mercy.

"Haha." One-eyed bald head smiled, "My lord is really good at it."

"This Golden Horned Whale is notoriously arrogant and domineering."

"It takes a lot of time, energy, and means to change other creatures to be difficult to tame."

"My lord, it's okay for you. A word will scare this big guy."

"Solution." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice.

The ancient deep seal on the golden horned magic whale was lifted, and the turbulent weather was restored instantly.

Ang... A thrilling whale sound resounded throughout the world.

The violent breath broke out without a doubt.

The huge eyes are full of fierce light.

Xiao Yi looked directly at the giant beast coldly, and only slowly spit out, "Are you trying to die?"


Fifth more. (Make up)

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