Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3912: In the imperial realm

The words of the one-eyed bald head stopped abruptly.

"I can only explain this to adults."

"To be more detailed, I am afraid that I will have to wait for the adults to truly reach the peak of the Sovereign Realm before they can feel it carefully."

"After that, the adult is looking for a breakthrough and stepping directly into the emperor realm; or it is also helpless, only to take the road of the emperor, it depends on the adult's own opportunities and abilities."

Xiao Yi nodded, "You mean that after the peak of the monarch realm, those who are able can directly enter the emperor realm."

"The incompetent can't break through the emperor realm, but they don't want the road of martial arts to stagnate. If they don't want their strength to stagnate, they can only helplessly continue to control the martial arts."

"When the realm stops, continuing to control more martial arts is undoubtedly the fastest way to increase strength."

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head nodded.

"This is the martial artist's compelling pursuit of strength, so it's just the title of strength."

"But in fact, this is not an accurate proof of strength."

"Just like your lord, you were able to defeat the level of the mad sword emperor when you were able to defeat the ultimate emperor's combat power in the area."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Among the three strength titles, the scope of strength is extremely wide, so once an abnormal number occurs, it will become inaccurate."

One-eyed bald head smiled, "Sir, you are undoubtedly an anomaly."

"The three power titles, more accurate, should just mark the distinction between martial arts."

"The ultimate monarch realm, nine signs of martial arts."

"Emperor, 54 marks martial arts."

Xiao Yi nodded, "According to normal circumstances, naturally, the more you can control the martial arts, the stronger your strength."

"But each martial art has its own strength and weakness."

"It is very possible that the nine martial arts marked by nine can beat 54 martial arts marked by victory."

Just like the former Ice Sage Senior, he was just an extreme monarch realm, controlling the nine symbolic swordsmanship; but his strength was enough to rival the emperor's level.

The nine symbolic kendos controlled by Senior Ice Sage, each of them are so strong that they are all powerful; Needless to say, the third-ranked Bingming kendo, the remaining eight are certainly extraordinary kendos.

For other emperors, it is very likely that the 54 martial arts marked by martial arts are those with lower ranks and lower levels.

Therefore, there are 54 entries, but they are no match for 9.

The three titles of strength only marked the distinction in the number of martial arts, but they were not accurate judgments of strength.

"Haha." The one-eyed bald head suddenly smiled and held his hand.

"It's said that those who can become emperors are all amazing and brilliant, and they are respected wherever they go, and they can even be regarded as guests at the mansion of the emperors of the heavens."

"But you know, surprise is amazing, and it may be short-lived."

"It's also possible, dead end."

"Only the truly capable can go to the end and laugh to the end. That is the emperor realm. The real billions of living beings look up to it, under the endless world, and finally, the strongest realm."

"Pretend to be deep?" Xiao Yibai checked it out together.

"Hehe." One-eyed bald head put down his hand.

"Talk about going back to the Emperor Realm." Xiao Yi said solemnly.

One-eyed bald head frowned and thought, "My lord, within the emperor realm, it's also very special."

"Of course, this is special within the realm."

"As far as the villain knows, in the emperor realm, there is no such thing as single or double."

Xiao Yi frowned, "In the entire cultivation system, in any big realm, there are one to nine levels, but there is no one in the emperor realm?"

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head nodded.

"In the emperor realm, it is called the so-called new emperor, Xiaocheng emperor, Dacheng emperor and so on."

"If you insist on comparison, the new emperor is the first layer of the emperor realm."

"The Emperor Xiaocheng is the second layer of the Emperor Realm."

"The Emperor Dacheng is the third level of the Emperor Realm."

The one-eyed bald head continued, "Within the Emperor Realm, there will also be expansion and growth of the small world."

"But within the emperor realm, it is no longer the simple martial arts that used to control it, but the exploration and control of the entire endless world and the vast void."

"So you can see that the emperor Lanying is a new emperor, no matter where he is in the world, even if there is no treasure, he can mobilize all the power of the world and use it for himself."

Xiao Yi asked, "So the Emperor Xiaocheng, can he mobilize 20% on either side of the world?"

"50%." One-eyed bald head spit out two words.

Xiao Yi's eyes were startled, "Such a big gap?"

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head nodded, "The world in the eyes of the Emperor Realm is wider, and what we see and know is far beyond what ordinary creatures can imagine."

"Xindisheng, congratulations from the stars of all realms."

"Emperor Xiaocheng, split half of the world."

"Emperor Dacheng, rampant in the void without hindrance, no longer fear the danger of the void."

"The pinnacle emperor said that he is the pinnacle limit of living beings. No matter how difficult it is to get into an inch, in one punch, the sky and the earth will collapse and the stars will shatter.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath, "A punch, and the whole world and stars are broken?"

"What kind of power is that?"

One-eyed bald head smiled, "So that is known as the peak limit of living beings."

"Look at the endless void, the heavens and the world, the pinnacle emperor, that's just a few, and the current Patriarch of the Amber Clan is."

"If someone like him arrives, you don't have to say anything to you, your lord, just one punch can make you and the entire blood inflammation world become a fan."

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath, suppressing his horror.

"What about after the peak emperor?"

The one-eyed bald head blinked, "After the peak emperor, it is already extremely difficult to get in."

"But if you can achieve success, it should be said to be a success, because the difficulty is more difficult than getting any chance against the sky, any opportunity to break and stand up."

"If you really make progress, you are the Emperor Consummation."

"Emperor Consummation, within a thought, the stars turn into ashes."

"At this level, if there are no accidents, you will never encounter it in your life; and if you do, you will not even have the qualifications to make a move."

"Even the pinnacle emperor, in front of the consummation emperor, can't stand a breath."

"This kind of existence has stood above the absolute of billions and billions of creatures, looking at the endless void, the endless creatures, and that's it."

"Almost all of these existences have been in retreat during the extremely long years. It may not be possible to leave the customs for a billion years or even longer."

"The vicissitudes of life, things are different, the stars in the void are changing, they have nothing to do with them, and they are indifferent."

"In short, the Emperor Consummation is an extremely ancient creature."

"They may even be more ancient than the birth and disintegration of a star world."

"What's next?" The surprise in Xiao Yi's eyes, I don't know when it started, and gradually turned into fanaticism, asking endless questions.

The one-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "In principle, the consummation of the emperor is already the real limit of life."

"If you go further, you will be a creature beyond the world."

"Then, it is hailed as the Emperor of the Void."

"They are not rampant in the void, but... dominate the void!"

"Even this vast and endless dark void can't stop them; wherever they come, whatever they think, they can think as much as they can, and there is nothing to find."

"Finally, it is the Supreme Emperor you have ever heard of, my lord."

"Endless emptiness, all the heavens and all realms, all the creatures that are born need to be called ‘Supreme’."

"They see the dragon without seeing the end, they cross the void, they can do everything."

"Looking at the entire endless void,'Supreme' is just five fingers."


Second more.

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