Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3914: No regrets in this life

One-eyed bald head said, "The Realm Lord's Mansion, teleport the big formation, and the adults can build it by themselves."

"The patrol team has 400 elites under the command of the adults."

"The conditions for building a power in the Mansion of the Realm, the adults have everything."

"My lord, you shouldn't be afraid of the Emperor Lanying." One-eyed bald head asked.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "Even though I'm no match for him, and after he recovers, no matter how powerful I might explode, it is far from his opponent."

"But as long as he is in the blood inflammation world, it is impossible for him to kill me."

"I am not afraid of myself."

"That's it." One-eyed bald head smiled.

"We can guard the Blood Flame Realm, and given time, it may not be necessary to become a powerful force that is also famous among the heavens and the world."

"My lord, you can do the business of buying and selling spirit swallowing corpses as before, and even hire other spirit hunters to organize events for you, the blood flame world."

"There is a teleportation formation, connecting thousands of realms, even if there is an accident, we can immediately use the teleportation formation to escape."

Xiao Yi nodded, "After taking control of the heaven and earth's treasures, you will be equal to this world and a natural barrier."

"This method is good."

"It's just that I want me to shrink the blood in the world."

"Otherwise, even if I make the Blood Flame Realm my lair, once I leave, none of you can stop Emperor Lan Ying, and everything will be in vain."

The one-eyed bald head nodded and stretched out his second finger, "Then there are two more."

The one-eyed bald head squinted his eyes, "Join other big forces and seek refuge."

Xiao Yi frowned, "The only ones who can compete with the Amber clan are the other 21 clan forces who are also the 22 Stars."

"Also, there is one palace and one family, two lines and three alliances, four gates and five mountains."

The one-eyed bald head said, "The twenty-two stars are each a unique clan of creatures and family forces."

"Other creatures are difficult to enter, so don't think about it."

"The First Palace, Taixu Palace accepts disciples harshly and is vast and empty. I don't know how to find them."

"We have limited time now and the crisis is before us. It is impossible to wait for this great opportunity to hit us."

"So don't consider it."

"Yi Clan, Xu Clan, let alone consider it."

"So, adults have two lines, three alliances, and four gates and five mountains to consider."

Xiao Yi frowned and thought.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi said, "Tell me your opinion first."

The one-eyed bald head replied, "The villain has some suggestions."

"If you want to concentrate on martial arts, go to Four Gates and Five Mountains."

"With the talent of an adult, let go of your posture, and go with the heart of seeking Taoism, and it is absolutely not difficult to enter the house with a teacher.

"Although the four schools and five mountains act domineering, but they do not force their disciples to go out, or force their disciples to do things for their own forces."

"On the contrary, the four gates and five mountains are very overbearing because of their domineering behavior."

"Four gates and five mountains. Adults can enter one at will. As long as the adults are not deliberately killed by the Amber clan on the way out, forgive the Amber clan not dare to go up to any of the mountain gates."

"Concentrated on martial arts?" Xiao Yi squinted, then chuckled, "That's too boring."

"Besides, don't you want me to be within the gate of Kamishuyama?"

"Want me to hide from him, Amber Group for thousands of years? I have not been so unbearable."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "The lord can go to the second line."

"The second line, the power is spreading across the heavens and all realms, and its power is unfathomable."

"For example, in Wanjie Commercial Bank, there are two kinds of personnel."

"One kind is the people stationed in various branches of the stars, handling branch affairs."

"One is the expatriate."

"It's a big business in Wanjie, with countless branches, and naturally there are many things."

"All the troubles and tasks that need to be resolved will be handled by these expatriates."

"This is almost equivalent to the martial arts power of Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank."

"Escorting commercial properties, going out to investigate intelligence, etc., will also be involved in danger."

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Although the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Bank is strong, but who can guarantee the absolute."

"No one dares to go directly to those branches to find trouble."

"But walking in the void, there is no bounds, no traces to be found. Some of their business objects are people making ideas."

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head nodded.

"But the fact that the name of Wanjie Commercial Bank is placed here is enough to deter many forces, so that when many powerful people have troubles, they will first consider the consequences."

Xiao Yi frowned and said nothing.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "I know that adults will not be willing and not satisfied."

"Then your lord is left with the three leagues to choose from."

"My lord, if you are willing to rise in the killing, grow in battle and countless dangers, then go to the Three Leagues."

"The heavens and all realms, more than half of the disputes and battles, all three alliances."

"This is not a false statement."

"If an adult decides to join the Three Leagues, please do well for the rest of your life, forever entangled in the vortex of battles and killings, and cannot escape."

"Today, there are thousands of killings; tomorrow, if one is careless, he will be killed and killed."

"Kills, battles, blood, crises, plus endless, are synonymous with the Three Leagues."

"Interesting." Xiao Yi finally showed a smile.

"Rising in the killing, growing in the fighting and danger, is just what I want."

One-eyed bald head smiled, "My lord, you really are a restless lord."

"Joining the Three Leagues is a game of fate, but where the adult's heart is, the one-eyed knife follows."

Xiao Yi smiled, "Then continue to talk about the three leagues, which league to join?"

Xiao Yi became more and more grateful that when he wandered into the void at the beginning of the year, the one-eyed bald head slammed into it by himself, and he was also fortunate to have accepted the one-eyed bald head as a follower.

This one-eyed bald head seemed crude.

In fact, it must be from an extraordinary origin, and what he knows and experiences is by no means comparable to ordinary creatures.

This one-eyed bald head also seemed to have a fierce face, the appearance of a void bandit.

But in fact, thoughtful and good-spoken.

Xiao Yi felt that he was a former evil demon.

Of course, Xiao Yi is now fortunate to accept this follower.

This follower is so lucky that he followed such an adult.

The companionship of the two, the turbulence and excitement of this void in the future, everything is unknown, but it will definitely be a trip without regrets.

This time, the one-eyed bald head fell into contemplation.

After a long while, he said, "Three Leagues, Bloodthirsty League, Cold Abyss League, Yanlong League."

"Blood in the void, undefeated in a fierce battle, the heavens and the world, but I am bloodthirsty."

"The years are dusty, the world is abandoned, the void is paradise, and the abyss is endless."

One-eyed bald head, paused.

Xiao Yi frowned and asked, "Where is the Yanlong League?"

The one-eyed bald head solemnly said, "There are only four words, and I will not regret it in this life."

"Bloodthirsty alliance, it can be called a hybrid, but it is not completely accurate."

"Because there are dragons in it, but no fish. Although mixed, they are all powerful creatures."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "You mean, among them, the strong are so strong that they are pointed; the weak are also weak and limited, and none of them are idlers."

"Yeah." The one-eyed bald head nodded, "The inner martial artist is the elite of the elite, the strong of the strong, and the number is huge."

"But these guys are all **** warriors, militants."

"The heavens refuse to accept and fight against the heavens; the ten thousand realms refuse to accept and conquer the ten thousand realms."

"Inside, there are countless madmen."

"But at the same time, there are also more bloodthirsty and violent generations, killing people like hemp, killing like instinct."

"Among the heavens and all realms, if you say which power is the most difficult to provoke, you belong to this bloodthirsty alliance."

"Four doors and five mountains act domineering, but not as good as one or two of the bloodthirsty alliance."


Fourth more. (Make up)

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