Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3919: Ancient sword star field

Xiao Yi secretly recalled the path of growth in the past.

But in the aftertaste, the first thing he lingered the most was the battle in the blood inflammation world.

"The matter of formation and space together, let's let go first." Xiao Yi temporarily put aside these distracting thoughts.

After all, Huo Dao is one of his majors.

In the blood inflammation world, there were repeated battles.

There was nothing to think about in the battle with Emperor Lan Ying.

Although it was a miraculous battle of defeating the strong by the weak, it was mostly due to the fact that the emperor Lan Ying had too weak control of his own strength and the low level of combat.

A new emperor who panicked, I am afraid that his combat power is still at the peak of his previous sovereign state or the level of emperor.

For Xiao Yi, this was just an ordinary battle.

It was the battle with those emperors and Huo Boys, and he gained even more.

"Emperor Great Yan, Lord of Six Suns, Lord of Blood Spirit, and Emperor Huochen."

"The strength of these four people is far above the Red Wolf Emperor and others."

"In my perception, the martial arts symbol of these four people is stronger, which proves that there are more."

"But more importantly, it should be that these four people have a stronger use of martial arts."

Xiao Yi frowned, thinking carefully.

"The obstacle of the pinnacle of noble state breaking through the emperor's state is a sign of martial art, that is, harmony."

"So Hedao, the so-called fusion of martial arts, is the master of cultivation in the monarchy."

"Emperor, as the top level in the monarchy, martial arts integration must also be the most profound."

Although, maybe after Xiao Yi, he can have a chance to break through the emperor realm at the peak of the monarch realm without having to go through the road of the emperor.

But in the final analysis, even if you directly break through the emperor realm, you are still walking on the road of martial arts.

The integration of martial arts is naturally the top priority in the road of martial arts.

Xiao Yi's brows wrinkled tighter, "Although I have the power of the emperor, I rely on the support of the huge power in my body, not my own cultivation."

"My cultivation base has not yet reached the peak of the monarch realm, and the number of martial arts markings has not reached the benchmark of the emperor level."

"Therefore, I can't understand the mystery and specialness of this level."


In addition to fighting, the growth of a warrior naturally requires his own perception.

The perception after the battle is undoubtedly the deepest one.

"As for the fire boy..." Xiao Yi thought secretly again.

He asked himself, his control of the flame is already extremely perfect.

"It seems that I just have the ultimate control over the flame."

"But the more flexible and intensive use of flames is not at home."

His use of various powerful flames is still on the surface.

Of course, even if it is only superficial use, it is still used to the extreme, and it is perfect.

"One-eyed." Xiao Yi opened his eyes and looked at One-eyed bald head.

"Have you heard of the exercises and martial arts related to Heaven and Earth Xeon Fire?"

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Yes, of course."

"Yes?" Xiao Yi frowned, "The technique is okay, but martial arts, as far as I know, the monarch martial artist has already integrated martial arts, and has also created martial arts."

"Warriors above the monarch realm hardly need martial arts."

"Because its control and use of its own power are already quite extreme, with one punch and one kick, it has already maximized the use of power."

"One punch and one kick are equivalent to martial arts."

"Or, it's to create your own martial arts. After all, the martial artist knows everything about him better, and he creates the most suitable and powerful martial arts."

"Indeed." One-eyed bald head nodded and replied.

"But, what is the ultimate?"

"Does it mean the ultimate in strength, without wasting half a point, and performing it perfectly?"

One-eyed bald head, suddenly paused, and then gave a wry smile.

"My lord, I can't explain these martial arts matters to you."

"This is something that martial arts sects or academic palaces are better at."

"Otherwise, I have to wait for the adults to realize these specialities by themselves."

"I can only tell the adults that martial arts do have them too, not just creating them."

"And the martial arts and martial arts linked to the world's strongest fire are extremely special and precious."

One-eyed bald head said, "Just like the five-sixth diamond exercise, isn't it the five-sixth diamond fire exercise?"

"High value."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Where are the martial arts and martial arts of the world's strongest fire?"

"Simple." One-eyed bald head replied, "General martial arts and martial arts are available."

"But if the heavens and the earth are the strongest fire, there will be four sects, five mountains, and three leagues."

"Of course, there are some, but there are certainly not many types."

"The most, even complete, of course is the only martial arts holy land in the endless void, Taixu Palace!"

"Either, it is Wanjie Commercial Bank and Liuchan Commercial Bank."

"After all, the second bank is doing these trading businesses."

Xiao Yi nodded, "I'm afraid the price is high."

His current wealth, I am afraid it is only that little, it is not an exaggeration to describe him as poor.

I bought the information on the Blood Prison Demon Flame in the Ten Thousand Realm Commercial Bank, and later broke through to the ninth level of the Sovereign Realm with his demon body and Ba Jue.

Before leaving the blood inflammation world, he spent a little bit of spirit veins to build a teleportation array.

He is afraid that there are only tens of thousands of spiritual veins left in the universe ring.

"No matter, this matter has to be put aside." Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

Cultivation resources, as expected, any warrior or creature is extremely short.

And the more evildoers, the more lacking.


A few days later.

Inside the battleship.

Boom...a loud sound.

That is breakthrough momentum.

However, it is not a breakthrough in cultivation.

Also, not from Xiao Yi.

Instead, one-eyed!

"Huh?" Xiao Yi opened his eyes.

Not far away, the one-eyed bald head beamed with joy, "My lord, I broke through."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Extreme Sovereign Realm."

"Hehe." One-eyed bald head with a smile on his face.

Xiao Yidao, "When you were in the Yellow Wind Realm, you were already at the invincible monarch level. There are ten martial arts in your body, and eight of them are all-style martial arts."

"What is in control now?"

The one-eyed bald head smiled and replied, "The villain's ninth style symbolizing martial arts, it is the Void Gangfeng."

"Void Gangfeng?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "If it's an ordinary style symbolizing martial arts, little people don't bother to ask for it."

"But if you perceive a special kind, and the powerful style symbolizes martial arts, you don't know where to find or where to feel."

"The easiest way is to be strong and easy to find. Naturally, this is the void wind that exists everywhere in the endless void."

"This Void Gang Wind is so powerful that it is also the choice of many top-class wind power experts."

Xiao Yi frowned, "You don't have to be anxious."

"It doesn't matter." One-eyed bald head smiled, "Anyway, it doesn't affect future cultivation, just look for a stronger sign airway in the future."

"The most important thing is that you have to speed up your pace to improve your own strength following you."

"Otherwise, too many adults are left behind, how can you be a competent follower?"

Xiao Yi shook his head.

The one-eyed bald head smiled, "My lord, I think you will have another hard fight soon."

"Are you ready?"

Xiao Yi looked into the distance, "has entered the next star field."

"Yeah." One-eyed bald head smiled, "Marked by the Void Star Chart, this is the Ancient Sword Star Region."


Second more.

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