Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3931: The six evil generals

Beyond the world, on the fringe, fierce fighting reignited.

The ancient sword division alliance strong, the ancient sword realm master mansion strong, and the ancient sword realm strong all sides, are fighting like a raging fire with the dense swallowing spirit beasts.

Obviously, he had just experienced the animal tide not long ago, and it stands to reason that there would never be another animal tide.

Things seem extremely strange.

But now, no one has that leisure and thinking too much.

The spilt blood, the broken and fragmented corpses floating in the void, made this place where the rays of light outside the heaven and the earth shined, and turned into an Asura Purgatory Field.

Moreover, the beast wave this time was significantly more intense and more numerous than the previous one.

On the other hand, on the side of the ancient sword world, the battle has not been eliminated for a long time, and it is obviously a tired teacher.

In the battle, the most dazzling is undoubtedly Xiao Yi's 400 elite.

They also participated in the last great war in the tide of beasts, but they seemed to be untired and fought in blood.

If it weren't for these four hundred elites to share the pressure, I am afraid that although the ancient sword world was undefeated, they would have fallen short, and the spirit swallowing tribe would invade the world, kill the creatures in the world and devour the power in the world.

The forefront of the battlefield, the most intense place, still belongs to Lin Huang.

It's just that Lin Huang's current situation is also bad.

The huge Spirit Devouring Clan that surrounded him had more than a dozen heads, all of which were extremely powerful in the monarch realm.

"Leader." In the distance, Chen Feng shouted violently, "This beast tide is extremely wrong."

"Only our ancient sword division alliance can't hold the ancient sword world at all."

Lin Huang's face was ugly, and he gritted his teeth, "The number of Spirit Devouring Races seems to be endless, it's not normal at all."

"I have crushed the jade pendant for help."

"The branch alliances in the nearby star regions will receive a letter of request for help immediately, and they will come to support soon."

"We can hold it, and we must stick to the ancient sword world."

"Yes." Chen Feng replied, and the sharp sword in his hand split a spirit swallowing tribe into pieces.

"Exit." At this moment, he shouted coldly.

Around Lin Huang, a desolate yellow wind swiftly blows, and the void wind that originally exists in the void suddenly blows with a hundredfold power.

The spirit-swallowing tribe with the ultimate power of the monarchy is constantly weathering at a speed visible to the naked eye in the yellow wind and strong void wind, and is constantly being blown into nothingness.

In a short moment, a dozen or so heads of the Extreme Sovereign Realm Spirit Devouring Race fell on the spot.

Lin Huang was startled and looked far away at the one-eyed bald head.

At this moment, the one-eyed bald head had already dropped the blindfold, but under the blindfold, there was obviously a blood stain on his face.

It was like a **** tears, dripping from his covered eyes, running down his face.

"Uh." The one-eyed bald head gritted his teeth, "Sure enough, the time since the last time I used the red pupil is too short, it is too reluctant to use it forcibly."

"Fortunately, I broke through the extreme monarch realm before and greatly reduced the pressure."

The one-eyed bald head secretly rejoiced.


Lin Huang with a one-eyed bald head flying in the air.

"Leader Lin Huang, I'm afraid you and I will go into the edge of darkness." The one-eyed bald head looked solemn.

"With my strength alone, I can never get an adult out of trouble or even out of danger."

"What did you say?" Lin Huang's expression was startled.

"You mean, little friend Yi Xiao suddenly disappeared before, but he hasn't been seen now. Is he trapped in the void and darkness?"

"With his strength..."

The one-eyed bald face was extremely solemn.

Looking at this expression, Lin Huang already realized that there was something wrong with it.

The old but sharp eyes stared directly into the distance in the void and darkness.

Lin Huang thought to himself, "Although the old man is not as strong as the little friend Yi Xiao, but I am also a warrior in the Yanlong domain, I am a senior, and he is just a little guy, and the old man should protect him if he tries his best."

Lin Huang scanned the surrounding battlefield, "Although the strong side of the ancient sword world is completely at a disadvantage, it is not difficult to stick to the line of defense for a period of time."

"The nearby sub-union will support it soon, and the beast wave will be resolved by then."

"let's go."

Lin Huang made a sound, and then took the lead, and the sword flew into the void and darkness.

The one-eyed bald head hurriedly followed.


Within the void and darkness.

Xiao Yi held his hand and did not move.

He didn't even condense the flame.

All around, it was dark and cold.

However, he seemed to be able to see through the depths of this icy darkness, knowing every move of the darkness around him.

His footsteps are moving slowly, although only within a few feet, his footsteps are mysteriously changing.

Look more realistically, there are giant beasts around him.

No, it's all in all directions, giant beasts waiting around.

There were huge spirit swallowing races, a few giant monsters, and some strange races he couldn't recognize.

But without exception, these are all giant beasts, and all of them are powerful and powerful.

What's it like to be surrounded by dozens of giant beasts with power?

For others, it is definitely a panic.

But for Xiao Yi, there was only a trace of stagnation in his eyes.

But in fact, this dignity does not come from the bloodthirsty gaze of the giant beasts around it, but... a certain creature that is deeper in this darkness.

Yes, Xiao Yi is very clear and sure that there is a more terrifying existence in this darkness.

It was so terrible that even Xiao Yi couldn't get out of it now, and he had to stand still.

This was definitely one of the toughest enemies he encountered after Xiao Yi came to the heavens and the world.

But that's it.

He couldn't move, and the dozen or so monarch giant beasts around him and the powerful existence in the darkness were equally unable to move.

It seems that Xiao Yi is confined here.

Isn't it because Xiao Yi pinned these guys.

He couldn't move, even unable to force a shot at this moment, force a fight.

He was quite sure that if he moved first, the consequence would definitely be a flaw, and then he was besieged by a dozen behemoths, tore him to pieces, and the existence in the darkness was ready to strike a fatal blow.

But at the same time, the dozen behemoths could not move either.

These dozen behemoths are definitely within the control of existence in this darkness.

If these dozen behemoths moved first and attacked Xiao Yi, it would instantly reveal the exact location of the existence in the darkness, showing flaws, and welcoming Xiao Yi's equally ready fatal blow.

In the dark, the invisible game seemed even stranger, but also more dangerous and deadly.

Every step of Xiao Yi's movement, even though he accurately locked the hidden changes of existence in the darkness, it was not bad, and even the first opportunity was not lost.

If he takes a wrong step and misses the first opportunity, he will wait for the storm-like attack.

The figure in the darkness waited for Xiao Yi Wanhuo to strike, even if it showed half of its flaws.

The two sides are so deadlocked.

But at this moment, outside the darkness, two figures flew quickly, passing through the darkness, and leaping towards Xiao Yi.

With one-eyed bald head, he had determined the location of Xiao Yi before and rushed to it with Lin Huang at full speed.

Xiao Yi noticed the unusual movement behind him, and said in secret, "Oops."

The two figures are getting closer.

Xiao Yi's eyes changed and he shouted coldly, "Idiot, don't come in."

The voice just fell.

Within a few breaths, Lin Huang and the one-eyed bald head had fallen a few steps behind Xiao Yi.

"Little friend Yi Xiao." Lin Huang looked worried.

"My lord." One-eyed head with concern.

But in an instant, the two felt the cold, bloodthirsty and dangerous eyes in all directions.

"Naughty animal, you are looking for death." Lin Huang yelled violently, and a flame of sword aura poured out.

At the same time, there was a sneer in the darkness.

A dozen behemoths swarmed up.

"Bad." Xiao Yi's eyes changed drastically, and he quickly stepped back, guarding Lin Huang two feet within himself.

But at the same time, the figure in the dark finally moved.

The icy momentum came like a storm.

In the darkness, a cold white jade flute cut through the darkness and came straight to the point of Xiao Yi.


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