Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3933: Seven Star Angry Tiger

The sound of the flute is curvy, but not pleasing to the ear, on the contrary, it is extremely cold, adding the already cold breath in the void and darkness.

The sound of the flute radiated from the jade flute, but it seemed to form an enchantment around Han Xiaosheng, protecting it firmly.

The sound of the flute fills the void and darkness, and it has the effect of fascinating and as if it can shatter all human flesh, blood and spiritual knowledge.


Lin Huang came with a sword, but he was ten steps away from Han Xiaosheng.

The five sword auras seem to be powerful, but they seem to be resisted by an invisible barrier.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his lips moved slightly, and a sound was transmitted.

Lin Huang smiled with joy, "Is there any such miraculous effect?"

Lin Huang glanced at the sword in his hand and shook his arm suddenly, "Blood Flame Sword, point."

In an instant, Jiu Jian separated.

The breath of Lin Huang's body was sharp to the extreme in an instant, adding more killing and killing aura.

Lin Huang's figure flickered like nine phantoms, each holding a sword, surrounding Han Xiaosheng.

"Nine kills are all over." Lin Huang shouted violently.

Nine phantoms, nine blood-flaming swords, and nine sword auras have become a terrifying array of absolute killing.

Qiang Qiang...Boom!

After nine consecutive clanging sounds, it turned into a violent roar.

With Han Xiaosheng as the center, the void around him instantly annihilated.

"So strong sword formation martial arts." One-eyed bald head was taken aback.

Xiao Yi also secretly marveled.

Lin Huang's strength was originally only in the ultimate emperor realm, with full combat power, which was also the ordinary emperor's power.

The top of the sky is the level of the Crazy Sabre Monarch he fought back then.

Coupled with the increase of the blood flame sword, I am afraid that it will be the level of the emperor that is slightly famous in the heavens of the red wolf emperor.

But now, under nine kills, the power of that instant has exploded, which is absolutely comparable to the power of the emperor of the famous Emperor Yan.

This is the important part of a method that fits the strength of one's major.

That is something that can truly pour out one's own combat power.

Nine kills will kill Xiao Yi, too.

Back then, he also showed his power with a burst of power, and he was quite powerful.

But now it is far from Lin Huang.

In other words, it is not pure power that can really exert the power of nine kills and all destructions, but the martial power that fits with it.

Cultivation is the foundation, the power is pale, and the martial arts is the most powerful force.

Lin Huang's combined use of martial arts is extremely delicate and far surpasses Xiao Yi.

Under the fusion of martial arts, the nine kills and extinctions displayed are reconstructed, and the power is terrible.

However, the sword qi dissipated, and the sound of Han Xiaosheng's body protection flute was shaken, but after all, it did not dissipate and was not injured.

Han Xiaosheng's strength is far beyond imagination.

Lin Huang frowned, the sword energy in his hand pouring out again.

Xiao Yi nodded secretly, "Sure enough, the means of martial arts integration is still needed."

"Within the Sovereign Realm, you can't get out of this category after all."

"It seems that I have to grasp the intensive training of martial arts integration."

Of course, he actually knew very well that even with the huge power gap, Lin Huang was definitely not Han Xiaosheng's opponent even if he had the blood flame sword and the increase of Nine Kills.

He didn't make any moves, but contained the giant beasts around the monarch level, and looked at the ability of this Void Beast Master.

This is the real beast master.

As early as many years ago, when he first appeared in the Eastern Regions, he had already heard of the name of the master beast control, and was amazed at the subtle and mysterious of the beast control ring.

But after that, he traveled all over the Eastern Region and never saw a real beast master. According to the rumors, it was the glory of martial arts left over from ancient times.

However, when he arrived in the middle domain, and rushed through the middle domain, he still hadn't seen a real beast master.

At most, there are warriors who have the method of restraining demons and barely seem to control beasts.

Until now, in these heavens and tens of thousands of realms, he has truly seen the master of beast control.

That person can match the abilities of the Host, the terrifying ability to unleash the beast at every turn.

That obviously is only the emperor's combat power, but it can conquer dozens of emperor behemoths for himself.



In the ancient sword world.

In the realm master's mansion, at the teleportation formation, suddenly a burst of light surged.

Under the confluence of the amazing space power and the power of the formation, a figure jumped out of the large teleportation formation.

The figure is burly, with a sharp face.

After a glance, the figure's gaze finally settled on the sky.

Whoosh... Don't hesitate, the figure rises from the sky in an instant.

In a breath, across the distance of the sky, to the world outside.

After another breath, the figure crossed the edge of the void and went straight into the darkness.

In the dark.

Lin Huang just reacted, "No, the help of the sub-league is here."

Han Xiaosheng grinned with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, "coming."

He seems to have been waiting.

Whoosh... a figure arrives instantly.

As soon as the figure fell, a storm-like momentum rushed in, instantly dispelling the opportunity of the confrontation that originally belonged to Xiao Yi and Han Xiaosheng.

It is not difficult to imagine how fast this figure was before it could produce such a powerful force.

Moreover, the speed is so fast that it even exceeds the wind speed.

When the figure fell, the surging power of the storm surged from behind.

"Huh? You are..." In the distance, Lin Huang glanced at the person with a shocked expression on his face.

Xiao Yi glanced at the figure a few steps away, and was shocked, "So strong."

That amazing sense of oppression surpassed any emperor he had encountered so far.

That kind of harsh and solemn intentions surpassed any warrior he had ever encountered.

The number of creatures this person has killed is definitely an astronomical number.

far away.

Han Xiaosheng glanced at the incoming person, his expression suddenly changed, "Why are you here?"

The visitor didn't speak, but glanced around.

Roar...The figure of the coming person moved in an instant, and in the figure, it was like the sound of the Wuthering Mountains.

Here, it is not in the mountains and forests, but in the vast void.

Such a sound of howling, is it just a simple figure that erupts?

The figure's hands are in claws, and the seven-star light surges on the claws.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of giant monarch beasts around were divided alive and died.

As the sharp claw passed, the void and darkness were severely torn apart.

"So strong." Xiao Yi was shocked, "Waving his hand to cut through the void and darkness?"

Is this really powerful combat power?

Is this the level of combat that an emperor should play in the void and darkness?

The figure immediately struck Han Xiaosheng away.

"So strong, it deserves to be the leader of the angry tiger." Lin Huang looked overjoyed.

At this moment, Xiao Yi also saw it truly, "Demon race, rare type, violent type, seven-star angry tiger."

In the distance, Han Xiaosheng's face changed drastically, ignoring Lin Huang's sword energy that could not hurt him at all, and the jade flute violently shook out in his hand.

The cold white jade flute, the laughter was shaking, and the way I passed along the way was frozen.

As the figure's claws passed, the seven-star rays of light surged, blasting through all the way, piercing the void all the way.


The sharp claw turned into a fist and collided with Yu Xiao instantly.

The figure remained motionless.

Han Xiaosheng's jade flute trembled.


Silky cracks appeared on Yu Xiao.

Han Xiaosheng's face changed drastically, and his figure retreated.

"Want to run?" The figure made a sound for the first time, rough and fierce.

The figure blasted out with a punch.

The fist wind passed, and the darkness of the void was directly blasted out of a path of hundreds of millions of miles of nothingness.

Han Xiaosheng was nowhere to be seen.

I only heard a muffled grunt and a **** voice in the darkness in the distance.

The figure frowned, but didn't chase deeply. He turned his head and looked beyond the darkness, and then looked at both Xiao Yi.

After seeing the Yanlong League token hanging on the waists of the two of Xiao Yi, they retracted their eyes and looked at Lin Huang.

"Lin Huang sub-leader." The figure said.

Lin Huang rushed forward, arching his hands, "Ruling the angry tiger, where did you come from?"

"I sent it, but it's a signal for help from nearby star regions."

The figure shook his head, "Following the orders of the general lord, we will rush to assist the various circles of the alliance."

"The matter is urgent, I don't have time to explain more now."

"The remaining beast tide in the Ancient Sword World is not too serious. The Ancient Sword Alliance can handle it, so I won't waste time here."

When the voice fell, the figure turned and left.

But a moment before he left, his sharp gaze fell on Xiao Yi again, and he glanced at Xiao Yi and then at Xiao Yi.

I don't know why, this pupil, this figure, he has a somewhat inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The figure paused for a moment, and then left without thinking too much.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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