Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3997: Yanlong League, Xiao Family!

"Xiao Bai."

The figure looked at Xiao Bai, chuckled, and called out.

The smile, like a spring breeze, makes people extremely comfortable.

At the same time, beside the figure, a figure turned around at the same time.

He was a middle-aged man, dressed in blue and white clothes, and his face was equally handsome, but the sharpness on his face was incomparable.

The two figures looked towards Xiao Bai together, and then walked slowly.

Xiao Yi's gaze remained unchanged, and his heart was actually a bit complicated, but there was no change in his gaze.

He was sure that the person he had been looking for was finally found today.

The figure dressed in white is the **** of the Xiao family, Xiao Chenfeng.

"Father." Xiao Bai said with joy first.

See it more seriously, his gaze, what he really looked at, was the figure in the blue and white clothes next to the Xiao family bastard.

Then, Xiao Baifang looked at the **** of the Xiao family, and bowed his hands, "Uncle, no, the general leader."

Xiao Bai's tone was also joyful, but somewhat shy.

Xiao family bastard, no, Xiao Chenfeng, chuckled lightly, "In my own family land, what do you call the general leader?"

"Yes, big..." Xiao Bai just wanted to say.

The figure in the blue and white clothes beside Xiao Chenfeng glared at Xiao Bai sharply, "Little bastard, do you dare to overstep?"

Xiao Bai's face twitched, and his head shrank, only to say, "Patriarch."

"Haha, come on." Xiao Chenfeng glanced at the middle-aged man next to him, "Xiao Bai was a whole life of nine deaths and twists and turns."

"But I still completed all the tasks perfectly, and stood here without injury or damage. It is good enough."

The middle-aged man beside him said solemnly, "Patriarch, this kid Xiao Bai has always been arrogant and can't praise him."

Xiao Chenfeng shook his head, his eyes suddenly fell on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's gaze also kept falling on Xiao Chenfeng.

For this reason, the two eyes collided almost instantly.

Xiao Yi still had the same eyes, and said nothing.

He just looked at this gaze, at the vicissitudes, depression and maturity contained in it.

He also just looked at these eyes, these are double star eyes, which are clear and beautiful, and they are also double sword eyes, sharp and heroic.

Xiao Chenfeng frowned.

He was also looking at the staring gaze, looking at the same vicissitudes, depression, and maturity in it.

He also just looked at these eyes, indescribable, but clear and fierce, not half heroic, but delicate.

"Little friend, have we met before?" Xiao Chenfeng frowned after all and asked.

Xiao Yi said nothing.

"Little friend?" Xiao Chenfeng said again.

His voice is very nice.

It is obviously the normal voice of a mature man, but how does it sound so comfortable?

Xiao Yi was still silent.

Aside, Lin Huang slammed Xiao Yi with his arm, "I said kid Yi Xiao, what's the matter with you today?"

"How come the burning moon heavens have been weird?"

The middle-aged man in the blue and white clothes frowned and looked at Xiao Yi, "Wearing a mask, I can't see his face clearly."

"But looking at these eyes, it looks like a handsome little guy too."

"I never thought I was a dumb boy, but it's a pity."

When Xiao Yi heard the sound, his eyes remained unchanged, but he said indifferently, "You are dumb."

Xiao Yi knew this middle-aged man in blue and white.

In my memory, this guy also exists.

This middle-aged man, named Xiao Yuan, was once the most outstanding talent of the younger generation of the Xiao family except for Xiao Chenfeng.

When Xiao Chenfeng disappeared mysteriously, the Xiao family naturally sent many members of the family out to search.

This Xiao Yuan is one of them.

Speaking of which, he is Xiao Chenfeng's cousin.

In other words, Xiao Yi had to call this guy "Uncle".

Xiao Yi's afterglow glanced at Xiao Bai.

This guy is Xiao Bai's father, so in other words, Xiao Bai is his cousin.

No wonder he felt an inexplicable sense of connection when he first saw Xiao Bai.

They were both from the Xiao family.

"Father." At this time, Xiao Bai stared at Xiao Yuan dissatisfiedly, "This is Brother Yi, if there wasn't Brother Yi along the way..."

"We all know." Xiao Chenfeng laughed first.

"In the Frozen Stars, we all know about the ambush of the eighteen-point leader of the Cold Abyss Alliance, as well as the things in the clouds and the sky."

Xiao Chenfeng looked at Xiao Yi, "Along the way, thanks to the little friends who have repeatedly helped Xiao Bai."

Xiao Yuan also looked at Xiao Yi and said with a smile, "I was just joking with my little friend."

"Dogs have always been unreliable, and it's hard for the little friends along the way."

Xiao Yi couldn't help muttering, "I think Xiao Bai is more reliable."

With that, he glanced at Xiao Chenfeng and Xiao Yuan.

These two people left the Xiao family one after the other, and disappeared as soon as they left.

On unreliability, Xiao Bai couldn't catch up with these two people.

"Lin Huang, come here." Xiao Chenfeng looked at Lin Huang and said.

"Yes, the general leader." Lin Huang replied with a respectful voice.

"Xiao Yuan." Xiao Chenfeng looked at Xiao Yuan again and ordered, "You can't slack off the competition and training of the Xiao family juniors, you watch."

"Patriarch rest assured." Xiao Yuan nodded.

"Xiao Bai." Xiao Chenfeng turned to look at Xiao Bai, "I have to deal with the affairs of the alliance. You will entertain the little friend Yi Xiao for me."

"Patriarch rest assured." Xiao Bai smiled.

Xiao Chenfeng's gaze finally fell on Xiao Yi, "As for little friend Yi Xiao, this is your first time in the Zong League."

"Walk around first, get familiar with it, and I will call you later."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi replied indifferently.

Xiao Chenfeng already took Lin Huang and left slowly.

Xiao Yuan walked back to the competition stage again.

On the spot, Xiao Bai said joyfully, "Brother Yi, have you really listened to what the leader said just now?"

"What he told you to be familiar with in the General League means that you may be allowed to stay in the General League in the future instead of serving in other sub-confederations."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

Xiao Bai smiled and said, "Brother Yi, don't be so cold."

"Go, I'll take you around the league."

Xiao Yi nodded.

The two walked slowly.

Xiao Bai introduced as he walked.

Xiao Yi, while walking, looked around.

Here, it is indeed more like a family land.

Each of the competition platforms, the bluestone roads at the foot, looking into the distance, there is a bamboo forest.

How similar is all of this to the Xiao Family in Ziyun City?

Xiao Yi was even so dazed, only to feel that he was returning to the Xiao family.

However, there are no elders who love him, Xiao Lihuo, the third elder Xiao Zhong, and so on.

Here, at the same time it seems very strange.

Here is more than a thousand times bigger than the Xiao family land?

Along the way, there are middle-aged people and young people of all kinds.

On the competition stage, almost all of them are young people.

While Xiao Yi looked at it, he was secretly surprised.

Regardless of the faces of these middle-aged people or the faces of young people, they are all young creatures, and the traces of their longevity are consistent with their faces.

In other words, there are indeed middle-aged people who are at most tens of years old, but a hundred years old, and young people who are indeed in their teens or early twenties.

And... there is no old guy, no old creature.

Xiao Bai smiled as he walked, "We are almost at the General League."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Isn't this the General League?"

Xiao Bai shook his head, "No, this is our Xiao family land."

"The entire general alliance has a huge scope, and it is divided into two sides. One side is the land of the general alliance, dealing with matters of the Yanlong League."

"On one side is the land of our Xiao family. All the members of our Xiao family are members of the Yanlong Legion."

"Xiao Family Land?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and instantly his eyes were cold.

This is really a family land.

Here, there is another Xiao family.

No wonder this **** has never returned to Xiao's house.

No wonder what we see here are all young creatures.

Did this guy founded the Xiao family here?

So, what about the Xiao Family in Eastern Ziyun City? Does he remember?


Second more.

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