Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 3999: Where is Ziyun Qingtian?

"Brother Yi, let's look at this big Xiao family."

Xiao Bai Gao glanced around.

"Do you know how much time, baptism and wind and rain it takes a family from its birth to reproduction and prosperity?"

"If there is no Patriarch, he can prop up the sky with one hand, the Xiao Family can't stand the wind and rain in this endless void."

"If there is no owner of the family, he will work hard, even less likely to have this famous Yanlong League Xiao family in just a few decades."

Xiao Bai took a deep breath, "Let's talk about the Yanlong Legion."

"The Yanlong Legion belongs to the most elite force of the Yanlong League, and it is completely independent of the Yanlong League."

"And the composition of the Yanlong League, the highest is the commander, that is, the head of the family; the second is the commander."

"Nine legions, each legion has a presidential leader, and 11 commanders, a total of 108."

"And under each commander, there are at least four or five deputy commanders who have the right to mobilize the army."

"The next subdivision is an elite team with a captain and a team leader, each with their own leadership."

"In short, the entire Yanlong Legion is huge and divided into layers."

"And the responsibility of the Yanlong Legion is to assist the major sites of the Yanlong League, deal with those powerful enemies, and complete tasks that can be called impossible."

"There are so many things that need to be planned by the Patriarch."

"It can be said that the Yanlong Legion is the most important warrior power of the Great Yanlong League."

"So the Patriarch needs to be cautious in everything, otherwise it will be a serious injury."

"Our Yanlong League, without the Emperor Realm, cannot afford to suffer these blows."

Xiao Bai sighed, "Finally, it is the Yanlong League itself."

"Three thousand leagues are spread across the heavens and all realms; the territory of a single league is actually far more than one realm."

"The major leagues are the foundation and foundation of the entire Yanlong League."

"Collect training resources to support the operation of the entire force, as well as intelligence work, dealing with major forces, maintaining balance, and so on."

"The Patriarch is also the general leader. These are all responsibilities he has to take on."

Xiao Bai said solemnly, "The Xiao Family, the Yanlong Legion, and the Yanlong League are all burdens carried by the Patriarch."

"So the Patriarch is very tired."

"However, the Patriarch has never let any of us down."

"In our eyes, the Patriarch is like a god, omnipotent, and even more invincible. There is no crisis that he can't do and can't cope with."

Xiao Bai said proudly again, "Decades ago, the Yanlong League was declining, and the site was eroded by nearly half of the remaining two leagues, and the Yanlong Legion was like scattered sand."

"Until the Patriarch turned out, he founded the Xiao Family, reorganized the Yanlong Legion, and counterattacked the Second League. In just a few decades, Fang regained the Yanlong League to fight against the other Second Leagues."

"It's hard for me to understand Patriarch's amazing talents. I can only tell you that since the Patriarch reorganized the Flame Dragon Legion, the Flame Dragon Legion is hard to defeat in every battle."

"Especially the one under the command of our Xiao family, who will win all battles."

"Since the Patriarch took over the Yanlong League, the territory of the Yanlong League has only expanded, not contracted."

"Either the despicable Cold Abyss Alliance or the cruel and fierce bloodthirsty alliance. If we destroy one of our alliances, we will be able to counterattack at least three of its alliances."

"For decades, the Yanlong League has never had the spirit of defeating the Second League, and there has never been a time when the Second League flaunts my Yanlong League."

"A word." Xiao Bai smiled, "Patriarch is an invincible legend."

"Outsiders, it is a myth that has repeatedly created miracles, has the ability to turn the tide, and turn things around."

"For our Yanlong League, it is the undefeated sky."

"As for me, Xiao Bai, Patriarch, is the person I respect and admire most in my life."

"If one day, I can be half of the Patriarch, and I will be born and be a human being, without regrets in this life."

Xiao Yi was silent, silent.

This **** seems to be mixed up in the heavens and all realms.

Hearing what Xiao Bai said, the courage on the shoulders of this **** was indeed very heavy.

Xiao Yi himself had also held up the Eight Palaces, naturally knowing the difficulties and troubles that all directions are enemies, and everything needs to be done personally, which is uncomfortable.

But... all this is not the reason why the **** has not returned to Xiao's house for decades, and there is no news.

If he was replaced by Xiao Yi and left the Xiao family for decades, the elders of the Xiao family would not know the life or death, he would definitely not do this.

Even if there are enemies from all directions, it is not the reason to leave the family behind.

This bastard, in his heart, is there really the Xiao Family in Ziyun City, and the Great Elders?

He was born in the endless void, supported the Yanlong League, and became a legend.

But what about the Xiao family in Ziyun City? Is the life and death of the Xiao family in Ziyun City not worth mentioning?

Back then, if it weren't for Xiao Yi who was born, is there still Xiao Family in Ziyun City today?

Xiao Yi's eyes were still cold.

Xiao Bai still took Xiao Yi around, chatting as he walked.

With Xiao Yi's ability, his emotional changes, if he didn't want outsiders to know, it was definitely not something Xiao Bai, a young evildoer could detect.


After a few hours.

Xiao Bai took Xiao Yi back to the vicinity of the martial arts platform, found a stone bench casually, and sat down.

"Huh, it's been so long, Brother Yi, shall we take a break?" Xiao Bai smiled.

Xiao Yi nodded, sat down, and glanced at the two young talents who were competing on the martial arts stage in the distance.

These two people are only fifteen or sixteen years old, but they have the first level of cultivation in the monarch realm, and they are amazing.

Not long after the discussion ended, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a deacon shouted, "Winner, Xiao Hao."

"Acknowledge." On the competition stage, a slightly tender and confident voice came out.

The middle-aged man looked at Xiao Yi and Xiao Bai's side, but walked over.

"This one must be Zi Yan, Yi Xiao, who is in the limelight recently." The middle-aged man, on the contrary, took the lead to look at Xiao Yi.

"Oh? Uncle Baili, you also know Brother Yi?" Xiao Bai asked with a smile.

"I know it." The middle-aged man said solemnly, "I am not only serving as the deacon of the Xiao family's Jiangwutang, but also serving as the army's intelligence work. How can I not know?"

"It's you Xiao Bai. The Patriarch asked you to take this little friend Yi Xiao to the General League, but why did you take him around in our Xiao family?"

Xiao Bai smiled, "Brother Yi wants to walk around Xiao's house, so I will..."

The middle-aged man frowned and interrupted, "Family land, you take an outsider around and walk around, don't you have any points?"

Xiao Bai frowned, "Brother Yi is my savior..."

Xiao Yi was the first to say, "It's just that I heard that the Xiao family of the Yanlong League is so famous, I want to see it on a whim."

"If Deacon Xiao Baili feels wrong, someone Yi will stop here, just sit here and stop walking."

"Hehe, after all, Xiao Jia of the Yanlong League is so famous that he wouldn't dare to make any mistakes."

Xiao Yi said indifferently, but the words sounded a little bit inexplicably joking.


Fourth more. (Make up)

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