Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4010: The body of the emperor, collapsed

"To condense the original martial arts, you don't need to have the heavenly way, right?"

Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"No need." Old Jin shook his head, "I know what you want to ask."

"Just like Xiao Bai, he holds 9 sword paths and 9 halberd paths in his palm."

"Nine marks the soul road, 9 marks the phantom road, and 9 marks the wind channel."

"And 9 body ways."

"He is already a real emperor, but he has 9 other ice roads."

"Bing Dao is not one of the Ten Great Dao of Heaven; but if there is no accident, he will use the Ice Dao to attack the Emperor Realm in the future and condense the original martial art of the Ice Dao."

"Although the ice road does not belong to the ten heavenly realms, it will not be easy to fit the world and imprint it in the future."

"But impact and condensing are already a test of the talent of the impact person and their understanding and control of this martial art."

"The Ten Great Dao of Heaven is easier to imprint in the world, but Xiao Bai's understanding is not deep enough."

"Ice Road is difficult to imprint in the world, but Xiao Bai is better at Ice Road."

"If the two pairs are compared, the ice road will be more likely to hit the emperor realm."

"I understand." Xiao Yi nodded.

Elder Jin continued, "It is said that those who are able become emperors, and those who are incompetent become emperors."

"But the fact is that the category of the'capable' is placed in a very high position and the scope is very small."

"You want to know that there are only ten martial arts at the peak of the monarch realm, so there is so little hope to attack the emperor realm."

"Why don't you join the emperor and wait until you have accumulated enough capital? This will be more secure."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Teached."

"But since the impact of the imperial realm does not necessarily require the heavenly path, why should the emperor be limited to the sixth of the ten heavenly paths?"

"Because of strength." Old Jin replied, "and the same is true. The ten heavenly ways can better integrate martial arts, including with other martial arts."

"If you don't have the strength, why do you have enough time to save? Maybe one day it will suddenly fall."

"Of course, your situation is more special. You don't need to cultivate Heavenly Dao specifically, and you can also have combat power above the top emperor."

"But you can never be a real emperor."

"The strength of the emperor comes from within."

"Six ways of heaven, 54 in total, are enough to build a sign domain in the body."

"Domain?" Xiao Yi frowned.

After the celestial realm, the holy realm cultivation base can build a realm with enough complete martial arts.

"Not bad." Jin Lao said solemnly, "The domain needs to be constructed by a complete martial art."

"After the Holy Land, you can have this method."

"In the future, the holy king, holy emperor, and holy sovereign state will control more and more complete martial arts, constructing more and more powerful domains."

"However, this field is limited to the normal world."

Elder Jin continued, "After the Holy Venerable Realm, what is emphasized is the integration of martial arts."

"The significance of martial arts integration is to mark martial arts and prepare for breakthroughs in the monarchy."

"And after marking the martial arts, it is the fusion of each other, which is the practice after the monarch realm and has been crossed to the peak of the monarch realm."

"And at the emperor level, with enough mark martial arts, a void domain can be constructed."

Xiao Yi was startled, "I understand, the so-called resonance between heaven and earth."

"The previous practice, controlling more and more complete martial arts, is based on this to resonate with the world."

"The emperor's level relies on more and more symbolic martial arts to resonate with this void."

"Smart." Old Jin said with a smile, "For the creatures under the emperor, the void is a dead place, because there is no supply of power."

"But the emperor can take a trace of power from the void."

"Although there is only a trace, it is enough for an emperor to fight to exhaustion without losing his strength."

"In a normal world, warriors rely on the spiritual energy of the world to supply."

"In the void, it relies on the power of the void."

"The power of the entire void world is unimaginable."

"So that's the case." Xiao Yi repeatedly said, "No wonder, no wonder."

"The emperor has just begun to have the ability to walk in the void and supply."

"And the emperor is the limit that can transmit a large lineup."

"No wonder it is said that the emperor is rampant in the void, and the emperor is the most troublesome and tricky existence in this endless void."

Old Jin smiled, "So, to attack the emperor realm, I want to imprint my condensed original martial arts into the void world."

"If you have given it from the Void Realm, the Void World resonates, and it is also a preparation for yourself to attack the Emperor Realm."

"I understand." Xiao Yi nodded heavily.

"The emperor level is basically to prepare for the imperial realm."

"To attack the imperial realm, you need to mark martial arts as materials, so the emperor will master a lot of mark martial arts."

"To hit the emperor realm, the ten heavenly realms are easier, and can build a realm of void resonance, so the emperor masters the six heavenly realms."

Xiao Yi continued, "It is not helpless to take the path of the emperor."

"It's because I didn't know for sure, and didn't want to stagnate in strength, so I continued to move forward and continue to save on the path of the emperor."

Old Jin smiled, "Then do you have anything to ask now?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Nothing."

"Originally, I was under pressure and even a little bit scared about the choice between the imperial realm and the stepping into the emperor."

"But, knowing and fearing, knowing everything is easy."

"The road after me is the same as normal."

"If you are sure after the peak of the emperor realm, you will attack the emperor realm."

"I'm not sure, I will go with the emperor. Anyway, it's just postponing the time of impact on the emperor realm."

Old Jin nodded with a smile, and looked at Xiao Yi seriously.

"The leader asked me to come, in fact, to remind you of this."

"Emperor, although it is the title of strength, it is the path that warriors do not want to stagnate and move toward."

"But in the final analysis, the emperor level is to save and prepare to attack the emperor realm."

"You must remember this clearly. Becoming an emperor is to attack the emperor realm."

"It's definitely not for strength."

"If you move forward only for strength, and become emperor for strength, one day, you will sink into the mud and cannot extricate yourself."

Old Jin said with a smile, "I'm afraid that you don't know anything, and you are stunned, so I will guide you."

"But now it seems that you are a wise man, and the old man saves his heart."

"Thanks." Xiao Yi got up and arched his hands.

Old Jin waved his hand, just about to say something.

Suddenly, in the depths of the Xiao family, an astonishing aura exploded.

And only for a moment, a rush of weather flow came out like catharsis.

The entire Xiao family land was caught in the raging air of catharsis.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned, "Out of control?"

"The impact of this intensity is at least the top emperor level."

"At this level, there shouldn't be situations where you can't control your own power, unless..."

Xiao Yi and Jin Lao looked at each other.

A touch of anxiety and worry suddenly appeared in Old Jin's eyes.

Xiao Yi had a touch of surprise in his eyes.


The two of them flashed into the depths of the clan in an instant.


Third more.

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